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Created January 16, 2023 10:10
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Simple script outputting who likely has the most knowledge about an area of your code base
# Outputs the top 10 committers on the provided area, for the period provided,
# based on the number of commits, in the form of 4 columns:
# Lines added, Lines deleted, Number of commits, Author
# (This allows for easily re-sorting the output by piping it into `sort -nr -k COLUMN_NUMBER`)
# Tip: replace tabs with commas everywhere below to output valid CSV content.
# Sample output:
# $ ./ some/area/of/your/repo 2022-09-01
# Lines added Lines deleted Commits Author
# 5635 1813 91 "Jane Doe <>"
# 1283 874 79 "Someone Else <>"
# ...
readonly PATH_WITHIN_REPO=$1
readonly AFTER_DATE=$2
if [[ -z "$PATH_WITHIN_REPO" || -z "$AFTER_DATE" ]]; then
>&2 echo -e "Usage $0 PATH_WITHIN_REPO AFTER_DATE\n\twith AFTER_DATE being a date following the format YYYY-MM-DD"
exit 1
readonly SHORTLOG="$(git shortlog --no-merges -se --after="$AFTER_DATE" -- "$PATH_WITHIN_REPO" | sort -nr | head -n 10 | awk '{printf $1 "\t\t\""; for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF "\"" }')"
echo -e "Lines added\tLines deleted\tCommits\t\tAuthor"
for shortlog_entry in $SHORTLOG; do
AUTHOR="$(echo "$shortlog_entry" | sed -E 's/.*<(.*?)>.*/\1/')"
git log --no-merges --numstat --author="$AUTHOR" --after="$AFTER_DATE" -- "$PATH_WITHIN_REPO" | echo -e "$(awk 'NF==3 {plus+=$1; minus+=$2} END {printf("%d\t\t%d\n", plus, minus)}')\t\t$shortlog_entry"
unset IFS
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