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Created March 22, 2011 22:19
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#js 舊字←→新字変換ライブラリ
* convApp.js 20110203
* 正字俗字変換エンジン
* ne_Sachirou
* ==History
* 0.1
* 0.2
* 0.3
* 0.4
* 0.5
try {
} catch (e) {
//throw Error('convApp.js: We depend on detectFont.js; ' + e.message);
convApp = (function(){
// [正, 俗, 正の実体参照]
// 正は、複数の場合も文字列
// 正の実体参照は、単一の場合は文字列、複数の場合は文字列の配列
var jis = [
['亞', '亜', '4e9e'], ['櫻', '桜', '6afb'], ['惡', '悪', '60e1'], ['壓', '圧', '58d3'], ['醫医', '医', ['91ab', '533b']], ['壹', '壱', '58f9'], ['飮', '飲', '98ee'],
['隱', '隠', '96b1'], ['榮', '栄', '69ae'], ['營', '営', '71df'], ['搖', '揺', '6416'], ['遙', '遥', '9059'], ['謠', '謡', '8b20'], ['驛', '駅', '9a5b'],
['鹽', '塩', '9e7d'], ['歐', '欧', '6d50'], ['毆', '殴', '6bc6'], ['應', '応', '61c9'], ['價', '価', '50f9'], ['假', '仮', '5047'], ['屆', '届', '5c46'],
['效', '効', '6548'], ['號', '号', '865f'], ['殼', '殻', '6bbc'], ['覺', '覚', '89ba'], ['學', '学', '5b78'], ['嶽', '岳', '5dbd'], ['陷', '陥', '9677'],
['顏', '顔', '984f'], ['氣', '気', '6c23'], ['歸', '帰', '6b78'], ['戲', '戯', '6232'], ['僞', '偽', '50de'], ['犧', '犠', '72a7'], ['舊', '旧', '820a'],
['卻', '却', '537b'], ['據', '拠', '64da'], ['擧', '挙', '64e7'], ['區', '区', '5340'], ['驅', '駆', '9a45'], ['畫', '画', '756b'], ['會', '会', '6703'],
['繪', '絵', '7e6a'], ['囘', '回', '56d8'], ['壞', '壊', '58de'], ['懷', '懐', '61f7'], ['廣', '広', '5ee3'], ['鑛', '鉱', '945b'], ['擴', '拡', '64f4'],
['卷', '巻', '5377'], ['關', '関', '95dc'], ['勸', '勧', '52f8'], ['歡', '歓', '6b61'], ['觀', '観', '89c0'], ['勳', '勲', '52f3'], ['繼', '継', '7e7c'],
['攜', '携', '651c'], ['徑', '径', '5f91'], ['莖', '茎', '8396'], ['經', '経', '7d93'], ['輕', '軽', '8f15'], ['溪', '渓', '6eaa'], ['鷄', '鶏', '9dc4'],
['惠', '恵', '60e0'], ['螢', '蛍', '87a2'], ['藝', '芸', '85dd'], ['県', '県', '770c'], ['曉', '暁', '66c9'], ['缺欠', '欠', ['7f3a', '6b20']], ['挾', '挟', '633e'],
['狹', '狭', '72f9'], ['峽', '峡', '5cfd'], ['劵', '券', '52b5'], ['獻', '献', '737d'], ['儉', '倹', '5109'], ['驗', '験', '9a57'], ['檢', '検', '6aa2'],
['險', '険', '96aa'], ['劍', '剣', '528d'], ['縣', '県', '7e23'], ['圈', '圏', '5708'], ['顯', '顕', '986f'], ['權', '権', '6b0a'], ['嚴', '厳', '56b4'],
['恆', '恒', '6046'], ['國', '国', '570b'], ['齊', '斉', '9f4a'], ['濟', '済', '6fdf'], ['齋', '斎', '9f4b'], ['碎', '砕', '788e'], ['劑', '剤', '5291'],
['爭', '争', '722d'], ['壯', '壮', '58ef'], ['莊', '荘', '838a'], ['裝', '装', '88dd'], ['騷', '騒', '9a37'], ['雙', '双', '96d9'], ['藏', '蔵', '85cf'],
['臟', '臓', '81df'], ['册', '冊', '518c'], ['雜', '雑', '96dc'], ['插', '挿', '63d2'], ['贊', '賛', '8d0a'], ['參', '参', '53c3'], ['慘', '惨', '6158'],
['棧', '桟', '68e7'], ['殘', '残', '6b98'], ['蠶蚕', '蚕', ['8836', '8695']], ['絲糸', '糸', ['7d72', '7cf8']], ['齒', '歯', '9f52'], ['兒', '児', '5152'], ['辭', '辞', '6fad'],
['收', '収', '6536'], ['獸', '獣', '7378'], ['濕', '湿', '6fd5'], ['實', '実', '5be6'], ['澁', '渋', '6f81'], ['舍', '舎', '820d'], ['寫', '写', '5beb'],
['將', '将', '5c07'], ['奬', '奨', '596c'], ['壤', '壌', '58e4'], ['淨', '浄', '6de8'], ['讓', '譲', '8b93'], ['釋', '釈', '91cb'], ['壽', '寿', '58fd'],
['從', '従', '5f9e'], ['縱', '縦', '7e31'], ['肅', '粛', '8085'], ['處', '処', '8655'], ['敍', '叙', '654d'], ['稱', '称', '7a31'], ['證証', '証', ['8b49', '8a3c']],
['乘', '乗', '4e58'], ['剩', '剰', '5269'], ['繩', '縄', '7e69'], ['觸', '触', '89f8'], ['囑', '嘱', '56d1'], ['寢', '寝', '5be2'], ['眞', '真', '771e'],
['愼', '慎', '613c'], ['盡', '尽', '76e1'], ['粹', '粋', '7cb9'], ['醉', '酔', '9189'], ['穗', '穂', '7a57'], ['隨', '随', '96a8'], ['髓', '髄', '9ad3'],
['數', '数', '6578'], ['樞', '枢', '6a1e'], ['聲', '声', '8072'], ['靜', '静', '9751'], ['燒', '焼', '71d2'], ['攝', '摂', '651d'], ['竊', '窃', '7aca'],
['專', '専', '5c08'], ['戰', '戦', '6230'], ['淺', '浅', '6dfa'], ['踐', '践', '8e10'], ['錢', '銭', '9322'], ['潛', '潜', '6f5b'], ['纖', '繊', '7e96'],
['禪', '禅', '79aa'], ['總', '総', '7e3d'], ['搜', '捜', '641c'], ['屬', '属', '5c6c'], ['續', '続', '7e8c'], ['墮', '堕', '58ae'], ['體', '体', '9ad4'],
['對', '対', '5c0d'], ['帶', '帯', '5e36'], ['滯', '滞', '6eef'], ['臺台', '台', ['81fa', '53f0']], ['當', '当', '7576'], ['黨', '党', '9ee8'], ['稻', '稲', '7a3b'],
['盜', '盗', '76dc'], ['擇', '択', '64c7'], ['澤', '沢', '6fa4'], ['單', '単', '55ae'], ['擔', '担', '64d4'], ['膽', '胆', '81bd'], ['團', '団', '5718'],
['彈', '弾', '5f48'], ['斷', '断', '65b7'], ['癡', '痴', '7661'], ['遲', '遅', '9072'], ['晝', '昼', '665d'], ['鑄', '鋳', '9444'], ['聽', '聴', '807d'],
['廳', '庁', '5ef3'], ['孃', '嬢', '5b43'], ['釀', '醸', '91c0'], ['蟲', '虫', '87f2'], ['敕', '勅', '6555'], ['鎭', '鎮', '93ad'], ['圖', '図', '5716'],
['遞', '逓', '905e'], ['條', '条', '689d'], ['鐵', '鉄', '9435'], ['疊', '畳', '758a'], ['點', '点', '9ede'], ['轉', '転', '8f49'], ['傳', '伝', '50b3'],
['燈', '灯', '71c8'], ['鬪', '闘', '9b2a'], ['讀', '読', '8b80'], ['獨', '独', '7368'], ['惱', '悩', '60f1'], ['腦', '脳', '8166'], ['貳', '弐', '8cb3'],
['霸', '覇', '9738'], ['拜', '拝', '62dc'], ['廢', '廃', '5ee2'], ['賣', '売', '8ce3'], ['麥', '麦', '9ea5'], ['發', '発', '767c'], ['髮', '髪', '9aee'],
['拔', '抜', '62d4'], ['蠻', '蛮', '883b'], ['祕', '秘', '7955'], ['濱', '浜', '6ff1'], ['拂', '払', '62c2'], ['佛', '仏', '4f5b'], ['竝', '並', '7add'],
['變', '変', '8b8a'], ['邊', '辺', '908a'], ['弁辨瓣辮辯', '弁', ['5f01', '8fa8', '74e3', '8fae', '8faf']], ['舖', '舗', '8216'], ['寶', '宝', '5bf6'], ['襃' , '褒', '8943'], ['豐', '豊', '8c50'],
['冐', '冒', '5190'], ['沒', '没', '6c92'], ['飜', '翻', '98dc'], ['萬', '万', '842c'], ['滿', '満', '6eff'], ['彌', '弥', '5f4c'], ['默', '黙', '9ed8'],
