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Last active January 17, 2017 21:24
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Treemap with Tooltip
license: mit
border: no

This is a treemap of the New Mexico State Budget.

The treemap itself features discriptive tooltips as well as advanced label placement such that labels only appear where they will fit. This impoves visually the treemap as well as fufilling the role of a treemap, to display relitive sizes. A treemap uses area to convey value, something that humans are inherently poor at doing. Thus a treemap is best suited when the individual details are not of the highest priority; after all, someone can read the proposed budget if they were truley concerned on the details.
Another interesting feature of this treemap is the color coded labels included below. While this would fit perfectly fine adjacent to the chart, and looks better too, not everyone has that wide a monitor and the website I develop at work does not allow for page content wider than 1040px without the side bar navigation. I prefer the look of the treemap wider with more area as the small rectangles are easier to hover over, but it is all personal preference after all.
Currently, as you may notice, if one hovers over the stroke of each div element, a tooltip with nothing inside will display. Surely this can be delt with, I just have not figued out how yet.
Feel free to use the code, if you need any help, feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to assist.
"name": "flare",
"children": [
"name": "LEGISLATIVE",
"children": [
"name": "Legislative Branch",
"size": 20891
"name": "JUDICIAL",
"children": [
"name": "Supreme Court Law Library",
"size": 1589.3
"name": "New Mexico Compilation Commission",
"size": 1853.5
"name": "Judicial Standards Commission",
"size": 860.8
"name": "Court of Appeals",
"size": 5960.2
"name": "Supreme Court",
"size": 3421.1
"name": "Supreme Court Building Commission",
"size": 977.4
"name": "Administrative Office of the Courts",
"size": 65870.4
"name": "First Judicial District Court",
"size": 8372.5
"name": "Second Judicial District Court",
"size": 28154.6
"name": "Third Judicial District Court",
"size": 7808.3
"name": "Fourth Judicial District Court",
"size": 2577.2
"name": "Fifth Judicial District Court",
"size": 7389.5
"name": "Sixth Judicial District Court",
"size": 3630.7
"name": "Seventh Judicial District Court",
"size": 2895
"name": "Eighth Judicial District Court",
"size": 330.4
"name": "Ninth Judicial District Court",
"size": 4306.2
"name": "Tenth Judicial District Court",
"size": 986
"name": "Eleventh Judicial District Court",
"size": 7442.5
"name": "Twelfth Judicial District Court",
"size": 3735.6
"name": "Thirteenth Judicial District Court",
"size": 8681.1
"name": "Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court",
"size": 27303.1
"name": "First Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 5646.1
"name": "Second Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 19670.6
"name": "Third Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 5634.4
"name": "Fourth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 3207.7
"name": "Fifth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 5078.9
"name": "Sixth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 3063.2
"name": "Seventh Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 3537.3
"name": "Eighth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 2746.8
"name": "Ninth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 2971.1
"name": "Tenth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 1283.9
"name": "Eleventh Judicial District Attorney (Div I)",
"size": 4187.4
"name": "Eleventh Judicial District Attorney (Div II)",
"size": 2443
"name": "Twelfth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 2407.1
"name": "Thirteenth Judicial District Attorney",
"size": 5390.1
"name": "Administrative Office of the District Attorneys",
"size": 2569.8
"name": "Public Defender Department",
"size": 50806.3
"name": "General Control",
"children": [
"name": "Attorney General",
"size": 20988.7
"name": "State Auditor",
"size": 3926.1
"name": "Taxation and Revenue Department",
"size": 86265.6
"name": "State Investment Council",
"size": 56589
"name": "Administrative Hearing Office",
"size": 1676
"name": "Department of Finance and Administration",
"size": 138757.8
"name": "Public School Insurance Authority",
"size": 395412.2
"name": "Retiree Health Care Authority",
"size": 316168
"name": "General Services Department",
"size": 492750.6
"name": "Educational Retirement Board",
"size": 31302.9
"name": "New Mexico Sentencing Commission",
"size": 608.2
"name": "Governor",
"size": 3594.6
"name": "Lieutenant Governor",
"size": 586.9
"name": "Department of Information Technology",
"size": 70276.3
"name": "Public Employees Retirement Association",
"size": 42644.1
"name": "State Commission of Public Records",
"size": 2973.1
"name": "Secretary of State",
"size": 9154.6
"name": "Personnel Board",
"size": 4584.4
