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Created November 22, 2012 18:23
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An ogg player with libvorbis and cubeb in ooc
use cubeb
import cubeb
use vorbis
import vorbis
import structs/ArrayList, os/Time, io/FileWriter
main: func (args: ArrayList<String>) {
if (args size < 2) {
"Usage: %s FILE.ogg" printfln(args[0])
context := CubeContext new("oggplayer")
if (!context) {
"Error initializing cubeb stream" println()
stream := OggPlayer new(context, args[1])
stream start()
while (stream playing) {
Time sleepMilli(200)
stream destroy()
context destroy()
DataSource: abstract class {
channels: Int
rate: Int
width: Int
init: func (=channels, =rate, =width) {
read: abstract func (ptr: Pointer, bytes: Int) -> Int
getFrameSize: func -> Int {
channels * width / 8
OggSource: class extends DataSource {
path: String
file: OggFile
init: func (=path) {
"Opening ogg file %s" printfln(path)
file = OggFile new(path)
"Opened file, %s endian, %s words, %s" printfln(
file endianness == OggEndianness LITTLE ? "little" : "big",
file wordSize == OggWordsize WORD_8BIT ? "8bit" : "16bit",
file signedness == OggSignedness UNSIGNED ? "unsigned" : "signed"
"rate = %d, channels = %d" printfln(file info@ rate, file info@ channels)
super(file info@ channels, file info@ rate, file wordSize == OggWordsize WORD_8BIT ? 8 : 16)
read: func (ptr: Pointer, bytes: Int) -> Int {
file read(ptr, bytes)
OggPlayer: class extends CubeStream {
source: DataSource
pipe: FramePipe
playing := true
init: func (context: CubeContext, path: String) {
source = OggSource new(path)
pipe = FramePipe new(65_536, source)
params: CubeStreamParams
params format = CubeSampleFormat S16LE
params rate = source rate
params channels = source channels
super(context, "oggplayer: %s" format(path), params, 250)
stateChange: func (state: CubeState) {
match state {
case CubeState STARTED =>
"stream started" println()
case CubeState STOPPED =>
"stream stopped" println()
case CubeState DRAINED =>
"stream drained" println()
playing = false
case =>
"unknown stream state" println()
refill: func (dst: Int16*, nframes: Long) -> Long {
pipe write(dst, nframes)
FramePipe: class {
data: UInt8*
capacity: Long
size: Long = 0
offset: Long = 0
hasMore := true
channels: Int
framesize: Int
source: DataSource
init: func (=capacity, =source) {
framesize = source getFrameSize()
data = gc_malloc(capacity)
write: func (dst: UInt8*, requestedFrames: Long) {
written := 0
requested := requestedFrames * framesize
while (written < requested && hasMore) {
available := size - offset
if (available <= 0) {
remaining := requested - written
copysize := remaining < available ? remaining : available
memcpy(dst + written, data + offset, copysize)
offset += copysize
written += copysize
written / framesize
read: func {
offset = 0
size = source read(data, capacity)
if (size == 0) {
hasMore = false
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