['樣', '様', '6a23'], ['譯', '訳', '8b6f'], ['藥', '薬', '85e5'], ['豫予', '予', ['8c6b', '4e88']], ['餘余', '余', ['9918', '4f59']], ['與', '与', '8207'], ['譽', '誉', '8b7d'],
['來', '来', '4f86'], ['瀧', '滝', '7027'], ['勞', '労', '52de'], ['樂', '楽', '6a02'], ['覽', '覧', '89bd'], ['亂', '乱', '4e82'], ['兩', '両', '5169'],
['龍', '竜', '9f8d'], ['壘', '塁', '58d8'], ['禮', '礼', '79ae'], ['勵', '励', '52f5'], ['隸', '隷', '96b8'], ['靈', '霊', '9748'], ['齡', '齢', '9f61'],
['獵', '猟', '7375'], ['戀', '恋', '6200'], ['爐', '炉', '7210'], ['樓', '楼', '6a13'], ['灣', '湾', '7063'], ['爲', '為', '7232'], ['圍', '囲', '570d'],
['衞', '衛', '885e'], ['圓', '円', '5713'], ['奧', '奥', '5967'], ['穩', '穏', '7a69']
unicode = [
['視', '視', 'fa61'], ['曆', '暦', '66c6'], ['歷', '歴', '6b74'], ['穀', '穀', 'fa54'], ['者', '者', 'fa5b'], ['强', '強', '5f3a'], ['淸', '清', '6df8'],
['黑', '黒', '9ed1'], ['噓', '嘘', '5653'], ['都', '都', 'fa26'], ['殺', '殺', 'f970'], ['靑', '青', '9751'], ['綠', '緑', '7da0'], ['黃', '黄', '9ec4'],
['形', '形', '5f62']
all = jis.concat(unicode);
function char_simpl2ortho(chr) { // @param String: 新字(一文字)
// @return Array: 可能性の有る舊字(一文字)の配列
var i = -1, elm;
while (elm = all[++i]) {
if (chr === elm[1]) {
return elm[0].split('');
return [];
function char_ortho2simpl(chr) { // @param String: 舊字(一文字)
// @return String: 新字(一文字)
var i = -1, elm;
while (elm = all[++i]) {
if (elm[0].indexOf(chr) !== -1) {
return elm[1];
return chr;
function str_sinpl2ortho(str) { // @param String: 新字文字列
// @return String: 舊字文字列
// 舊字の選択肢が一つのみの字を、舊字へ
var i = -1, chr, char_s2o = char_simpl2ortho;
str = str.split('');
while (chr = str[++i]) {
str[i] = char_s2o(chr);
return str.join('');
function str_ortho2simpl(str) { // @param String: 舊字文字列
// @return String: 新字文字列
var i = -1, chr, char_o2s = char_ortho2simpl;
str = str.split('');
while (chr = str[++i]) {
str[i] = char_o2s(chr);
return str.join('');
function str_ortho2simplByFont(str, // @param String: 舊字文字列
font) { // @param String: Font名。
// 此のFontに舊字が無い文字丈を、新字にする。
// Fontに新字が有るかは保証しない。
// @return String: 新字文字列
var i = -1, chr,
char_o2s = char_ortho2simpl,
detectCharByFont = detectFont.detectCharByFont;
str = str.split('');
while (chr = str[++i]) {
if (!detectCharByFont(chr, font)) {
str[i] = char_o2s(chr);
return str.join('');
return {
jis: jis,
unicode: unicode,
char_simpl2ortho: char_simpl2ortho,
//char_ortho2simpl: char_ortho2simpl,
str_simpl2ortho: str_simpl2ortho,
str_ortho2simpl: str_ortho2simpl,
str_ortho2simplByFont: str_ortho2simplByFont
//depend: uu.font.js
//export detectFont
var _cashe = {};
* @paran char :String
* @param font :String
* @return :Boolean
var detectCharByFont = function(char, font){
var chash_font, zenkaku;
if(char.length !== 1){throw Error('detectCharByFont(): <char> must be 1 charactor (not charactors or blank)')};
if(char.charCodeAt(0) < 2000){return true};
if(!_cashe.font){_cashe.font = {infont:[], nofont:[]}};
cashe_font = _cashe.font;
if(cashe_font.infont.indexOf(char) !== -1){return true}
else if(cashe_font.nofont.indexOf(char) !== -1){return false}
zenkaku = uu.font.metric('144pt '+font, 'あ').w;
//return window.getComputedStyle(detectElm).width;
if(uu.font.metric('144pt '+font, char).w <= zenkaku/2){
return false;
return true;
* @paran char :String
* @param element :Element
* @return :Boolean
var detectCharByElement = function(char, element){
return detectCharCodeByFont(char, uu.font.detect(element));
detectFont = {
detectFontByElement: uu.font.detect,
detectCharByFont: detectCharByFont,
detectCharByElement: detectCharByElement
//レンダリングに使われているフォントと、ブラウザで使えるフォントを取得する - latest log -
// === Core ===
// * WebKit based Cording-Style ( doc/cording-style.txt )
// * User configrations ( doc/user-configrations.txt )
// - uu.config = { aria, debug, right, altcss, storage, visited }
// * User callback functions ( doc/user-callback-functions.txt )
// - window.xboot(uu:Function)
// - window.xwin(uu:Function)
// - window.xcanvas(uu:Function, canvasNodeArray:NodeArray)
// - window.xstorage(uu:Function, storage:StorageObject)
// * Predefined types ( doc/predefined-types.txt )
// - ColorHash, RGBAHash, HSLAHash, HSVAHash, W3CNamedColor
// - EventObjectEx, DateHash, AjaxOptionHash, AjaxResultHash
// - JSONPOptionHash, FlashOptionHash
// * Version and plugin detection ( doc/version-detection.txt )
// - uu.ver = { library, browser, render, silverlight, flash, as3,
// ie, ie6, ie7, ie8, ie9, ie67, ie678, ie89,
// opera, gecko, webkit, chrome, safari, iphone,
// quirks, xml, win, mac, unix, advanced, major, jit }
var uu; // window.uu - uupaa.js library namespace
uu || (function(win, doc) {
uu = uumix(uufactory, { // uu(expression:Jam/Node/NodeArray/String/window, arg1:Jam/Node/Mix = void, arg2:Mix = void, arg3:Mix = void, arg4:Mix = void):Jam/Instance
// [1][Class factory] uu("MyClass", arg1, arg2) -> new uu.Clas.MyClass(arg1, arg2)
// [2][NodeSet factory] uu("div>ul>li", <body>) -> Jam
ver: _version(0.7), // uu.ver - Hash: detected version and plugin informations
plugin: uuplugin, // uu.plugin():Array
require: uurequire, // uu.require(url:String):AjaxResultHash
// --- TYPE ---
like: uulike, //, rhs:Date/Hash/Fake/Array):Boolean
type: uumix(uutype, { // uu.type(search:Mix, match:Number = 0):Boolean/Number
HASH: 0x001, // uu.type.HASH - Hash (Object)
NODE: 0x002, // uu.type.NODE - Node (HTMLElement)
FAKEARRAY: 0x004, // uu.type.FAKEARRAY - FakeArray (Arguments, NodeList, ...)
