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Created December 12, 2010 20:27
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-export([loop/1, loop/2]).
start(N, M, Message) when N > 1 -> spawn(fun() -> ring(N-1, M, Message) end).
ring(N, M, Message) when M > 0 ->
P = lists:foldl(fun(_, Proc) -> spawn(fun() -> loop(Proc) end) end, self(), lists:seq(1, N)),
trace(P, Message),
P ! {message, Message},
loop(P, M).
loop(P) ->
{message, Message} ->
trace(P, Message),
P ! {message, Message},
stop ->
P ! stop
loop(P, 1) -> P ! stop;
loop(P, M) ->
{message, Message} ->
trace(P, Message),
P ! {message, Message},
loop(P, M-1)
trace(P, Message) -> io:format("~p -> ~p: ~p~n", [self(), P, Message]).
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