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Created July 1, 2018 20:23
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Suspending 2
suspending :: forall i k v. Ord k => Scheduler Monad i i k v
suspending rebuilder tasks target store = fst $ execState (build target) (store, Set.empty)
build :: k -> State (Store i k v, Set k) ()
build key = case tasks key of
Nothing -> return ()
Just task -> do
done <- gets snd
when (key `Set.notMember` done) $ do
value <- gets (getValue key . fst)
let newTask :: Task (MonadState i) k v
newTask = rebuilder key value task
fetch :: k -> State (Store i k v, Set k) v
fetch k = do build k -- build the key
getValue k . fst <$> get
lens :: (Store i k v, Set k) -> (i, i -> (Store i k v, Set k))
lens (store, set) = (getInfo store, \i -> (putInfo i store, set))
newValue <- restate lens newTask fetch
modify $ \(s, d) -> (updateValue key value newValue s, Set.insert key d)
newtype StateX ii i a = StateX (ReaderT (ii -> (i, i -> ii)) (State ii) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadState i (StateX ii i) where
state f = StateX $ ReaderT $ \lens -> state $ \s ->
let (i, ii) = lens s
(a, i2) = f i
in (a, ii i2)
redo :: State ii a -> StateX ii i a
redo = StateX . lift
restate :: forall ii i k v . (ii -> (i, i -> ii)) -> Task (MonadState i) k v -> (k -> State ii v) -> State ii v
restate lens task fetch = StateT $ \ii ->
let StateX kk = run task (redo . fetch) :: StateX ii i v
in return $ kk `runReaderT` lens `runState` ii
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