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Last active November 25, 2017 21:30
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, RankNTypes, TypeInType, TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Kind
import System.IO
type family OnStack (pr :: Type -> Type) (cr :: Type -> Type) where
OnStack (RegionT s m) (RegionT s m) = True
OnStack pr (t cr) = OnStack pr cr
OnStack _ _ = False
type family DownStack (reg :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type where
DownStack (RegionT s m) = NextLayer m
DownStack (t m) = DownStack m
type family NextLayer (reg :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type where
NextLayer (RegionT s m) = RegionT s m
NextLayer (t m) = NextLayer m
newtype RegionT s pr a = RegionT { unRegionT :: pr a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
region :: (forall s. RegionT s pr a) -> pr a
region (RegionT s) = s
class Dup h where
dup :: (Monad m, NextLayer m ~ pr) => h pr -> m (h (DownStack pr))
newtype Trans m a = Trans { unTrans :: m a }
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
newtype SHandle s = SHandle Handle
safeOpenFile :: MonadIO pr => FilePath -> IOMode -> RegionT s pr (SHandle (RegionT s pr))
safeOpenFile fp iom = SHandle <$> liftIO (openFile fp iom)
shPutStrLn :: (MonadIO cr, OnStack pr cr ~ True) => SHandle pr -> String -> cr ()
shPutStrLn (SHandle s) str = liftIO $ hPutStrLn s str
data Res s = Res
instance Dup SHandle where
dup (SHandle h) = pure (SHandle h)
instance Dup Res where
dup Res = pure Res
newRes :: Applicative pr => RegionT s pr (Res (RegionT s pr))
newRes = pure Res
touchRes :: (Applicative cr, OnStack pr cr ~ True) => Res pr -> cr ()
touchRes _ = pure ()
main = do
putStrLn "Test"
region $ do
res <- newRes
hnd <- safeOpenFile "test.txt" WriteMode
mres <- unTrans $ do
Trans $ region $ unTrans $ do
res' <- Trans newRes
touchRes res
touchRes res'
shPutStrLn hnd "Пыщ!"
if True
then pure Nothing
else Just <$> dup res'
forM_ mres $
\resFromOut -> touchRes resFromOut
touchRes res
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