DATE: 0x008, // uu.type.DATE - Date
NULL: 0x010, // uu.type.NULL - null
VOID: 0x020, // uu.type.VOID - undefined / void
UNDEFINED: 0x020, // uu.type.UNDEFINED - undefined / void
BOOLEAN: 0x040, // uu.type.BOOLEAN - Boolean
FUNCTION: 0x080, // uu.type.FUNCTION - Function
NUMBER: 0x100, // uu.type.NUMBER - Number
STRING: 0x200, // uu.type.STRING - String
ARRAY: 0x400, // uu.type.ARRAY - Array
REGEXP: 0x800, // uu.type.REGEXP - RegExp
CSS: 0x1000 // uu.type.CSS - CSSProperties (getComputedStyle result)
isNumber: uuisnumber, // uu.isNumber(search:Mix):Boolean
isString: uuisstring, // uu.isString(search:Mix):Boolean
isFunction: uuisfunction, // uu.isFunction(search:Mix):Boolean
// --- HASH / ARRAY ---
arg: uuarg, // uu.arg(arg1:Hash = {}, arg2:Hash, arg3:Hash = void):Hash
mix: uumix, // uu.mix(base:Hash, flavor:Hash, aroma:Hash = void, override:Boolean = true):Hash
each: uueach, // uu.each(source:Hash/Array, callback:Function)
keys: uukeys, // uu.keys(source:Hash/Array):Array
values: uuvalues, // uu.values(source:Hash/Array):Array
hash: uumix(uuhash, { // uu.hash(key:Hash/String, value:Mix = void):Hash
has: uuhas, // uu.hash.has(source:Hash, search:Array):Boolean
nth: uunth, // uu.hash.nth(source:Hash, index:Number):Array
size: uusize, // uu.hash.size(source:Hash):Number
clone: uuclone, // uu.hash.clone(source:Hash):Hash
indexOf: uuindexof // uu.hash.indexOf(source:Hash, search:Mix):String/void
array: uumix(uuarray, { // uu.array(source:Array/Mix/NodeList/Arguments):Array
has: uuhas, // uu.array.has(source:Array, search:Array):Boolean
nth: uunth, // uu.array.nth(source:Array, index:Number):Array
size: uusize, // uu.array.size(source:Array):Number
sort: uusort, // uu.array.sort(source:Array, method:String/Function = "0-9"):Array
clean: uuclean, // uu.array.clean(source:Array):Array
clone: uuclone, // uu.array.clone(source:Array):Array
toHash: uutohash, // uu.array.toHash(key:Array, value:Array/Mix, toNumber:Boolean = false):Hash
unique: uuunique // uu.array.unique(source:Array, literalOnly:Boolean = false):Array
// --- ATTRIBUTE ---
attr: uumix(uuattr, { // uu.attr(node:Node, key:Hash/String, value:String = void):String/Hash/Node
// [1][get one attr ] uu.attr(node, "attr") -> "value"
// [2][get some attrs] uu.attr(node, "attr1,attr2") -> { attr1: "val", attr2: "val" }
// [3][set one attr ] uu.attr(node, "attr", "val") -> node
// [4][set some attrs] uu.attr(node, { attr: "val" }) -> node
get: uuattrget, // uu.attr.get(node:Node, attrs:String):String/Hash
// [1][get one attr ] uu.attr.get(node, "attr") -> String
// [2][get some attrs] uu.attr.get(node, "attr,...") -> Hash
set: uuattrset, // uu.attr.set(node:Node, key:String/Hash, value:String = void):Node
// [1][set one attr ] uu.attr.set(node, key, val ) -> node
// [2][set some attrs] uu.attr.set(node, { key: val, ... }) -> node
getAll: uuattrgetall // uu.attr.getAll(node:Node, filter:Boolean = false):Hash
// [1][get all] uu.attr(node) -> { all: attrs }
// [2][use filter] uu.attr(node, true) -> { many: attrs }
// --- CSS ---
css: uumix(uucss, { // uu.css(node:Node, key:Hash/String, value:String = void):String/Hash/Node
// [1][get one style ] uu.css(node, "color") -> "red"
// [2][get some styles] uu.css(node, "color,width") -> { color: "red", width: "20px" }
// [3][set one style ] uu.css(node, "color", "red") -> node
// [4][set some styles] uu.css(node, { color: "red" }) -> node
get: uucssget, // uu.css.get(node:Node, styles:String):String/Hash
// [1][get one style ] uu.css.get(node, "color") -> "red"
// [2][get some styles] uu.css.get(node, "color,text-align") -> {color:"red", textAlign:"left"}
set: uucssset, // uu.css.set(node:Node, key:String/Hash, value:String = void):Node
// [1][set one style ] uu.css.set(node, "color", "red") -> node
// [2][set some styles] uu.css.set(node, { color: "red" }) -> node
uumix(uucssopacity, { // uu.css.opacity(node:Node, opacity:Number = void, isRelativeValue:Boolean = false):Number/node
// [1][get opacity] uu.css.opacity(node) -> Number(0.0~1.0)
// [2][set opacity] uu.css.opacity(node, opacity, isRelativeValue = false) -> node
get: uucssopacityget,// uu.css.opacity.get(node:Node):Number
set: uucssopacityset // uu.css.opacity.set(node:Node, opacity:Number, isRelativeValue:Boolean = false):Node
// --- getComputedStyle / currentStyle wrapper ---
style: uumix(uustyle, { //, mode:Number = 0):Hash
quick: uustylequick //
// --- QUERY ---
id: uuid, //, context:Node = document):Node/null
tag: uutag, // uu.tag(expression:String, context:Node = document):NodeArray
query: uuquery, // uu.query(expression:String, context:NodeArray/Node = document):NodeArray
// --- Node.className ---
klass: uumix(uuklass, { // uu.klass(expression:String, context:Node = document):NodeArray
has: uuklasshas, // uu.klass.has(node:Node, classNames:String):Boolean
add: uuklassadd, // uu.klass.add(node:Node, classNames:String):Node
sub: uuklasssub, // uu.klass.sub(node:Node, classNames:String):Node
toggle: uuklasstoggle // uu.klass.toggle(node:Node, classNames:String):Node
// --- OOP ---
Class: uumix(uuclass, { // uu.Class(className:String, proto:Hash = void)
// [1][base] uu.Class("A", { proto: ... })
// [2][inherit] uu.Class("B:A", { proto: ... })
guid: uuclassguid, // uu.Class.guid():Number
singleton: uuclasssingleton// uu.Class.singleton(className:String, proto:Hash = void)
// --- EVENT ---
event: uumix(uuevent, { // uu.event(node:Node, eventTypeEx:String, evaluator:Function, detach:Boolean = false):Node
// [1][bind a event] uu.event(node, "click", fn) -> node
// [2][bind multi events] uu.event(node, "click,dblclick", fn) -> node
// [3][bind a capture event] uu.event(node, "mousemove+", fn) -> node
// [4][bind a namespace.event] uu.event(node, "", fn) -> node
has: uueventhas, // uu.event.has(node:Node, eventTypeEx:String):Boolean
fire: uueventfire, //, eventType:String, param:Mix = void):Node
stop: uueventstop, // uu.event.stop(eventObject:EventObject):EventObject
unbind: uueventunbind, // uu.event.unbind(node:Node, eventTypeEx:String = void):Node
attach: uueventattach, // uu.event.attach(node:Node, eventType:String, evaluator:Function, capture:Boolean = false)
detach: uueventdetach // uu.event.detach(node:Node, eventType:String, evaluator:Function, capture:Boolean = false)
// --- Node / NodeList ---
node: uumix(uunode, { // uu.node(tagName:String = "div", attr:Hash = void):Node
add: uunodeadd, // uu.node.add(source:Node/DocumentFragment/HTMLFragment/TagName = "div", context:Node = <body>, position:Number = 6):Node
// [1][add div node] uu.node.add() -> <body><div /></body>
// [2][from tagName] uu.node.add("p") -> <body><p /></body>
// [3][from node] uu.node.add(uu.div()) -> <body><div /></body>
// [4][from HTMLFragment] uu.node.add("<div><p>txt</p></div>") -> <body><div><p>txt</p></div></body>
// [5][from DocumentFragment] uu.node.add(DocumentFragment) -> <body>{{fragment}}</body>
has: uunodehas, // uu.node.has(node:Node, context:Node):Boolean
root: doc.documentElement || doc.html,
// root node, documentElement or <html>(in IE quirks)
bulk: uunodebulk, // uu.node.bulk(source:Node/HTMLFragment, context:Node/TagString = "div"):DocumentFragment
swap: uunodeswap, // uu.node.swap(swapin:Node, swapout:Node):Node (swapout node)
wrap: uunodewrap, // uu.node.wrap(innerNode:Node, outerNode:Node):Node (innerNode)
build: uunodebuild, //, args:Mix):Node
// [1][add node] uu.div(uu.div())
// [2][add text node] uu.div("hello")
// [3][add text node] uu.div(uu.text("hello"))
// [4][id callback] uu.div("@buildid") - window.xnode(uu, <div>, {{"buildid"}}, nodeid)
// [5][number callback] uu.div(1) - window.xnode(uu, <div>, {{1}}, nodeid)
// [6][set attr by string] uu.div("title,hello") - first String is uu.attr("title,hello")
// [7][set attr by hash] uu.div({ title: "hello" }) - first Hash is uu.attr({ title: "hello" })
// [8][set css by string] uu.div("", "color,red") - second String is uu.css("color,red")
// [9][set css by hash] uu.div("", { color: "red" }) - second Hash is uu.css({ color: "red" })
clear: uunodeclear, // uu.node.clear(context:Node):Node
clone: uunodebulk, // [alias]
remove: uunoderemove // uu.node.remove(node:Node):Node
nodeid: uumix(uunodeid, { // uu.nodeid(node:Node):Number (nodeid)
toNode: uunodeidtonode, // uu.nodeid.toNode(nodeid:Number):Node
remove: uunodeidremove // uu.nodeid.remove(node:Node):Node (removed node)
html: uuhtml, // uu.html(node, attr, style, buildid) -> <html>
head: uuhead, // uu.head(node, attr, style, buildid) -> <head>
body: uubody, // uu.body(node, attr, style, buildid) -> <body>
text: uutext, // uu.text(node:Node/String, text:String(= void)):Array/String/Node
// [1][create node] uu.text("text") -> createTextNode("text")
// [2][get text] uu.text(node) -> text or [text, ...]