"name": "Public Employee Labor Relations Board",
"size": 235.5
"name": "State Treasurer",
"size": 3905.7
"name": "Commerce and Industry",
"children": [
"name": "Board of Examiners for Architects",
"size": 376.6
"name": "Border Authority",
"size": 511.9
"name": "Tourism Department",
"size": 18816.1
"name": "Economic Development Department",
"size": 10097.7
"name": "Regulation and Licensing Department",
"size": 27542
"name": "Public Regulation Commission",
"size": 21104.2
"name": "Office of Superintendent of Insurance",
"size": 36418.5
"name": "Medical Board",
"size": 1891
"name": "Board of Nursing",
"size": 2273
"name": "New Mexico State Fair",
"size": 11860.1
"name": "State Board of Licensure for Engineers & Land Surveyors",
"size": 784.3
"name": "Gaming Control Board",
"size": 5685.3
"name": "State Racing Commission",
"size": 3144.9
"name": "Board of Veterinary Medicine",
"size": 342.6
"name": "Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission",
"size": 3815.3
"name": "Office of Military Base Planning and Support",
"size": 200.5
"name": "Spaceport Authority",
"size": 5359.8
"name": "Agriculture, Energy, and Natural Resources",
"children": [
"name": "Cultural Affairs Department",
"size": 40949.8
"name": "New Mexico Livestock Board",
"size": 6055.2
"name": "Department of Game and Fish",
"size": 40617.6
"name": "Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department",
"size": 67594.8
"name": "Youth Conservation Corps",
"size": 4675.8
"name": "Intertribal Ceremonial Office",
"size": 75
"name": "Commissioner of Public Lands",
"size": 15397.3
"name": "State Engineer",
"size": 40362.3
"name": "Health, Hospitals, and Human Services",
"children": [
"name": "Office of African American Affairs",
"size": 976.7
"name": "Commission for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons",
"size": 3016.6
"name": "Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission",
"size": 151.1
"name": "Commission for the Blind",
"size": 12849.3
"name": "Indian Affairs Department",
"size": 2973
"name": "Aging and Long-Term Services Department",
"size": 64272.6
"name": "Human Services Department",
"size": 7135078.7
"name": "Workforce Solutions Department",
"size": 74829
"name": "Workers' Compensation Administration",
"size": 12643.4
"name": "Division of Vocational Rehabilitation",
"size": 44973
"name": "Governor's Commission on Disability",
"size": 1857.3
"name": "Developmental Disabilities Planning Council",
"size": 6727.2
"name": "Miners' Hospital of New Mexico",
"size": 27469.9
"name": "Department of Health",
"size": 557174.9
"name": "Department of Environment",
"size": 127569
"name": "Office of the Natural Resources Trustee",
"size": 2302.6
"name": "Veterans Services Department",
"size": 4706.4
"name": "Children, Youth and Families Department",
"size": 471024.2
"name": "Public Safety",
"children": [
"name": "Department of Military Affairs",
"size": 22779.6
"name": "Parole Board",
"size": 524.9
"name": "Juvenile Public Safety Advisory Board",
"size": 15
"name": "Corrections Department",
"size": 329249.6
"name": "Crime Victims Reparation Commission",
"size": 13637.4
"name": "Department of Public Safety",
"size": 153978.6
"name": "Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department",
"size": 17370.8
"name": "Transporation",
"children": [
"name": "Department of Transportation",
"size": 865795
"name": "Other Education",
"children": [
"name": "Public Education Department",
"size": 44312.5
"name": "Regional Education Cooperatives",
"size": 20503.4
"name": "Public School Facilities Authority",
"size": 6101.8
"name": "Higher Education",
"children": [
"name": "Higher Education Department",
"size": 11575.6
"name": "Higher Education",
"size": 856817.3
"name": "Public School Support",
"children": [
"name": "Public School Support",
"size": 2854036.2
"name": "Quasi Government Agencies",
"children": [
"name": "Education Trust Board",
"size": 1399.6
"name": "New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority",
"size": 14646
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<br/> <!--I included this so the tooltip never appears
to be under the edge of the iframe, sure I could appeand
to the parrent page, but in the website I work on I cannot
so simply append a div and have it play nicely-->
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function formatMoney(num) {
return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")
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.html("Source: <a target='_blank' href='' title='Source PDF'>State of New Mexico Report of the Legislative Finance Committee to the Fifty-Second Legislature Second Session.</a> All funding sources.")
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, ledgLabels = ["Legislative", "Judicial", "General Control", "Commerce and Industry", "Agriculture, Energy, and Natural Resources", "Health, Hospitals, and Human Services", "Public Safety", "Transportation", "Other Education","Higher Education","Public School Support","Quasi Government Agencies"]
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