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Forked from draffensperger/fuzzy_name_lookup.bas
Created November 20, 2017 17:08
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Excel VBA module for fuzzy lookup (via Levenshtein distance) for a person id by first name and last name in a person range that has first, last, full and id fields.
Option Explicit
Private Type PersonQuery
firstName As String
lastName As String
fullName As String
firstNames As Range
lastNames As Range
fullNames As Range
namesSwapped As Boolean
End Type
Private Type PersonResult
found As Boolean
row As Integer
lookupMethod As String
End Type
Const INTEGER_MIN As Integer = -32768
Private NOT_FOUND As PersonResult
Const ASC_A As Integer = 65
Const NUM_LETTERS As Integer = 26
Const NON_LETTER_VAL As Integer = 26
' Searches for a person based on first name and last name
' Returns an array of (person's id, full name in database, method of matching name)
' If the person is not found, id and full name will be "N/A"
' The methods used are:
' - search for exact full name,
' - reverse first and last and search for that full name (sometimes first and last get confused)
' - filter by first name search on similarity for last name (and vice versa and also reversing first/last)
' - then search based on similarity for the full name and reversing first/last
Private Function FindPersonID(firstName As String, lastName As String, firstNameList As Range, _
lastNameList As Range, fullNameList As Range, ids As Range)
Dim pr As PersonResult
Dim pq As PersonQuery
pq.firstName = firstName
pq.lastName = lastName
pq.fullName = firstName + " " + lastName
Set pq.firstNames = firstNameList
Set pq.lastNames = lastNameList
Set pq.fullNames = fullNameList
pq.namesSwapped = False
pr = LookupPersonInternal(pq)
Dim fullName As String
Dim id As String
If pr.found Then
id = ids.Cells(pr.row, 1).Value
fullName = fullNameList.Cells(pr.row, 1).Value
id = "N/A"
fullName = "N/A"
End If
FindPersonID = Array(id, fullName, pr.lookupMethod)
End Function
Private Function LookupPersonInternal(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonResult
Dim pr As PersonResult
If Trim(pq.fullName) = "" Then
GoTo NotFound
End If
pr = LookupExact(pq)
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "EXACT_FULL"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupExact(SwapFirstAndLast(pq))
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "EXACT_FULL_REVERSED"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupLastExactFirstSimilar(pq)
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "LAST_EXACT_FIRST_SIMILAR"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupLastExactFirstSimilar(SwapFirstAndLast(SwapFirstAndLastLists(pq)))
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "FIRST_EXACT_LAST_SIMILAR"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupLastExactFirstSimilar(SwapFirstAndLast(pq))
If pr.found Then
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupLastExactFirstSimilar(SwapFirstAndLastLists(pq))
If pr.found Then
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupFullSimilar(pq)
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "SIMILAR_FULL"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr = LookupFullSimilar(SwapFirstAndLast(pq))
If pr.found Then
pr.lookupMethod = "SIMILAR_FULL_REVERSED"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
Exit Function
End If
pr.lookupMethod = "NOT_FOUND"
LookupPersonInternal = pr
End Function
Private Function LookupExact(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonResult
Dim foundRange As Range
Dim pr As PersonResult
