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Last active April 24, 2017 12:13
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Sample event used with our Spring Boot/RabbitMQ solution
import lombok.Value;
// This code only works if compiling the code using javac's -parameters option (Java 8 only).
// With this option, Jackons can use the all-args constructor of our type.
// See for a more general solution.
public class EmailUpdated implements Event {
public static final String EXCHANGE_NAME = "";
String accountId;
String oldEmail;
String newEmail;
@RequestMapping(path = "/some/path", method = POST)
public ModelAndView updateEmail(@Valid NewEmailForm form) {
// ...
// call some account-handling service which ultimately does the following: EmailUpdated(accountId, oldEmail(), newEmail));
// ...
@RabbitEventListener(queue = "email.updated.mailchimp.queue")
public void emailUpdated(EmailUpdated event) {
updateMailChimpMember(event.getOldEmail(), event.getNewEmail());
// just a marker interface
public interface Event {}
// just a single fire method defined once and for all, no more overloads
public void fire(Event event) {
String exchangeName = obtainTheExchangeNameInSomeWay(event);
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(exchangeName, event);
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