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Created October 19, 2017 14:42
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SparseConnectedComponents - Efficient Algorithm for Finding the Connected Components of Binary OpenCV Mat and Compute Their Center of Mass
// Written by Nadav Benedek 2017
#include "SparseConnectedComponents.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
SparseConnectedComponents::SparseConnectedComponents() {
SparseConnectedComponents::~SparseConnectedComponents() {
void SparseConnectedComponents::Reset() {
node* SparseConnectedComponents::MakeSet(int x, int y) {
node n;
n.rank = 0;
n.totalX = x;
n.totalY = y;
n.numPixels = 1;
hashGraphUnionFind.emplace(x * MAX_COL + y, n);
node * nodePointer = &hashGraphUnionFind[x*MAX_COL + y];
nodePointer->parentNode = nodePointer;
return nodePointer; // Must return a pointer to the memory inside the hash, not to our local stack
node* SparseConnectedComponents::Find(node* a) { // with path compression
if (a->parentNode == a) return a;
else {
a->parentNode = Find(a->parentNode);
return a->parentNode;
node* SparseConnectedComponents::getNode(int x, int y) { // with path compression
if (hashGraphUnionFind.find(x*MAX_COL+y) != hashGraphUnionFind.end()) { // if key is found
return &hashGraphUnionFind[x*MAX_COL + y];
} else {
return 0;
void SparseConnectedComponents::Union(node* a0, node* a1) { // union by rank
if (a0 == a1) return;
node *a2 = Find(a0);
node *a3 = Find(a1);
if (a2 == a3) return;
if (a2->rank < a3->rank) {
a2->parentNode = a3;
a3->numPixels += a2->numPixels;
a3->totalX += a2->totalX;
a3->totalY += a2->totalY;
} else if (a3->rank < a2->rank) {
a3->parentNode = a2;
a2->numPixels += a3->numPixels;
a2->totalX += a3->totalX;
a2->totalY += a3->totalY;
} else {
a2->parentNode = a3;
a3->numPixels += a2->numPixels;
a3->totalX += a2->totalX;
a3->totalY += a2->totalY;
void SparseConnectedComponents::processListOf2DPoints(std::vector<cv::Point> & listOfPointsToProcess) {
for (cv::Point & point : listOfPointsToProcess) {
node * n = MakeSet(point.x, point.y);
if (hashGraphUnionFind.find((point.x - 1) *MAX_COL + point.y) != hashGraphUnionFind.end()) { // if key is found on left
Union(&hashGraphUnionFind[(point.x - 1) *MAX_COL + point.y], n);
if (hashGraphUnionFind.find((point.x - 1) *MAX_COL + (point.y-1)) != hashGraphUnionFind.end()) { // if key is found on up-left
Union(&hashGraphUnionFind[(point.x - 1) * MAX_COL + (point.y-1)], n);
if (hashGraphUnionFind.find((point.x) * MAX_COL + (point.y - 1)) != hashGraphUnionFind.end()) { // if key is found on top
Union(&hashGraphUnionFind[(point.x) * MAX_COL + (point.y - 1)], n);
if (hashGraphUnionFind.find((point.x + 1) * MAX_COL + (point.y - 1)) != hashGraphUnionFind.end()) { // if key is found on top-right
Union(&hashGraphUnionFind[(point.x + 1) * MAX_COL + (point.y - 1)], n);
void testSparseConnectedComponents() {
SparseConnectedComponents scc;
node * n1 = scc.MakeSet(100, 100);
std::cout << n1->totalX << " " << n1->isRoot() << std::endl;
node * n2 = scc.MakeSet(200, 200);
std::cout << "Test: " << scc.getNode(200,200)->totalX << std::endl;
std::cout << n2->totalX << " " << n2->isRoot() << std::endl;
scc.Union(n1, n2);
std::cout << "n1: " << n1->isRoot() << " totalx: " << n1->totalX << " centerX: " << n1->getCenterX() << std::endl;
std::cout << "n2: " << n2->isRoot() << " totalx: " << n2->totalX << " centerX: " << n2->getCenterX() << std::endl;
node * n3 = scc.MakeSet(300, 300);
std::cout << n3->totalX << " " << n3->isRoot() << std::endl;
scc.Union(n1, n3);
std::cout << "n1: " << n1->isRoot() << " totalx: " << n1->totalX << " centerX: " << n1->getCenterX() << std::endl;
std::cout << "n2: " << n2->isRoot() << " totalx: " << n2->totalX << " centerX: " << n2->getCenterX() << std::endl;
std::cout << "n3: " << n3->isRoot() << " totalx: " << n3->totalX << " centerX: " << n3->getCenterX() << std::endl;
std::cout << "iterate" << std::endl;
for (std::pair<const int, node> & pair : scc.hashGraphUnionFind) {
int x = pair.first / scc.MAX_COL;
int y = pair.first % scc.MAX_COL;
std::cout << "key: " << x << "," << y << " value: " << pair.second.getCenterX() << "," << pair.second.getCenterY() << std::endl;
// Written by Nadav Benedek 2017
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
struct node {
node * parentNode;
int rank;
int totalX, totalY, numPixels;
bool isRoot() {
if (this->parentNode == this) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
float getCenterX() {
return (float)totalX / numPixels;
float getCenterY() {
return (float)totalY / numPixels;
class SparseConnectedComponents {
const int MAX_COL = 10000;
std::unordered_map<int, node> hashGraphUnionFind; // int -> node, where int is x*MAX_COL + Y;
node* MakeSet(int x, int y);
node* Find(node* a);
node* getNode(int x, int y);
void Union(node* a0, node* a1);
bool isRoot(node* a);
void Reset();
void processListOf2DPoints(std::vector<cv::Point> & listOfPointsToProcess);
void testSparseConnectedComponents();
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