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Created February 7, 2013 20:22
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Save ndmitchell/4733855 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shake build system for the nofib benchmark suite.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main(main) where
-- Standard libraries
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified System.Directory as IO
import System.Exit
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Process
-- CmdArgs - argument parsing
import System.Console.CmdArgs
-- Shake - build system
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
-- TEST CONFIGURATION - which tests are available to run
-- | These are directories that contain tests.
testRoots :: [String]
testRoots = words "imaginary spectral real parallel spectral/hartel"
-- | These are tests that are under testRoots, but should be skipped (all are skipped by the Makefile system)
disabledTests :: [String]
disabledTests = words "hartel last-piece secretary triangle ebnf2ps HMMS PolyGP rx cfd dcbm linsolv warshall"
-- | These tests are compiled by the Makefile system, but don't work for me (mostly GHC 7.4 breaks)
newlyDisabledTests :: [String]
newlyDisabledTests = words "power lift fulsom fluid"
-- | Directories containing tests that the system can run.
allTests :: IO [FilePath]
allTests = do
xs <- forM testRoots $ \x -> do
ys <- IO.getDirectoryContents x
return [x </> y | y <- ys, '.' `notElem` y, y `notElem` disabledTests, y `notElem` newlyDisabledTests]
fmap sort $ flip filterM (concat xs) $ \x -> do
b <- IO.doesDirectoryExist x
if not b then return False else
IO.doesFileExist $ x </> "Makefile"
-- ARGUMENT PARSING - mostly based on CmdArgs
data Nofib
= Clean
| Build
{clean :: Bool
,tests :: [String]
,way :: [String]
,threads :: Int
,compiler :: String
,tag :: String
,output :: String
,run :: Maybe Speed
,rts :: [String]
,times :: Int
,skip_check :: Bool
deriving (Data,Typeable,Show)
data Speed = Fast | Norm | Slow
deriving (Data,Typeable,Show)
nofibMode :: Mode (CmdArgs Nofib)
nofibMode = cmdArgsMode $ modes
&= help "Clean the build"
{clean = False &= groupname "Building" &= help "Clean before building"
,tests = [] &= args &= typ "TEST"
,way = [] &= help "Which way to build, defaults to -O1"
,threads = 1 &= name "j" &= typ "NUM" &= help "Number of threads, defaults to 1"
,compiler = "ghc" &= help "Compiler to use, defaults to ghc"
,tag = "" &= help "Tag to name the compiler, defaults to compiler --version"
,output = "" &= help "Where to put created files under _make, defaults to tag/way"
,run = Nothing &= groupname "Running" &= opt "norm" &= help "Run the results (Fast,Norm,Slow)"
,times = 1 &= help "Number of times to run each test"
,rts = [] &= help "Which RTS options to pass when running"
,skip_check = False &= help "Skip checking the results of the tests"
} &= auto &= help "Build"
&= help "Build and run"
&= summary "Nofib benchmark suite"
-- | Create a clean set of arguments, with any defaults filled in
nofibArgs :: IO Nofib
nofibArgs = do
args <- cmdArgsRun nofibMode
case args of
Clean -> return args
Build{..} -> do
way <- return $ let xs = concatMap words way in if null xs then ["-O1"] else xs
tag <- if tag == "" then compilerTag compiler else return tag
tests <- resolveTests tests
output <- return $ "_make" </> (if null output then tag </> intercalate "_" way else output)
return Build{..}
-- | Given the tests the user asked for, expand them out, e.g. real is the full real suite.
resolveTests :: [String] -> IO [String]
resolveTests [] = allTests
resolveTests finds = do
let slash1 x = "/" ++ map (\i -> if i == '\\' then '/' else i) x
slash2 x = slash1 x ++ "/"
tests <- allTests
let whole = filter (\test -> any (\find -> slash2 find `isInfixOf` slash2 test) finds) tests -- whole matches
let prefix = filter (\test -> any (\find -> slash1 find `isInfixOf` slash2 test) finds) tests -- prefix matches
let res = if null whole then prefix else whole
when (null res) $
error $ "The targets failed to match any programs: " ++ unwords finds
return res
-- | Find the default compiler string, e.g. ghc-7.4.1
compilerTag :: String -> IO String
compilerTag compiler = do
(_,stdout,_) <- readProcessWithExitCode compiler ["--version"] ""
let ver = takeWhile (\x -> isDigit x || x == '.') $ dropWhile (not . isDigit) stdout
return $ if null ver then "unknown" else ver
-- | Main program, just interpret the arguments and dispatch the tasks.
