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Last active July 30, 2017 21:31
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Threepenny GUI's
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Main(main) where
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Editors
import Data.Profunctor
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
example = unlines
["module Main(main) where"
,"main :: IO ()"
,"main = putStrLn \"Hello World!\""
parser :: ParseMode -> String -> String
parser mode x = case parseFileContentsWithMode mode x of
ParseOk x -> show $ fmap (const ()) x
x@ParseFailed{} -> show x
pMode :: UI (Element, Behavior ParseMode)
pMode = do
filename <- UI.input
language <-
#+ [UI.option # set text (show x) | x <- knownLanguages]
# set UI.selection (Just 0)
ignore <- UI.input # set (attr "type") "checkbox"
layout <- grid
[[string "Filename", element filename]
,[string "Language", element language]
,[string "Ignore pragmas", element ignore]]
filename <- stepper "" $ UI.valueChange filename
language <- fmap (fmap ((!!) knownLanguages . fromMaybe 0)) $ stepper Nothing $ UI.selectionChange language
ignore <- stepper False $ UI.checkedChange ignore
let val = (\f l i -> defaultParseMode{parseFilename=f, baseLanguage=l, ignoreLanguagePragmas=i}) <$>
filename <*> language <*> ignore
return (layout, val)
instance Editable Language where
editor = dimap Just (fromMaybe $ head knownLanguages) $
editorSelection (pure knownLanguages) (pure (string . show))
pMode2 :: UI (Element, Behavior ParseMode)
pMode2 = mdo
let ed = (\f l i -> defaultParseMode{parseFilename=f, baseLanguage=l, ignoreLanguagePragmas=i})
<$> field "Filename" parseFilename editor
-*- field "Language" baseLanguage editor
-*- field "Ignore pragmas" ignoreLanguagePragmas editor
parseModeE <- createEditor ed parseModeB
parseModeB <- stepper defaultParseMode (edited parseModeE)
return (editorElement parseModeE, parseModeB)
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup window = void $ do
return window # set title "HSE parser"
mode <- pMode2
source <- UI.textarea
# set [("width","600px"),("height","250px")]
# set value example
sourceVal <- stepper example $ UI.valueChange source
output <- UI.textarea
# set [("width","600px"),("height","250px")]
# set (attr "readonly") "readonly"
# sink value (parser <$> snd mode <*> sourceVal)
getBody window #+ [row [column [element source, element output], element $ fst mode]]
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This builds for me with threepenny-editors-0.5.0, it should work fine with earlier versions as well:

pModeEditor :: EditorFactory ParseMode Layout ParseMode
pModeEditor =
  (\f l i  -> defaultParseMode{parseFilename=f, baseLanguage=l, ignoreLanguagePragmas=i})
    <$> field "Filename" parseFilename editor
    -*- field "Language" baseLanguage (editorJust editorReadShow)
    -*- field "Ignore pragmas" ignoreLanguagePragmas editor

pMode' :: UI (Element, Behavior ParseMode)
pMode' = mdo
  parseModeB <- stepper defaultParseMode (edited parseModeE)
  parseModeE <- createEditor pModeEditor parseModeB
  return (_editorElement parseModeE, parseModeB)

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Changed to use an editorSelection for the language.

pModeEditor :: EditorFactory ParseMode Layout ParseMode
pModeEditor =
  (\f l i  -> defaultParseMode{parseFilename=f, baseLanguage=l, ignoreLanguagePragmas=i})
    <$> field "Filename" parseFilename editor
    -*- field "Language" baseLanguage (editorJust $ editorSelection (pure knownLanguages) (pure (string . show)))
    -*- field "Ignore pragmas" ignoreLanguagePragmas editor

We also need to flip the order of the stepper and createEditor commands to avoid a recursive loop, this is a known baffling threepenny issue:

pMode' :: UI (Element, Behavior ParseMode)
pMode' = mdo
  parseModeE <- createEditor pModeEditor parseModeB
  parseModeB <- stepper defaultParseMode (edited parseModeE)
  return (_editorElement parseModeE, parseModeB)

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I got 90% of the way there. The "mistakes" I made where:

  • I used label instead of string, which resulted in nothing showing up in the combobox, and no type error or anything. A bit sad.
  • I passed pure defaultParseMode into createEditor, and then hoped it would return the edited parse mode. It didn't. It seems that createEditor could have a more magic version which takes an initial value, and returns a Behaviour which is the result. Although that may well be a lack of understanding on my part.

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Oh, and I wrote my own editorJust by hand.

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