// [3][set text] uu.text(node, "text") -> node
// --- STRING ---
fix: uufix, // uu.fix(source:String):String
// [1][css-prop to js-css-prop] uu.fix("background-color") -> "backgroundColor"
// [2][std-name to ie-name] uu.fix("float") -> "cssFloat" or "styleFloat"(IE)
// [3][html-attr to js-attr] uu.fix("for") -> "htmlFor"
// [4][through] uu.fix("-webkit-shadow") -> "-webkit-shadow"
trim: uumix(uutrim, { // uu.trim(" has space ") -> "has space"
tag: uutrimtag, // uu.trim.tag(" <h1>A</h1> B <p>C</p> ") -> "A B C"
url: uutrimurl, // uu.trim.url(' url("http://...") ') -> "http://..."
inner: uutriminner, // uu.trim.inner(" diet inner space ") -> "diet inner space"
quote: uutrimquote, // uu.trim.quote(' "quote string" ') -> 'quote string'
bracket: uutrimbracket // uu.trim.bracket(" <bracket> (this) [and] {this} ") -> "bracket this and this"
split: uumix(uusplit, { // uu.split(" A B C ") -> ["A", "B", "C"]
comma: uusplitcomma, // uu.split.comma(",,, ,,A,,,B,C,, ") -> ["A","B","C"]
toHash: uusplittohash // uu.split.toHash(source:String, splitter:String = ",", toNumber:Boolean = false):Hash
// [1][hash from string] uu.split.toHash("key,1,key2,1", ",") -> { key: 0, key2: 1 }
format: uuformat, // uu.format(format:String, var_args, ...):String
// [1][placeholder] uu.format("? dogs and ?", 101, "cats") -> "101 dogs and cats"
// --- JSON ---
json: uumix(uujson, { // uu.json(source:Mix, useNativeJSON:Boolean = false, callback:Function = void):JSONString
decode: uujsondecode // uu.json.decode(jsonString:JSONString, useNativeJSON:Boolean = false):Mix/Boolean
// --- DATE ---
date: uudate, // void):DateHash
// [1][get now] -> DateHash
// [2][DateHash] -> cloned DateHash
// [2][date to hash] -> DateHash
// [3][time to hash] -> DateHash
// [4][DateString to hash]"2000-01-01T00:00:00[.000]Z") -> DateHash
// [5][ISO8601String to hash]"2000-01-01T00:00:00[.000]Z") -> DateHash
// [6][RFC1123String to hash]"Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:18:14 GMT") -> DateHash
// --- DEBUG ---
puff: uupuff, // uu.puff(source:Mix)
trace: uumix(uutrace, { // uu.trace(titleOrSource:String/Mix, source:Mix = void)
clear: uutraceclear // uu.trace.clear()
// --- READY EVENT ---
ready: uumix(uuready, { // uu.ready(evaluator:Function = void, order:Number = 0)
gone: { // ready event state
dom: 0, // 1 is [DOMReady] DOMContentLoaded event fired
win: 0, // 1 is [WindowReady] window.onload event fired
audio: 0, // 1 is [AudioReady] <audio> ready event fired
video: 0, // 1 is [VideoReady] <video> ready event fired
canvas: 0, // 1 is [CanvasReady] <canvas> ready event fired
storage: 0, // 1 is [LocalStroageReady] LocalStorage ready event fired
blackout: 0 // 1 is [BlackOut] blackout (css3 cache reload)
lazy: uumix(uulazy, { // uu.lazy(id:String, evaluator:Function, order:Number = 0)
fire: uulazyfire //
// --- OTHER ---
js: uujs, // uu.js(javascriptExpression:String):Mix
win: {
size: uuwinsize // { innerWidth, innerHeight, pageXOffset, pageYOffset }
nop: function() {}, // uu.nop()
dmz: {}, // uu.dmz - DeMilitarized Zone(proxy)
guid: uuguid // uu.guid():Number
// --- MessagePump class ---
MessagePump.prototype = {
send: uumsgsend, // MessagePump.send(address:Array/Mix, message:String, param:Mix = void):Array/Mix
// [1][multicast] MessagePump.send([instance, ...], "hello") -> ["world!", ...]
// [2][unicast ] MessagePump.send(instance, "hello") -> ["world!"]
// [3][broadcast] MessagePump.send(null, "hello") -> ["world!", ...]
post: uumsgpost, //, message:String, param:Mix = void)
// [1][multicast][instance, ...], "hello")
// [2][unicast ], "hello")
// [3][broadcast], "hello")
register: uumsgregister, // MessagePump.register(instance:Instance)
unregister: uumsgunregister // MessagePump.unregister(instance:Instance)
uu.msg = new MessagePump(); // uu.msg - MessagePump instance
// --- ECMAScript-262 5th ---
Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = uuisarray);
uumix(Array.prototype, {
map: arraymap, // map(evaluator:Function, that:this = void):Array
some: arraysome, // some(evaluator:Function, that:this = void):Boolean
every: arrayevery, // every(evaluator:Function, that:this = void):Boolean
filter: arrayfilter, // filter(evaluator:Function, that:this = void):Array
forEach: arrayforeach, // forEach(evaluator:Function, that:this = void)
indexOf: arrayindexof, // indexOf(search:Mix, fromIndex:Number = 0):Number
lastIndexOf: arraylastindexof// lastIndexOf(search:Mix, fromIndex:Number = this.length):Number
}, 0, 0);
uumix(Array.prototype, {
reduce: arrayreduce, // reduce(evaluator:Function, initialValue:Mix = void):Mix
reduceRight: arrayreduceright// reduceRight(evaluator:Function, initialValue:Mix = void):Mix
}, 0, 0);
uumix(Boolean.prototype, {
toJSON: numbertojson // toJSON():String
}, 0, 0);
uumix(Date.prototype, {
toISOString: datetoisostring,// toISOString():String
toJSON: datetoisostring // toJSON():String
}, 0, 0);
uumix(Number.prototype, {
toJSON: numbertojson // toJSON():String
}, 0, 0);
uumix(String.prototype, {
trim: stringtrim, // trim():String
toJSON: stringtojson // toJSON():String
}, 0, 0);
uu.ver.gecko && win.HTMLElement && !win.HTMLElement.prototype.innerText &&
(function(proto) {
proto.__defineGetter__("innerText", innertextgetter);
proto.__defineSetter__("innerText", innertextsetter);
proto.__defineGetter__("outerHTML", outerhtmlgetter);
proto.__defineSetter__("outerHTML", outerhtmlsetter);
// --- construction --- =;
uu.opera = uu.ver.opera;
uu.gecko = uu.ver.gecko;
uu.webkit = uu.ver.webkit;
uu.config = uuarg(win.xconfig, { // uu.config - Hash: user configurations
aria: false,
debug: false,
right: false,
altcss: 0,
storage: 0,
visited: false,
baseDir: uutag("script").pop().src.replace(/[^\/]+$/, "")
doc.html || (doc.html = uutag("html")[0]); // document.html = <html>
doc.head || (doc.head = uutag("head")[0]); // document.head = <head>
// ===================================================================
// [1][Class factory] uu("MyClass", arg1, arg2) -> new uu.Clas.MyClass(arg1, arg2)
// [2][NodeSet factory] uu("div>ul>li", <body>) -> Jam
// uu - factory
function uufactory(expression, // @param Jam/Node/NodeArray/String/window: expression or ClassName
arg1, // @param Jam/Node/Mix(= void): context or ClassName.init arg1
arg2, // @param Mix(= void): ClassName.init arg2
arg3, // @param Mix(= void): ClassName.init arg3
arg4) { // @param Mix(= void): ClassName.init arg4
// @return Jam/Instance:
// class factory
if (typeof expression === "string" && uuclass[expression]) {
return new uuclass[expression](arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
// jam factory
return new uu.jam(expression, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); // depend: uu.jam
// --- plugin / plugin name space ---
// uu.plugin - enum plugins
function uuplugin() { // @return Array: ["plugin-name", ...]