Set foundRange = pq.fullNames.Find(pq.fullName, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
pr.found = Not foundRange Is Nothing
If pr.found Then
pr.row = foundRange.row
End If
LookupExact = pr
End Function
Private Function LookupLastExactFirstSimilar(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonResult
Dim pr As PersonResult
pr.found = False
Dim lastNameRows As Collection
Set lastNameRows = FindRowsForKey(pq.lastName, pq.lastNames)
If lastNameRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim firstNamesForLast As Collection
Set firstNamesForLast = LookupValuesForRows(lastNameRows, pq.firstNames)
Dim mostSimilar As Variant
mostSimilar = MostSimilarIndexInCollection(pq.firstName, firstNamesForLast)
If CDbl(mostSimilar(1)) / CDbl(Len(pq.firstName)) > EDIT_DIST_NOMATCH_THRESHOLD Then
pr.found = True
pr.row = lastNameRows(mostSimilar(0))
End If
End If
LookupLastExactFirstSimilar = pr
End Function
Private Function LookupFullSimilar(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonResult
Dim pr As PersonResult
Dim rowAndSimilarity As Variant
rowAndSimilarity = SimilarMatch(pq.fullName, pq.fullNames)
pr.row = rowAndSimilarity(0)
pr.found = (rowAndSimilarity(1) / CDbl(Len(pq.fullName))) > EDIT_DIST_NOMATCH_THRESHOLD
LookupFullSimilar = pr
End Function
Private Function SwapFirstAndLast(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonQuery
Dim pqSwapped As PersonQuery
pqSwapped = pq
pqSwapped.firstName = pq.lastName
pqSwapped.lastName = pq.firstName
pqSwapped.fullName = pqSwapped.firstName + " " + pqSwapped.lastName
pqSwapped.namesSwapped = Not pq.namesSwapped
SwapFirstAndLast = pqSwapped
End Function
Private Function SwapFirstAndLastLists(pq As PersonQuery) As PersonQuery
Dim pqListsSwapped As PersonQuery
pqListsSwapped = pq
Set pqListsSwapped.firstNames = pq.lastNames
Set pqListsSwapped.lastNames = pq.firstNames
pqListsSwapped.namesSwapped = Not pq.namesSwapped
SwapFirstAndLastLists = pqListsSwapped
End Function
Function MostSimilarIndexInCollection(str As String, col As Collection)
Dim bestSimilarity As Variant
Dim mostSimilarI As Integer
Dim curSimilarity As Integer
bestSimilarity = INTEGER_MIN
mostSimilarI = -1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To col.Count
curSimilarity = LevenshteinSimilarity(str, col.Item(i))
If curSimilarity > bestSimilarity Then
mostSimilarI = i
bestSimilarity = curSimilarity
End If
MostSimilarIndexInCollection = Array(mostSimilarI, bestSimilarity)
End Function
Private Function LookupValuesForRows(rows As Collection, rng As Range) As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim vals As New Collection
For i = 1 To rows.Count
vals.Add (rng.Cells(rows(i), 1).Value)
Set LookupValuesForRows = vals
End Function
Private Function FindRowsForKey(key As Variant, keys As Range) As Collection
Dim rows As New Collection
Dim foundRange As Range
Set foundRange = keys.Find(key, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
Dim firstAddress As Variant
If Not foundRange Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = foundRange.Address
rows.Add (foundRange.row)
Set foundRange = keys.Find(key, foundRange, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
Loop While Not foundRange Is Nothing And foundRange.Address <> firstAddress
End If
Set FindRowsForKey = rows
End Function
Function SimilarMatch(search As Variant, list As Range) As Variant
Dim maxSim As Integer
maxSim = 0
Dim i As Integer
Dim maxSimI As Integer
maxSimI = -1
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = list.Cells.End(xlDown).row
Dim firstRow As Integer
firstRow = list.Cells.End(xlUp).row
Dim searchStr As String
If TypeOf search Is Range Then
searchStr = search.Value
searchStr = search
