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Created January 8, 2016 23:06
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class HSVColourDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI(Rect totalRect, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(totalRect, label, property);
SerializedProperty hueProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("_h");
SerializedProperty saturationProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("_s");
SerializedProperty valueProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("_v");
SerializedProperty alphaProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative("_a");
HSVColour hsvColour = EditorGUI.ColorField(totalRect, label, new HSVColour(hueProperty.floatValue, saturationProperty.floatValue, valueProperty.floatValue, alphaProperty.floatValue).ToRGB()).ToHSV();
hueProperty.floatValue = hsvColour.H;
saturationProperty.floatValue = hsvColour.S;
valueProperty.floatValue = hsvColour.V;
alphaProperty.floatValue = hsvColour.A;
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