return uukeys(uuplugin);
// uu.require - require file
function uurequire(url) { // @param String: url
// @return AjaxResultHash:
var xhr, status = 400, ok = false;
try {
xhr = win.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") :
win.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : 0;"GET", url, false); // sync
if (!xhr.status || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300)) {
ok = true;
status = xhr.status || 200;
} catch (err) {
xhr = xhr || { responseText: "", responseXML: "", status: 400 };
return {
ok: ok,
url: url,
xhr: xhr,
guid: uuguid(),
status: status,
isXMLContent: function() {
return /xml/i.test(this.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") || "");
// --- type ---
// [1][literal like literal]"abcdef", "abcdef") -> true
// [2][Date like Date] Date(123), new Date(123)) -> true
// [3][Hash like Hash]{ a: { b: 1 }}, { a: { b: 1 }}) -> true
// [4][Array like Array][1, [2, 3]], [1, [2, 3]]) -> true
// [5][FakeArray like FakeArray], document.links) -> true
// - like and deep matching
function uulike(lhs, // @param Date/Hash/Fake/Array: lhs
rhs) { // @param Date/Hash/Fake/Array: rhs
// @return Boolean:
var type1 = uutype(lhs);
if (type1 !== uutype(rhs)) {
return false;
switch (type1) {
case uutype.FUNCTION: return false;
case uutype.DATE: return uudate(lhs).ISO() ===
case uutype.HASH: return (uusize(lhs) === uusize(rhs) && uuhas(lhs, rhs));
case uutype.FAKEARRAY: //
case uutype.ARRAY: return uuarray(lhs) + "" == uuarray(rhs);
return lhs === rhs;
// [1][typeof] uu.type("str") -> 0x100(uu.type.STRING)
// [2][typeof matched bits] uu.type("str", uu.type.STRING | uu.type.NUMBER) -> true
// uu.type - type detection
function uutype(search, // @param Mix: search literal/object
match) { // @param Number(= 0): match types
// @return Boolean/Number: true is match,
// false is unmatch,
// Number is matched bits
var rv = uutype._TYPEOF[typeof search] ||
uutype._TYPEOF[] ||
(!search ? uutype.NULL : search.nodeType ? uutype.NODE :
"length" in search ? uutype.FAKEARRAY : uutype.HASH);
return match ? !!(match & rv) : rv;
uutype._TYPEOF = {
"undefined": uutype.VOID,
"[object Boolean]": uutype.BOOLEAN, "boolean": uutype.BOOLEAN,
"[object Number]": uutype.NUMBER, "number": uutype.NUMBER,
"[object String]": uutype.STRING, "string": uutype.STRING,
"[object Function]":uutype.FUNCTION, "function": uutype.FUNCTION,
"[object RegExp]": uutype.REGEXP,
"[object Array]": uutype.ARRAY,
"[object Date]": uutype.DATE,
"[object CSSStyleDeclaration]": uutype.CSS, // [WebKit][Opera]
"[object ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration]": uutype.CSS // [Gecko]
// uu.isNumber - is number
function uuisnumber(search) { // @param Mix: search
// @return Boolean:
return typeof search === "number";
// uu.isString - is string
function uuisstring(search) { // @param Mix: search
// @return Boolean:
return typeof search === "string";
// inner - is array
function uuisarray(search) { // @param Mix: search
// @return Boolean:
return === "[object Array]";
// inner - is date
function uuisdate(search) { // @param Mix: search
// @return Boolean:
return === "[object Date]";
// uu.isFunction - is function
function uuisfunction(search) { // @param Mix: search
// @return Boolean:
return === "[object Function]";
// --- hash / array ---
// [1][supply args] uu.arg({ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }) -> { a: 1, b: 2 }
// uu.arg - supply default arguments
function uuarg(arg1, // @param Hash(= {}): arg1
arg2, // @param Hash: arg2
arg3) { // @param Hash(= void): arg3
// @return Hash: new Hash(mixed arg)
return uumix(uumix({}, arg1 || {}), arg2, arg3, 0);
// [1][override value] uu.mix({a:9, b:9}, {a:1}, {b:2}) -> { a: 1, b: 2 }
// [2][stable value] uu.mix({a:9, b:9}, {a:1}, {b:2}, 0) -> { a: 9, b: 9 }
// uu.mix - mixin
function uumix(base, // @param Hash: mixin base
flavor, // @param Hash: add flavor
aroma, // @param Hash(= void): add aroma
override) { // @param Boolean(= true): true is override
// @return Hash: base
var i;
if (override === void 0 || override) { // [1][3]
for (i in flavor) {
base[i] = flavor[i];
} else { // [2]
for (i in flavor) {
i in base || (base[i] = flavor[i]);
return aroma ? uumix(base, aroma, 0, override) : base;
// [1][Array.forEach] uu.each([1, 2], function(v, i) {...})
// [2][Hash.forEach ] uu.each({ a: 1, b: 2 }, function(v, i) {...})
// uu.each - for each
function uueach(source, // @param Hash/Array: source
callback) { // @param Function: callback
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
} else {
for (var i in source) {
callback(source[i], i); // callback(value, index)
// [1][Hash.keys] uu.keys({ a: 1, b: 2 }) -> ["a", "b"]
// [2][Array.keys] uu.keys([1, 2]) -> [0, 1]
// uu.keys - enum keys
function uukeys(source, // @param Hash/Array: source
_enumValues) { // @hidden Boolean(= false): true is enum values
// @return Array: [key, ... ]
var rv = [], ri = -1, i, iz;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
for (i = 0, iz = source.length; i < iz; ++i) {
i in source && (rv[++ri] = _enumValues ? source[i] : i);
} else {
if (!_enumValues && Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(source);
for (i in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
rv[++ri] = _enumValues ? source[i] : i;
return rv;
// [1][Hash.values] uu.keys({ a: 1, b: 2 }) -> [1, 2]
// [2][Array.values] uu.keys([1, 2]) -> [1, 2]
// uu.values - enum values
function uuvalues(source) { // @param Hash/Array: source
// @return Array: [value, ... ]
return uukeys(source, true);
// [1][hash to hash(through)] uu.hash({ key: "val" }) -> { key: "val" }
// [2][key/value pair to hash] uu.hash("key", mix) -> { key: mix }
// uu.hash - to hash, convert hash from key value pair
function uuhash(key, // @param Hash/String: key
value) { // @param Mix(= void): value
// @return Hash: { key: value, ... }
if (arguments.length === 1) { // [1]
return key;
var rv = {};
rv[key] = value; // [2]
return rv;
// uu.hash._dd2num = { "00": 0 , ... "99": 99 }; Zero-filled dec string -> Number
// uu.hash._num2dd = { 0: "00", ... 99: "99" }; Number -> Zero-filled dec string
_makeMapping("0123456789", uuhash._dd2num = {}, uuhash._num2dd = {});
// uu.hash._hh2num = { "00": 0 , ... "ff": 255 }; Zero-filled hex string -> Number
// uu.hash._num2hh = { 0: "00", ... 255: "ff" }; Number -> Zero-filled hex string
_makeMapping("0123456789abcdef", uuhash._hh2num = {}, uuhash._num2hh = {});
// [1][ary to ary (through)] uu.ary([1, 2]) -> [1, 2]
// [2][mix to ary] uu.ary(mix) -> [mix]
// [3][NodeList to ary] uu.ary(NodeList) -> [node, ...]
// [4][arguments to ary] uu.ary(arguments) -> [arg, ...]
// uu.array - to array, convert array
function uuarray(source) { // @param Array/Mix/NodeList/Arguments: source
// @return Array:
var type = uutype(source), rv, i, iz;
if (type === uutype.FAKEARRAY) { // [3][4]
for (rv = [], i = 0, iz = source.length; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[i] = source[i];
return rv;
return (type === uutype.ARRAY) ? source : [source]; // [1][2]
// [1][Hash has Hash] uu.has({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1 }) -> true
// [2][Array has Array] uu.has([1, 2], [1]) -> true
// uu.has - has
function uuhas(source, // @param Hash/Array: source
search) { // @param Hash/Array: search element
// @return Boolean:
if (source && search) {
var i, iz;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
search = uuarray(search);
for (i = 0, iz = search.length; i < iz; ++i) {
if (i in search && source.indexOf(search[i]) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
for (i in search) {
if (!(i in source)) {
return false;
if (source[i] !== search[i]
&& _jsoninspect(source[i]) !== _jsoninspect(search[i])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
// [1][Hash nth ] uu.nth({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 1) -> ["b", 2]
// [2][Array nth] uu.nth(["a", 100], 1) -> [1, 100]
// uu.nth - nth pair
function uunth(source, // @param Hash/Array: source
index) { // @param Number: index
// @return Array: [key, value]
// or [void, void] (not found)
var i, j = 0;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
if (i in source) {
return [i, source[i]];
} else {
for (i in source) {
if (j++ === index) {
return [i, source[i]];
return [void 0, void 0];
// [1][Hash.length] uu.size({ a: 1, b: 2 }) -> 2
// [2][Array.length] uu.size([1,2]) -> [1,2]
// uu.size - get length
function uusize(source) { // @param Hash/Array: source
// @return Number:
return Array.isArray(source) ? source.length : uukeys(source).length;
// [1][Hash.clone] uu.clone({ a: 1, b: 2 }) -> { a: 1, b: 2 }
// [2][Array.clone] uu.clone([1,2]) -> [1,2]
// uu.clone - clone hash, clone array
function uuclone(source) { // @param Hash/Array: source
