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Created March 24, 2018 21:45
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Shake Action as a GADT
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, GADTs, DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
module Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad(
RAW, Capture, runRAW,
getRO, getRW, getsRO, getsRW, putRW, modifyRW,
catchRAW, tryRAW, throwRAW,
unmodifyRW, captureRAW,
) where
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Prelude
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
import Control.Monad.Fail
data RAW ro rw a where
Fmap :: (a -> b) -> RAW ro rw a -> RAW ro rw b
Pure :: a -> RAW ro rw a
Ap :: RAW ro rw (a -> b) -> RAW ro rw a -> RAW ro rw b
Bind :: RAW ro rw a -> (a -> RAW ro rw b) -> RAW ro rw b
LiftIO :: IO a -> RAW ro rw a
GetRO :: RAW ro rw ro
GetRW :: RAW ro rw rw
PutRW :: rw -> RAW ro rw ()
CaptureRAW :: Capture (Either SomeException a) -> RAW ro rw a
CatchRAW :: RAW ro rw a -> (SomeException -> RAW ro rw a) -> RAW ro rw a
instance Functor (RAW ro rw) where
fmap = Fmap
instance Applicative (RAW ro rw) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) = Ap
instance Monad (RAW ro rw) where
return = Pure
(>>) = (*>)
(>>=) = Bind
instance MonadIO (RAW ro rw) where
liftIO = LiftIO
instance MonadFail (RAW ro rw) where
fail = liftIO .
newtype RAW ro rw a = RAW {fromRAW :: ReaderT (S ro rw) (ContT () IO) a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
, MonadFail
type Capture a = (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-- | Run and then call a continuation.
runRAW :: ro -> rw -> RAW ro rw a -> Capture (Either SomeException a)
runRAW ro rw m k = do
rw <- newIORef rw
handler <- newIORef $ k . Left
goRAW handler ro rw m (k . Right)
`catch_` \e -> ($ e) =<< readIORef handler
goRAW :: forall ro rw a . IORef (SomeException -> IO ()) -> ro -> IORef rw -> RAW ro rw a -> Capture a
goRAW handler ro rw = go
go :: RAW ro rw b -> Capture b
go x k = case x of
Fmap f a -> go a (k . f)
Pure a -> k a
Ap f x -> go f $ \f -> go x (k . f)
Bind a b -> go a $ \a -> go (b a) k
LiftIO x -> k =<< x
GetRO -> k ro
GetRW -> k =<< readIORef rw
PutRW x -> k =<< writeIORef rw x
CatchRAW m hdl -> do
old <- readIORef handler
writeIORef handler $ \e -> do
writeIORef handler old
go (hdl e) k `catch_`
\e -> ($ e) =<< readIORef handler
go m $ \x -> writeIORef handler old >> k x
CaptureRAW f -> do
old <- readIORef handler
writeIORef handler throwIO
f $ \x -> case x of
Left e -> old e
Right v -> do
writeIORef handler old
k v `catch_` \e -> ($ e) =<< readIORef handler
writeIORef handler throwIO
getRO :: RAW ro rw ro
getRO = GetRO
getRW :: RAW ro rw rw
getRW = GetRW
getsRO :: (ro -> a) -> RAW ro rw a
getsRO f = fmap f getRO
getsRW :: (rw -> a) -> RAW ro rw a
getsRW f = fmap f getRW
-- | Strict version
putRW :: rw -> RAW ro rw ()
putRW !rw = PutRW rw
modifyRW :: (rw -> rw) -> RAW ro rw ()
modifyRW f = do x <- getRW; putRW $ f x
catchRAW :: RAW ro rw a -> (SomeException -> RAW ro rw a) -> RAW ro rw a
catchRAW = CatchRAW
tryRAW :: RAW ro rw a -> RAW ro rw (Either SomeException a)
tryRAW m = catchRAW (fmap Right m) (return . Left)
throwRAW :: Exception e => e -> RAW ro rw a
throwRAW = liftIO . throwIO
-- | Apply a modification, run an action, then undo the changes after.
unmodifyRW :: (rw -> (rw, rw -> rw)) -> RAW ro rw a -> RAW ro rw a
unmodifyRW f m = do
(s2,undo) <- fmap f getRW
putRW s2
res <- m
modifyRW undo
return res
-- | Capture a continuation. The continuation should be called at most once.
-- Calling the same continuation, multiple times, in parallel, results in incorrect behaviour.
captureRAW :: Capture (Either SomeException a) -> RAW ro rw a
captureRAW f = CaptureRAW f
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