End If
Dim valInList As String
Dim sim As Integer
For i = firstRow To lastRow
valInList = list.Cells(i, 1).Value
'For performance sake check the length, space location and unordered similarity first
'before running the edit distance algorithm
If Abs(Len(valInList) - Len(searchStr)) / Len(searchStr) _
If Abs(InStr(searchStr, " ") - InStr(valInList, " ")) / Len(searchStr) _
If UnorderedSimilarity(searchStr, valInList) / Len(searchStr) _
sim = LevenshteinSimilarity(searchStr, valInList)
If sim > maxSim Then
maxSim = sim
maxSimI = i
End If
End If
End If
End If
SimilarMatch = Array(maxSimI, maxSim)
End Function
Private Function LetterValue(letter As String) As Integer
Dim ascVal As Integer
ascVal = Asc(letter)
If ascVal < ASC_A Or ascVal > ASC_A + NUM_LETTERS Then
LetterValue = NON_LETTER_VAL
LetterValue = ascVal - ASC_A
End If
End Function
Private Function UnorderedSimilarity(ByVal str1 As String, ByVal str2 As String) As Integer
Dim i, j, ascVal As Integer
Dim ascA As Integer
Dim ascZ As Integer
Dim letterCountDiffs(27) As Integer
Dim lettersDiff As Integer
Dim letterVal As Integer
Dim len1 As Integer
Dim len2 As Integer
len1 = Len(str1)
len2 = Len(str2)
str1 = UCase(str1)
str2 = UCase(str2)
i = 0
While i < len1
letterVal = LetterValue(CharAt(str1, i))
letterCountDiffs(letterVal) = letterCountDiffs(letterVal) + 1
i = i + 1
i = 0
While i < len2
letterVal = LetterValue(CharAt(str2, i))
letterCountDiffs(letterVal) = letterCountDiffs(letterVal) - 1
i = i + 1
lettersDiff = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(letterCountDiffs)
lettersDiff = lettersDiff + Abs(letterCountDiffs(i))
Dim minLen As Integer
If len1 < len2 Then minLen = len1 Else minLen = len2
UnorderedSimilarity = minLen - lettersDiff
End Function
' Calculates the edit distance between str1 and str2 using the
' Levenshtein distance dynamic programming algorithm
' This is really "edit similarity" as more similar strings have a
' larger score.
Private Function LevenshteinSimilarity(str1 As String, str2 As String)
Dim len1, len2, i, j, score, charSim, gap1, gap2, matchVal As Integer
len1 = Len(str1)
len2 = Len(str2)
Dim gap_score As Integer
gap_score = -1
Dim D As Variant
ReDim D(0 To (len1 + 1), 0 To (len2 + 1)) As Integer
D(0, 0) = 0
For i = 0 To len1
D(i, 0) = gap_score * i
For j = 0 To len2
D(0, j) = gap_score * j
For i = 1 To len1
For j = 1 To len2
matchVal = D(i - 1, j - 1) + CharSimilarity(CharAt(str1, i - 1), CharAt(str2, j - 1))
gap2 = D(i, j - 1) + gap_score
gap1 = D(i - 1, j) + gap_score
D(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(matchVal, gap2, gap1)
'Dim alignment As String
'alignment = ""
i = len1
j = len2
score = 0
Dim align As String
While i > 0 And j > 0
charSim = CharSimilarity(CharAt(str1, i - 1), CharAt(str2, j - 1))
If D(i, j) - charSim = D(i - 1, j - 1) Then
If charSim > 0 Then
'align = "M"
'align = "C"
End If
i = i - 1
j = j - 1
score = score + charSim
ElseIf D(i, j) - gap_score = D(i, j - 1) Then
'align = "A"
j = j - 1
ElseIf D(i, j) - gap_score = D(i - 1, j) Then
'align = "D"
i = i - 1
score = score + gap_score
MsgBox "Unexpected score in backtracking"
End If
'alignment = align + alignment
While j > 0
'alignment = "A" + alignment
j = j - 1
score = score + gap_score
While i > 0
'alignment = "D" + alignment
i = i - 1
score = score + gap_score
LevenshteinSimilarity = score
End Function
Function CharAt(str, zeroStartingIndex)
CharAt = Mid(str, zeroStartingIndex + 1, 1)
End Function
Function CharSimilarity(chr1 As Variant, chr2 As Variant)
If UCase(chr1) = UCase(chr2) Then
CharSimilarity = 1
CharSimilarity = -1
End If
End Function
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