// @return Hash/Array: cloned hash/array
return Array.isArray(source) ? source.concat() : uumix({}, source);
// [1][Hash.indexOf] uu.hash.indexOf({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 2 }, 2) -> "b"
// uu.hash.indexOf - find first key from value
function uuindexof(source, // @param Hash: source
search) { // @param Mix: search value
// @return String/void: "found-key" or void
for (var i in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(i) && source[i] === search) {
return i; // String
return void 0;
// [1][numeric sort 0-9] uu.sort([0,1,2], "0-9") -> [0, 1, 2]
// [2][numeric sort 9-0] uu.sort([0,1,2], "9-0") -> [2, 1, 0]
// [3][ascii sort a-z] uu.sort(["a","z"], "A-Z") -> ["a", "z"]
// [4][ascii sort a-z] uu.sort(["a","z"], "Z-A") -> ["z", "a"]
// [5][callback] uu.sort(["a","z"], callback) -> ["z", "a"]
// uu.sort - sort array
function uusort(source, // @param Array: source
method) { // @param String/Function(= "0-9"): method
// sort method or callback-function
// @return Array:
function _numericsort(a, b) {
return a - b;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
switch (method || "0-9") {
case "0-9": source.sort(_numericsort); break; // [1]
case "9-0": source.sort(_numericsort).reverse(); break; // [2]
case "A-Z": source.sort(); break; // [3]
case "Z-A": source.sort().reverse(); break; // [4]
default: source.sort(method); // [5]
return source;
// [1][Array.clean] uu.clone([,,1,2,,]) -> [1,2]
// uu.clean - array compaction, trim null and undefined elements
function uuclean(source) { // @param Array: source
// @return Array: clean Array
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
var rv = [], i = 0, iz = source.length;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
if (i in source) {
if (source[i] != null) { // null and undefined
return rv;
return source;
// [1][unique elements] uu.unique([<body>, <body>]) -> [<body>]
// [2][unique literals] uu.unique([0,1,2,1,0], true) -> [0,1,2]
// uu.unique - make array from unique element( trim null and undefined elements)
function uuunique(source, // @param Array: source
literalOnly) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is literal only(quickly)
// @return Array:
literalOnly = literalOnly ? true : false;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
var rv = [], ri = -1, v, i = 0, j, iz = source.length,
unique = {};
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
v = source[i];
if (v != null) { // null and undefined
if (literalOnly) { // [2]
unique[v] || (unique[v] = 1, rv[++ri] = v);
} else { // [1]
for (found = 0, j = i - 1; !found && j >= 0; --j) {
found = (v === source[j]);
!found && (rv[++ri] = v);
return rv;
return source;
// [1][Array x 2 = Hash] uu.array.toHash(["a", "b"], [1, 2]) -> { a: 1, b: 2 }
// [2][Array + Mix = Hash] uu.array.toHash(["a", "b"], 1) -> { a: 1, b: 1 }
// uu.array.toHash - make { key: value } pair from array
function uutohash(key, // @param Array: key array
value, // @param Array/Mix: value array or a mix value
toNumber) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is numeric value
// false is original value
// @return Hash: { key: value, ... }
var rv = {}, i = 0, iz = key.length, val;
if (Array.isArray(value)) { // [1]
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[key[i]] = toNumber ? +(value[i]) : value[i];
} else { // [2]
val = toNumber ? +(value) : value;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[key[i]] = val;
return rv;
// --- attribute ---
// [1][get one attr ] uu.attr(node, "attr") -> "value"
// [2][get some attrs] uu.attr(node, "attr1,attr2") -> { attr1: "val", attr2: "val" }
// [3][set one attr ] uu.attr(node, "attr", "val") -> node
// [4][set some attrs] uu.attr(node, { attr: "val" }) -> node
// uu.attr - attribute accessor
function uuattr(node, // @param Node:
key, // @param Hash/String: key
value) { // @param String(= void): value
// @return String/Hash/Node:
return (value === void 0 && uuisstring(key) ? uuattrget // [1][2]
: uuattrset)(node, key, value); // [3][4]
uuattr._HASH = uusplittohash(
uu.ver.ie67 ? "for,htmlFor,className,class"
: ("class,className,for,htmlFor,colspan,colSpan," +
// [1][get one attr ] uu.attr.get(node, "attr") -> String
// [2][get some attrs] uu.attr.get(node, "attr,...") -> Hash
// uu.attr.get - get attribute
function uuattrget(node, // @param Node:
attrs) { // @param String: "attr1,..."
// @return String/Hash: "value" (one attr)
// or { attr1: "value", ... }
var rv = {}, ary = attrs.split(","), v, w, i = 0, iz = ary.length,
HASH = uuattr._HASH; // [IE67] for -> htmlFor, className -> class
// [OTHER] for -> htmlFor, class -> className
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
v = ary[i];
w = HASH[v] || v;
if ( {
if (uu.ver.ie89 || v === "href" || v === "src") {
// [IE6][IE7][FIX] a[href^="#"] -> full path
rv[v] = node.getAttribute(v, 2) || "";
} else {
rv[v] = node[w] || "";
} else {
rv[v] = node.getAttribute(w) || "";
return (ary.length === 1) ? rv[ary[0]] : rv; // [3][4]
// [1][set one attr ] uu.attr.set(node, key, val ) -> node
// [2][set some attrs] uu.attr.set(node, { key: val, ... }) -> node
// uu.attr.set - set attribute
function uuattrset(node, // @param Node:
key, // @param String/Hash: key
value) { // @param String(= void): value
// @return Node:
var hash, i, HASH = uuattr._HASH;
uuisstring(key) ? (hash = {}, hash[key] = value) : (hash = key);
for (i in hash) {
node.setAttribute(HASH[i] || i, hash[i]);
return node;
// [1][get all] uu.attr(node) -> { all: attrs }
// [2][use filter] uu.attr(node, true) -> { many: attrs }
// uu.attr.getAll - get all attributes
function uuattrgetall(node, // @param Node:
filter) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is filter
// (ignore style and uu prefix keywords)
// @return Hash:
filter = filter ? true : false;
var rv = {}, ary = node.attributes, v, w, i = -1;
while ( (v = ary[++i]) ) {
w =;
if (!filter) { // [1]
rv[w] = v.value;
} else if (v.specified && w !== "style" && w.indexOf("uu")) { // [2]
// ignore: style keywords
// ignore: uu prefix keywords
rv[w] = v.value;
return rv;
// --- css / style ---
// [1][get one style ] uu.css(node, "color") -> "red"
// [2][get some styles] uu.css(node, "color,width") -> { color: "red", width: "20px" }
// [3][set one style ] uu.css(node, "color", "red") -> node
// [4][set some styles] uu.css(node, { color: "red" }) -> node
// uu.css - css accessor
function uucss(node, // @param Node:
key, // @param Hash/String: key
value) { // @param String(= void): value
// @return String/Hash/Node:
return (value === void 0 && uuisstring(key) ? uucssget // [1][2]
: uucssset)(node, key, value); // [3][4]
// [1][get one style ] uu.css.get(node, "color") -> "red"
// [2][get some styles] uu.css.get(node, "color,text-align") -> {color:"red", textAlign:"left"}
// uu.css.get - get getComputedStyle(node) value
function uucssget(node, // @param Node:
styles) { // @param String: "cssProp,..." or "css-prop,..."
// @return String/Hash: "value"
// or { cssProp: "value", ... }
var rv = {}, ary = styles.split(","), v, i = -1,
ns = uustyle(node), fixdb = uufix._db;
while ( (v = ary[++i]) ) {
rv[v] = ns[fixdb[v] || v] || "";
return (ary.length === 1) ? rv[ary[0]] : rv;
// [1][set one style ] uu.css.set(node, "color", "red") -> node
// [2][set some styles] uu.css.set(node, { color: "red" }) -> node
// uu.css.set
function uucssset(node, // @param Node:
key, // @param String/Hash:
value) { // @param String(= void):
// @return Node:
var hash = uuhash(key, value), // make { cssProp: value }
ns =, p, v, i, n,
fixdb = uufix._db, hook = uucssset._hook;
for (i in hash) {
v = hash[i];
p = fixdb[i] || i;
if (typeof v === "string") {
ns[p] = v; // backgroundColor = "transparent"
} else {
n = hook[p];
if (n === 2) {
uucssopacityset(node, v);
} else {
ns[p] = n ? v : (v + "px"); // zoom = 1, width = 100 + "px"
return node;
uucssset._hook = { opacity: 2, lineHeight: 1, fontWeight: 1,
fontSizeAdjust: 1, zIndex: 1, zoom: 1 };
// [1][get opacity] uu.css.opacity(node) -> Number(0.0~1.0)
// [2][set opacity] uu.css.opacity(node, opacity, isRelativeValue = false) -> node
// uu.css.opacity
function uucssopacity(node, // @param Node:
opacity, // @param Number(= void): opacity 0.0 - 1.0
isRelativeValue) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is relative value
// @return Number/Node:
return (opacity === void 0 ? uucssopacityget
: uucssopacityset)(node, opacity, isRelativeValue);
// uu.css.opacity.get - get opacity value(from 0.0 to 1.0)
function uucssopacityget(node) { // @param Node:
// @return Number: float(from 0.0 to 1.0)
if ( {
var v = node.uucssopacity; // void or 1.0 ~ 2.0
return v === void 0 ? 1 : (v - 1);
return parseFloat( ||
win.getComputedStyle(node, null).opacity);
