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Created May 21, 2012 00:33
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; doll_smuggler in Clojure
(defstruct doll :ident :weight :value)
(def dolls [
(struct doll "luke" 9 150)
(struct doll "anthony" 13 35)
(struct doll "candice" 153 200)
(struct doll "dorothy" 50 160)
(struct doll "puppy" 15 60)
(struct doll "thomas" 68 45 )
(struct doll "randal" 27 60 )
(struct doll "april" 39 40 )
(struct doll "nancy" 23 30 )
(struct doll "bonnie" 52 10 )
(struct doll "marc" 11 70 )
(struct doll "kate" 32 30 )
(struct doll "tbone" 24 15 )
(struct doll "tranny" 48 10 )
(struct doll "uma" 73 40 )
(struct doll "grumpkin" 42 70 )
(struct doll "dusty" 43 75 )
(struct doll "grumpy" 22 80 )
(struct doll "eddie" 7 20 )
(struct doll "tory" 18 12 )
(struct doll "sally" 4 50 )
(struct doll "babe" 30 10 )])
; Pack the dolls
(defn pack [knapsack i capacity]
(if (or (< i 0)
(= capacity 0))
[[] 0]
(let [{doll-weight :weight doll-value :value} (get knapsack i)]
(if (> doll-weight capacity)
(pack knapsack (dec i) capacity)
(let [[knapsack-packed val-packed]
(pack knapsack (dec i) (- capacity doll-weight))
[knapsack-not-packed val-not-packed]
(pack knapsack (dec i) capacity)]
(if (> (+ val-packed doll-value) val-not-packed)
[(conj knapsack-packed (get knapsack i)) (+ val-packed doll-value)]
[knapsack-not-packed val-not-packed]))))))
; Replace pack with memoized pack using core.memoize
(def pack (memoize pack))
(println (pack dolls (dec (count dolls)) 400))
# doll_smuggler in CoffeeScript
dolls = [
['luke', 9, 150],
['anthony', 13, 35],
['candice', 153, 200],
['dorothy', 50, 160],
['puppy', 15, 60],
['thomas', 68, 45],
['randal', 27, 60],
['april', 39, 40],
['nancy', 23, 30],
['bonnie', 52, 10],
['marc', 11, 70],
['kate', 32, 30],
['tbone', 24, 15],
['tranny', 48, 10],
['uma', 73, 40],
['grumpkin', 42, 70],
['dusty', 43, 75],
['grumpy', 22, 80],
['eddie', 7, 20],
['tory', 18, 12],
['sally', 4, 50],
['babe', 30, 10]
pack = (knapsack, i, capacity) ->
return [[], 0] unless i >= 0 and capacity > 0
doll = name: knapsack[i][0], weight: knapsack[i][1], value: knapsack[i][2]
return pack(knapsack, i - 1, capacity) if doll.weight >= capacity
[knapsackPacked, valPacked] = pack(knapsack, i - 1, capacity - doll.weight)
[knapsackNotPacked, valNotPacked] = pack(knapsack, i - 1, capacity)
if (valPacked + doll.value) > valNotPacked
knapsackPacked.unshift [, doll.weight, doll.value]
return [knapsackPacked, valPacked + doll.value]
[knapsackNotPacked, valNotPacked]
memoize = (func) ->
memo = {}
k = JSON.stringify arguments
if k of memo then memo[k] else
(memo[k] = func.apply(@, arguments))
#[knapsack, val] = (pack = memoize pack) dolls, dolls.length - 1, 400
[knapsack, val] = pack dolls, dolls.length - 1, 400
knapsack: knapsack,
weight: (d[1] for d in knapsack).reduce (d, s) -> d + s
value: (d[2] for d in knapsack).reduce (d, s) -> d + s
// doll_smuggler in F#
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
let dolls = [
("luke", 9, 150);
("anthony", 13, 35);
("candice", 153, 200);
("dorothy", 50, 160);
("puppy", 15, 60);
("thomas", 68, 45);
("randal", 27, 60);
("april", 39, 40);
("nancy", 23, 30);
("bonnie", 52, 10);
("marc", 11, 70);
("kate", 32, 30);
("tbone", 24, 15);
("tranny", 48, 10);
("uma", 73, 40);
("grumpkin", 42, 70);
("dusty", 43, 75);
("grumpy", 22, 80);
("eddie", 7, 20);
("tory", 18, 12);
("sally", 4, 50);
("babe", 30, 10)]
let rec pack (knapsack : list<'z>) i capacity =
if i < 0 || capacity = 0 then ([], 0)
let dollName, dollWeight, dollValue = knapsack.[i]
if dollWeight > capacity then pack knapsack (i-1) capacity
let knapsackPacked, valPacked = pack knapsack (i-1) (capacity - dollWeight)
let knapsackNotPacked, valNotPacked = pack knapsack (i-1) capacity
if (valPacked + dollValue) > valNotPacked then
let knapsackPacked = dolls.[i] :: knapsackPacked
(knapsackPacked, (valPacked + dollValue))
else (knapsackNotPacked, valNotPacked)
let memoize f =
let memo = Dictionary<_, _>()
fun x y z ->
let key = x.ToString() + "_" + y.ToString() + "_" + z.ToString()
if memo.ContainsKey(key) then memo.[key]
else let res = f x y
memo.[key] <- res
let knapsack, value = pack dolls (dolls.Length - 1) 400
printfn "%A" knapsack
printfn "%d" value
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