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Show Gist options
  • Save ncronquist/afd9e7e52b3e89dfeec4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ncronquist/afd9e7e52b3e89dfeec4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Snippet:How to use Gists for Sublime Text 2
  • Using package control, install Gists
  • Preferences -> Browse Packages -> Gist -> edit Gist.sublime-settings
  • Follow these directions to create GitHub access token -
  • Enter the token in Gist.sublime-settings
  • Uncomment "gist_prefix": "Snippet" (or whatever you would like to use, and make sure to add a comma to the last uncommented config line before that)
  • Save the settings
  • Open a new Sublime Text file and enter the text for your gist
  • Ctrl+Shift+p to open the command palette
  • Type Gist and select Create Public Gist
  • Enter the name of your Gist preceded by Snippet
  • Hit enter
  • No need to add a name so hit enter again
  • Finished
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