// uu.css.opacity.set - set opacity value(from 0.0 to 1.0)
function uucssopacityset(node, // @param Node:
opacity, // @param Number: opacity, float(from 0.0 to 1.0)
isRelativeValue) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is relative value
// @return Node:
var ns; // alias
if (uu.ver.ie678) {
ns =;
if (node.uucssopacity === void 0) {
// at first time
if (uu.ver.ie67) { // [FIX][IE]
if ((node.currentStyle || {}).width === "auto") {
ns.zoom = 1;
isRelativeValue && (opacity += uucssopacityget(node));
// normalize
opacity = (opacity > 0.999) ? 1
: (opacity < 0.001) ? 0 : opacity; = opacity;
if (uu.ver.ie678) {
node.uucssopacity = opacity + 1; // (1.0 ~ 2.0)
ns.visibility = opacity ? "" : "hidden";
ns.filter = ((opacity > 0 && opacity < 1)
? "alpha(opacity=" + (opacity * 100) + ") " : "")
+ ns.filter.replace(uucssopacityset._alpha, "");
return node;
uucssopacityset._alpha = /^alpha\([^\x29]+\) ?/;
// --- getComputedStyle ---
// [1][get all computedStyle] -> { width: "100px", ... }
// [2][get more computedStyle], 0x1) -> { width: "100px", ... }
// [3][get some computedStyle], 0x2) -> { width: "100px", ... }
// - getComputedStyle, currentStyle wrapper
function uustyle(node, // @param Node:
mode) { // @param Number(= 0):
// 0: enum full properties
// 1: enum more properties
// 2: enum some properties
// 4: currentStyle (IE6,IE7,IE8 only)
// @return Hash: { prop: "val", ... }
if (uu.ver.ie678) {
if (mode === 4) {
return node.currentStyle;
if (!node.currentStyle) {
return {};
var rv = {},
ns =,
cs = node.currentStyle,
rs = node.runtimeStyle,
box =, UNITS = uustyle._UNITS,
em, rect, ut, v, w, x, i = -1, j = -1, m1, m2,
ary = !mode ? uustyle._HASH.full
: (mode === 1) ? uustyle._HASH.more
: 0,
stock = { "0px": "0px", "1px": "1px", "2px": "2px", "5px": "5px",
thin: "1px", medium: "3px", thick: uustyle._THICK_FIX };
if (ary) {
while ( (w = ary[++j]) ) {
rv[w] = cs[w];
em = parseFloat(cs.fontSize) *
(uustyle._UNIT_PT.test(cs.fontSize) ? 4 / 3 : 1);
rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
// calc border, padding and margin size
while ( (w = box[++i]) ) {
v = cs[w];
if (!(v in stock)) {
x = v;
switch (ut = UNITS[v.slice(-1)]) {
case 1: x = parseFloat(v) * em; break; // "12em"
case 2: x = parseFloat(v) * 4 / 3; break; // "12pt"
case 3: m1 = ns.left, m2 = rs.left; // %, auto
rs.left = cs.left, ns.left = v;
x = ns.pixelLeft, ns.left = m1, rs.left = m2;
stock[v] = ut ? x + "px" : x;
rv[w] = stock[v];
for (w in RECTANGLE) {
v = cs[w];
switch (ut = UNITS[v.slice(-1)]) {
case 1: v = parseFloat(v) * em; break; // "12em"
case 2: v = parseFloat(v) * 4 / 3; break; // "12pt"
case 3: // %, auto
switch (RECTANGLE[w]) {
case 1: v = node.offsetTop; break; //
case 2: v = node.offsetLeft; break; // style.left
case 3: v = (node.offsetWidth || rect.right - rect.left) // style.width
- parseInt(rv.borderLeftWidth)
- parseInt(rv.borderRightWidth)
- parseInt(rv.paddingLeft)
- parseInt(rv.paddingRight);
v = v > 0 ? v : 0;
case 4: v = (node.offsetHeight || rect.bottom - // style.height
- parseInt(rv.borderTopWidth)
- parseInt(rv.borderBottomWidth)
- parseInt(rv.paddingTop)
- parseInt(rv.paddingBottom);
v = v > 0 ? v : 0;
rv[w] = ut ? v + "px" : v;
rv.fontSize = em + "px";
rv.cssFloat = cs.styleFloat; // compat alias
return rv;
return win.getComputedStyle(node, null);
uustyle._HASH = uu.ver.ie678 ? _builduustylehash() : {};
uustyle._UNITS = { m: 1, t: 2, "%": 3, o: 3 }; // em, pt, %, auto
uustyle._UNIT_PT = /pt$/;
uustyle._THICK_FIX = uu.ver.ie89 ? "5px" : "6px";
uustyle._RECTANGLE = { top: 1, left: 2, width: 3, height: 4 };
// - getComputedStyle or currentStyle
function uustylequick(node) { // @param Node:
// @return Hash: { prop: "val", ... }
return uustyle(node, 4);
//{{{!mb inner - build hash
function _builduustylehash() {
var rv = { full: [], more: [], box: [] },
ary = [" "], i, w, trim = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
cs = doc.html.currentStyle;
for (i in cs) {
w = ary.join(" ").replace(/ (?:accelerator|behavior|hasLayout|zoom)/g, "");
rv.full = w.replace(trim, "").split(" ");
rv.more = w.replace(/ (?:lay\w+|rub\w+|text\w+|pageB\w+|ms\w+|scr\w+)/g, "").
replace(/ (?:blockDirection|orphans|quotes|widows|filter|styleFloat)/g, "").
replace(/ (?:imeMode|writingMode|unicodeBidi|emptyCells|tableLayout)/g, "").
replace(/ (?:border(?:Color|Style|Width)|margin|padding|outline) /g, " ").
replace(/ (border\w+Width|margin\w+|padding\w+)/g, function(_, m) {
return, _;
}).replace(trim, "").concat(" textAlign textOverflow textIndent").
split(" ").sort();
return rv;
// --- className(klass) ---
// uu.klass.has - has className
function uuklasshas(node, // @param Node:
classNames) { // @param String: "class1 class2 ..." (joint space)
// @return Boolean:
var m, ary, cn = node.className;
if (!classNames || !cn) {
return false;
if (classNames.indexOf(" ") < 0) {
return (" " + cn + " ").indexOf(" " + classNames + " ") >= 0; // single
ary = uusplit(classNames); // multi
m = cn.match(_classNameMatcher(ary));
return m && m.length >= ary.length;
// [1][add className] uu.klass.add(node, "class1 class2") -> node
// uu.klass.add - add className
function uuklassadd(node, // @param Node:
classNames) { // @param String: "class1 class2 ..."
// @return Node:
node.className += " " + classNames; // [OPTIMIZED] // uutriminner()
return node;
// [1][sub className] uu.klass.sub(node, "class1 class2") -> node
// uu.klass.sub - remove className
function uuklasssub(node, // @param Node:
classNames) { // @param String(= ""): "class1 class2 ..."
// @return Node:
node.className = uutriminner(
node.className.replace(_classNameMatcher(uusplit(classNames)), ""));
return node;
// uu.klass.toggle - toggle(add / sub) className property
function uuklasstoggle(node, // @param Node:
classNames) { // @param String: "class1 class2 ..."
// @return Node:
(uuklasshas(node, classNames) ? uuklasssub : uuklassadd)(node, classNames);
return node;
// --- oop ---
// uu.Class - create a generic class
function uuclass(className, // @param String: "Class"
// or "Class:SuperClass"
// or "Class<SuperClass"
proto) { // @param Hash(= void): prototype object
var ary = className.split(/\s*[\x3a-\x40]\s*/), tmp, i,
Class = ary[0], Super = ary[1] || "";
uuclass[Class] = function uuClass() {
var that = this,
Super = that.superClass || 0,
SuperSuper = Super ? Super.superClass : 0;
// register MessagePump
that.msgbox || (that.msgbox = uu.nop);
// constructor(order: SuperSuper -> Super -> that)
if (SuperSuper && SuperSuper.init) {
SuperSuper.init.apply(that, arguments);
if (Super && Super.init) {
Super.init.apply(that, arguments);
if (that.init) {
that.init.apply(that, arguments);
// setup destructor(order: ~that -> ~Super -> ~SuperSuper)
that["~fin"] = that.fin || uu.nop;
if (that.fin) {
uu.event.attach(win, "unload", function() {
that.fin && that.fin();
that.fin = function wrapper() {
Super && Super.fin &&;
SuperSuper && SuperSuper.fin &&;
// destroy them all
for (var i in that) {
that[i] = null;
uuclass[Class].prototype = proto || {};
if (Super) { // [2]
tmp = function() {};
tmp.prototype = uu.Class[Super].prototype;
uuclass[Class].prototype = new tmp;
for (i in proto) {
uuclass[Class].prototype[i] = proto[i];
uuclass[Class].prototype.constructor = uuclass[Class];
uuclass[Class].prototype.superClass = uu.Class[Super].prototype;
uuclass[Class].prototype.superMethod = superMethod;
// call superClass method
function superMethod(from, // @param Function: caller
method // @param String: method name
/* var_args */) { // @param Mix: args
var obj = this.superClass;
// recurtion guard
if (from === obj[method] || superMethod.caller === obj[method]) {
obj = obj.superClass;
return obj[method].apply(this, uu.array(arguments).slice(2));
// uu.Class.guid - get instance id
function uuclassguid(instance) { // @param Instance:
// @return Number: instance id, from 1
return instance.uuguid || (instance.uuguid = uu.guid());
// uu.Class.singleton - create a singleton class
function uuclasssingleton(className, // @param String: class name
proto) { // @param Hash(= void): prototype object
// @return Object: singleton class instance
uuclass[className] = function() {
var that = this, arg = arguments, self = arg.callee;
if (self.instance) {
that.stable && that.stable.apply(that, arg); // after the second
} else {
that.init && that.init.apply(that, arg);
that.fin && uu.event.attach(win, "unload", function() {
that.msgbox || (that.msgbox = uu.nop);
return self.instance || (self.instance = that);
uuclass[className].prototype = proto || {};
// --- message pump ---
// MessagePump
function MessagePump() {
this._addressMap = {}; // AddressMap { guid: instance, ... }
this._broadcast = []; // Broadcast AddressMap [guid, ...]
