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Last active May 30, 2018 08:35
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exception RouteDoesNotMatch
exception MalformedRouteString of string
exception MalformedQueryString of string
exception MalformedQueryParameter of string* string* exn
type 'ty path =
| End: unit path
| Constant: string* 'ty path -> 'ty path
| String: string* 'ty path -> (string* 'ty) path
| Int: string* 'ty path -> (int* 'ty) path
| Float: string* 'ty path -> (float* 'ty) path
| Wildcard: 'ty path -> 'ty path
| Custom: string* (string -> 'a)* 'ty path -> ('a* 'ty) path
let rec evalPath : 't . 't path -> string list -> 't= fun (type t) ->
(fun route ->
fun parts ->
match (route, parts) with
| (End ,[]) -> ()
| (_,[]) -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch
| (End ,_) -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch
| (((Constant (value,tl))[@explicit_arity ]),str::next) when
value = str -> evalPath tl next
| (Constant _,_) -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch
| (((String (_,tl))[@explicit_arity ]),str::next) ->
(str, (evalPath tl next))
| (((Int (_,tl))[@explicit_arity ]),str::next) ->
let value =
try int_of_string str
with | Failure _ -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch in
(value, (evalPath tl next))
| (((Float (_,tl))[@explicit_arity ]),str::next) ->
let value =
try float_of_string str
with | Failure _ -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch in
(value, (evalPath tl next))
| (((Wildcard (tl))[@explicit_arity ]),_::next) ->
(try evalPath tl next
| RouteDoesNotMatch ->
evalPath ((Wildcard (tl))[@explicit_arity ]) next)
| (((Custom (_,parser,tl))[@explicit_arity ]),str::next) ->
let value = try parser str with | _ -> raise RouteDoesNotMatch in
(value, (evalPath tl next)) : t path -> string list -> t)
let a =
((String ("world", ((Int ("age", End))[@explicit_arity ])))[@explicit_arity
[@explicit_arity ])
let b = evalPath a ["hello"; "nick"; "24"]
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