main = do
args <- nofibArgs
case args of
Clean -> removeDirectoryRecursive "_make"
Build{..} -> do
when clean $
removeDirectoryRecursive output
linker <- newResource "ghc linker" 1
shake shakeOptions
,shakeFiles=output ++ "/"
,shakeReport=Just $ output ++ "/shake_report.html"
,shakeVerbosity=Development.Shake.Loud} $
buildRules linker args
putStrLn "Build completed"
when (isJust run) $ do
ns <- mapM (runTest args) tests
let tot = length ns
bad = length $ filter not ns
t i = if i == 1 then "1 test" else show i ++ " tests"
if bad == 0 then
putStrLn $ "Ran " ++ t tot ++ " successfully"
putStrLn $ "WARNING: " ++ t bad ++ " failed, out of " ++ t tot
-- | Rules to build the given tests. For each test, there are three files
-- we care about:
-- * config.txt - a cleaned up version of the configuration out of Makefile,
-- created by convertConfig. Also contains "MAIN" which points at the name
-- of the Main module.
-- * Main.exe - the actual binary, produced by ghc linking everything.
-- * Main.deps - the files that Main.exe depends on, ghc -M.
-- * .hi/.o - files produced by ghc -c.
-- Most complication comes from modules not named Main, which still produce
-- Main.o object files (I think ghc -M gets these wrong).
buildRules :: Resource -> Nofib -> Rules ()
buildRules r Build{..} = do
let unoutput x =
let f x = if hasExtension x then f $ takeDirectory x else x
in f $ takeDirectory $ drop (length output + 1) x
want $ concat
[ [s </> "Main" <.> exe, s </> "config.txt"] | t <- tests, let s = output </> t]
"//config.txt" *> \out -> do
let dir = unoutput out
src <- readFileLines $ dir </> "Makefile"
let poss = ["Main.hs","Main.lhs",takeFileName dir <.> "hs",takeFileName dir <.> "lhs"]
bs <- filterM (doesFileExist . (dir </>)) poss
let mainMod = case bs of
[] -> error $ "Could not find Main file for " ++ dir
x:_ -> "MAIN = " ++ x
writeFileLines out $ mainMod : convertConfig src
("//Main" <.> exe) *> \out -> do
deps <- readFile' $ replaceExtension out "deps"
let os = nub [ if isLower $ head $ takeFileName x then replaceExtension out "o" else output </> x
| x <- words deps, takeExtension x == ".o"]
need os
config <- readConfig' $ takeDirectory out </> "config.txt"
let dir = unoutput out
obj = takeDirectory out
name = takeFileName dir
putNormal $ "==nofib== " ++ name ++ " : time to link " ++ name ++ " follows..."
withResource r 1 $
system' compiler $ ["-Rghc-timing","-rtsopts","-o"++out] ++ os ++ way ++ words (config "SRC_HC_OPTS")
putNormal $ "==nofib== " ++ name ++ ": size of " ++ name ++ " follows..."
system' "size" [out]
["//*.o","//*.hi"] *>> \[o,hi] -> do
let dir = unoutput o
obj = output </> dir
config <- readConfig' $ obj </> "config.txt"
let mod = let x = dropExtension $ drop (length obj + 1) o
in if x == "Main" then dropExtension $ config "MAIN" else x
src <- do b <- doesFileExist $ dir </> mod <.> "hs"
return $ dir </> mod <.> (if b then "hs" else "lhs")
deps <- readFileLines $ obj </> "Main.deps"
need [ if takeExtension r `elem` [".h",".hs",".lhs"] then r else output </> r
| lhs:":":rhs <- map words $ deps, dir </> mod <.> "o" == lhs, r <- rhs]
let name = takeFileName dir
putNormal $ "==nofib== " ++ name ++ " : time to compile " ++ mod ++ " follows..."
system' compiler $ ["-Rghc-timing","-c",src,"-w","-i"++obj,"-odir="++obj,"-hidir="++obj] ++
way ++ words (config "SRC_HC_OPTS")
putNormal $ "==nofib== " ++ name ++ ": size of " ++ takeFileName o ++ " follows..."
system' "size" [o]
"//Main.deps" *> \out -> do
let dir = unoutput out
config <- readConfig' $ takeDirectory out </> "config.txt"
system' compiler $ ["-w","-M",dir </> config "MAIN","-i" ++ dir,"-dep-makefile=" ++ out] ++
words (config "SRC_HC_OPTS")
src <- liftIO $ readFile out
need [x | x <- words src, takeExtension x `elem` [".hs",".lhs",".h"]]
-- | Run a test, checking stdout/stderr are as expected, and reporting time.
