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Created March 4, 2017 14:36
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Alga core
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Alga where
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Graph a
= Empty
| Vertex a
| Overlay (Graph a) (Graph a)
| Connect (Graph a) (Graph a)
deriving Show
class Graphable g a where
toGraph :: g a -> Graph a
empty :: g a
vertex :: a -> g a
overlay :: g a -> g a -> g a
connect :: g a -> g a -> g a
instance Graphable Graph a where
toGraph = id
empty = Empty
vertex = Vertex
overlay = Overlay
connect = Connect
fromGraph :: Graphable g a => Graph a -> g a
fromGraph Empty = empty
fromGraph (Vertex x) = vertex x
fromGraph (Overlay a b) = overlay (fromGraph a) (fromGraph b)
fromGraph (Connect a b) = connect (fromGraph a) (fromGraph b)
castGraph :: (Graphable g1 a, Graphable g2 a) => g1 a -> g2 a
castGraph = fromGraph . toGraph
overlays, connects, biconnects :: (Foldable t, Graphable g a) => t (g a) -> g a
overlays = foldr overlay empty
connects = foldr connect empty
biconnects = foldr biconnect empty
biconnect :: Graphable g a => g a -> g a -> g a
biconnect a b = connect a b `overlay` connect b a
clique :: Graphable g a => [a] -> g a
clique = connects . map vertex
data Relation a = R { domain :: Set a, relation :: Set (a, a) }
instance Ord a => Graphable Relation a where
toGraph (R d r) = overlays $
map vertex (Set.toList d) ++
[connect (vertex a) (vertex b) | (a,b) <- Set.toList r]
empty = R Set.empty Set.empty
vertex x = R (Set.singleton x) Set.empty
overlay a b = R (domain a `Set.union` domain b) (relation a `Set.union` relation b)
connect x y = R (domain x `Set.union` domain y) (relation x `Set.union` relation y
`Set.union` (domain x >< domain y))
(><) :: Set a -> Set a -> Set (a, a)
x >< y = Set.fromDistinctAscList [ (a, b) | a <- Set.elems x, b <- Set.elems y ]
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