-- Return True if the test passes.
runTest :: Nofib -> String -> IO Bool
runTest Build{run=Just speed,..} test = do
putStrLn $ "==nofib== " ++ takeDirectory1 test ++ ": time to run " ++ takeDirectory1 test ++ " follows..."
config <- readConfig $ output </> test </> "config.txt"
let args = words (config "PROG_ARGS") ++ words (config $ map toUpper (show speed) ++ "_OPTS")
stdin <- let s = config "STDIN_FILE" in if s == "" then grab "stdin" else readFile $ test </> s
stats <- IO.canonicalizePath $ output </> test </> "stat.txt"
fmap and $ replicateM times $ do
start <- getCurrentTime
(code,stdout,stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCodeAndWorkingDirectory
test (output </> test </> "Main" <.> exe) (args++"+RTS":rts++["-t"++stats]) stdin
end <- getCurrentTime
stdoutWant <- grab "stdout"
stderrWant <- grab "stderr"
writeFile (output </> test </> "stdout") stdout
writeFile (output </> test </> "stderr") stderr
putStrLn $ show (floor $ fromRational (toRational $ end `diffUTCTime` start) * 1000) ++ "ms"
putStr =<< readFile stats
err <- return $
if not skip_check && stderr /= stderrWant then "FAILED STDERR\nWANTED: " ++ snip stderrWant ++ "\nGOT: " ++ snip stderr
else if not skip_check && stdout /= stdoutWant then "FAILED STDOUT\nWANTED: " ++ snip stdoutWant ++ "\nGOT: " ++ snip stdout
else if not skip_check && code /= ExitSuccess then "FAILED EXIT CODE " ++ show code
else ""
if null err then return True else putStrLn err >> return False
snip x = if length x > 200 then take 200 x ++ "..." else x
grab ext = do
let s = [test </> takeFileName test <.> map toLower (show speed) ++ ext
,test </> takeFileName test <.> ext]
ss <- filterM IO.doesFileExist s
maybe (return "") readFile $ listToMaybe ss
-- The Makefile's are slurped for configuration, to produce a cleaned-up config file
-- | Given the source of a Makefile, slurp out the configuration strings.
convertConfig :: [String] -> [String]
convertConfig xs = [remap a ++ " = " ++ b | x <- xs, let (a,b) = separate x, a `elem` keep]
remap x = x
separate x = (name,rest)
where (name,x2) = span (\x -> isAlpha x || x == '_') x
rest = dropWhile isSpace $ dropWhile (`elem` "+=") $ dropWhile isSpace x2
-- | Read a configuration file (new format) into a function supplying options.
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO (String -> String)
readConfig x = do
src <- readFile x
let res = [ (reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse a, dropWhile isSpace $ drop 1 b)
| y <- lines src, let (a,b) = break (== '=') y]
return $ \x -> fromMaybe "" $ lookup x res
-- | readConfig lifted into the Action monad.
readConfig' :: FilePath -> Action (String -> String)
readConfig' x = do
need [x]
liftIO $ readConfig x
-- | The executable extension on this platform.
exe :: String
exe = if os == "mingw32" then "exe" else ""
-- | Like the standard removeDirectoryRecursive, but doesn't fail if the path is missing.
removeDirectoryRecursive :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive x = do
b <- IO.doesDirectoryExist x
when b $ IO.removeDirectoryRecursive x
-- | Source for readProcessWithExitCode, plus addition of cwd
:: FilePath -- ^ directory to use
-> FilePath -- ^ command to run
-> [String] -- ^ any arguments
-> String -- ^ standard input
-> IO (ExitCode,String,String) -- ^ exitcode, stdout, stderr
readProcessWithExitCodeAndWorkingDirectory cwd cmd args input = do
(Just inh, Just outh, Just errh, pid) <-
createProcess (proc cmd args){ cwd = Just cwd,
std_in = CreatePipe,
std_out = CreatePipe,
std_err = CreatePipe }
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
out <- hGetContents outh
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length out) >> putMVar outMVar ()
err <- hGetContents errh
_ <- forkIO $ evaluate (length err) >> putMVar outMVar ()
when (not (null input)) $ do hPutStr inh input; hFlush inh
hClose inh
takeMVar outMVar
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
hClose errh
ex <- waitForProcess pid
return (ex, out, err)
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