// [1][multicast] MessagePump.send([instance, ...], "hello") -> ["world!", ...]
// [2][unicast ] MessagePump.send(instance, "hello") -> ["world!"]
// [3][broadcast] MessagePump.send(null, "hello") -> ["world!", ...]
// MessagePump.send - send a message synchronously
function uumsgsend(address, // @param Array/Mix: address or guid
// [instance, ...] is multicast
// instance is unicast
// null is broadcast
message, // @param String: message
param) { // @param Mix(= void):
// @return Arra: [result, ...]
var rv = [], ri = -1, to, obj, i = -1,
ary = address ? uu.array(address) : this._broadcast;
while ( (to = ary[++i]) ) {
obj = this._addressMap[to.uuguid || to || 0];
obj && (rv[++ri] = obj.msgbox(message, param));
return rv;
// [1][multicast][instance, ...], "hello")
// [2][unicast ], "hello")
// [3][broadcast], "hello")
// - send a message asynchronously
function uumsgpost(address, // @param Array/Mix: address or guid
// [instance, ...] is multicast
// instance is unicast
// null is broadcast
message, // @param String: message
param) { // @param Mix(= void): param
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
that.send(address ? uu.array(address) : that._broadcast, message, param);
}, 0);
// MessagePump.register - register the destination of the message
function uumsgregister(instance) { // @param Instance: class instance
this._addressMap[uuclassguid(instance)] = instance;
this._broadcast = uu.keys(this._addressMap);
// MessagePump.unregister
function uumsgunregister(instance) { // @param Instance: class instance
delete this.db[uuclassguid(instance)];
this._broadcast = uu.keys(this._addressMap);
// --- event ---
// [1][bind a event] uu.event(node, "click", fn) -> node
// [2][bind multi events] uu.event(node, "click,dblclick", fn) -> node
// [3][bind a capture event] uu.event(node, "mousemove+", fn) -> node
// [4][bind a namespace.event] uu.event(node, "", fn) -> node
// uu.event - bind event
function uuevent(node, // @param Node:
eventTypeEx, // @param EventTypeExString: some EventTypeEx, "click,click+,..."
evaluator, // @param Function/Instance: callback function
unbind) { // @param Boolean(= false): true is unbind, false is bind
// @return Node:
function _uueventclosure(evt, fromCustomEvent) {
evt = evt || win.event;
if (!fromCustomEvent && !evt.code) {
var src = evt.srcElement ||, // [IE] srcElement
// make EventObjectEx { code, node, src, px, py, ox, oy }
src = (uu.webkit && src.nodeType === 3) ? src.parentNode : src;
evt.code = (EVENT_CODE[evt.type] || 0) & 255;
evt.node = node;
evt.src = src;
if ( {
iebody = uu.quirks ? doc.body : uu.node.root;
evt.px = evt.clientX + iebody.scrollLeft; = evt.clientY + iebody.scrollTop;
} else {
evt.px = evt.pageX; = evt.pageY;
evt.ox = evt.offsetX || evt.layerX || 0; // [IE][Opera][WebKit] offsetX
evt.oy = evt.offsetY || evt.layerY || 0; // [Gecko][WebKit] layerX
isInstance ?, evt, node, src)
: evaluator(evt, node, src);
// --- setup event database ---
if (!("uuEventTypeExString" in node)) {
node.uuEventTypeExString = ",";
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash = {};
var eventTypeExArray = eventTypeEx.split(","),
ex, token,
ns, eventType, capture, closure, handler, i = -1, pos,
isInstance = false, EVENT_CODE = uuevent._CODE; // for closure
if (unbind) {
closure = evaluator.uueventclosure || evaluator;
} else {
handler = uuisfunction(evaluator)
? evaluator
: (isInstance = true, evaluator.handleEvent);
closure = evaluator.uueventclosure = _uueventclosure;
while ( (ex = eventTypeExArray[++i]) ) { // ex = ""
// split token
// ""
// v
// ["", "namespace", "click", "+"]
token = uuevent._PARSE.exec(ex);
ns = token[1]; // "namespace"
eventType = token[2]; // "click"
capture = token[3]; // "+"
// IE mouse capture
if (uu.ie678) {
if (capture && eventType === "mousemove") {
uuevent(node, "losecapture", closure, unbind);
bound = node.uuEventTypeExString.indexOf("," + ex + ",") >= 0;
// IE mouse capture
if (uu.ie678) {
if (eventType === "losecapture") {
if (node.setCapture) {
bound ? node.setCapture()
: node.releaseCapture();
if (unbind) {
if (bound) {
evaluatorArray = node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[ex];
pos = evaluatorArray.indexOf(ex);
if (pos >= 0) {
evaluatorArray.splice(pos, 1); // remove evaluator
if (!evaluatorArray.length) {
// ",dblclick," <- ",,dblclick,".replace(",,", ",")
node.uuEventTypeExString =
node.uuEventTypeExString.replace("," + ex + ",", ",");
uueventdetach(node, eventType, closure, capture);
} else {
// ",,dblclick," <- ",," + "dblclick" + ,"
if (!bound) {
node.uuEventTypeExString += ex + ",";
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[ex] = []; // init evaluatorArray
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[ex].push(closure); // evaluatorArray.push()
uueventattach(node, eventType, closure, capture);
return node;
uuevent._PARSE = /^(?:(\w+)\.)?(\w+)(\+)?$/; // ^[NameSpace.]EvntType[Capture]$
uuevent._LIST = ("mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mousewheel,click,dblclick," +
uuevent._CODE = {
mousedown: 1, mouseup: 2, mousemove: 3, mousewheel: 4, click: 5,
dblclick: 6, keydown: 7, keypress: 8, keyup: 9, mouseenter: 10,
mouseleave: 11, mouseover: 12, mouseout: 13, contextmenu: 14,
focus: 15, blur: 16, resize: 17,
losecapture: 0x102, DOMMouseScroll: 0x104
// uu.event.has - has event
function uueventhas(node, // @param Node: target node
eventTypeEx) { // @param EventTypeExString: namespace and event types, "click", "namespace.mousemove+"
// @return Boolean:
return (node.uuEventTypeExString || "").indexOf("," + eventTypeEx + ",") >= 0;
// - fire event / fire custom event(none capture event only)
function uueventfire(node, // @param Node: target node
eventType, // @param String: "click", "custom"
param) { // @param Mix(= void): param
// @return Node:
if (uu.event.has(node, eventType)) {
var fakeEventObjectEx = {
stopPropagation: uu.nop,
preventDefault: uu.nop,
node: node, // current target
name: eventType, // event name
code: 0, // 0: unknown
src: node, // event source
rel: node,
px: 0,
py: 0,
ox: 0,
oy: 0,
type: eventType, // event type
param: param
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[eventType].forEach(function(evaluator) {, fakeEventObjectEx, true); // fromCustomEvent = true
return node;
// uu.event.stop - stop stopPropagation and preventDefault
function uueventstop(eventObject) { // @param EventObject:
// @return EventObject: ? (eventObject.cancelBubble = true) : eventObject.stopPropagation(); ? (eventObject.returnValue = false) : eventObject.preventDefault();
return eventObject;
// [1][unbind all] uu.event.unbind(node) -> node
// [2][unbind some] uu.event.unbind(node, "click+,dblclick") -> node
// [3][unbind namespace all] uu.event.unbind(node, "namespace.*") -> node
// [4][unbind namespace some] uu.event.unbind(node, ",namespace.dblclick") -> node
// uu.event.unbind - unbind event
function uueventunbind(node, // @param Node: target node
eventTypeEx) { // @param EventTypeExString(= void): namespace and event types, "click,click+,..."
// @return Node:
function _unbindall(ex) { // @param EventTypeExString: "MyNamespace.mousemove+"
// closure vars: node, ns
if (!ex.indexOf(ns)) {
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[ex].forEach(function(evaluator) {
uuevent(node, ex, evaluator, true); // unbind mode
if (eventTypeEx === void 0) { // [1]
eventTypeEx = node.uuEventTypeExString; // ",click,MyNamespace.mousemove+,"
var ns, ary = uusplitcomma(eventTypeEx), ex, i = -1;
while ( (ex = ary[++i]) ) {
if (ex.lastIndexOf(".*") > 1) { // [3] "namespace.*"
ns = ex.slice(0, -1); // "namespace.*" -> "namespace."
} else { // [2][4]
if (eventTypeEx.indexOf("," + ex + ",") >= 0) {
node.uuEventEvaluatorHash[ex].forEach(function(evaluator) {
uuevent(node, ex, evaluator, true); // unbind mode
return node;
// uu.event.attach - attach event - Raw Level API wrapper
function uueventattach(node, // @param Node:
eventType, // @param String: event type
evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
capture) { // @param Boolean(= false):
eventType = uueventattach._FIX[eventType] || eventType;
if (node.addEventListener) {
node.addEventListener(eventType, evaluator, !!(capture || 0));
} else {
node.attachEvent("on" + eventType, evaluator);
uueventattach._FIX = uu.gecko ? { mousewheel: "DOMMouseScroll" } :
uu.opera ? { contextmenu: "mousedown" } : {};
// uu.event.detach - detach event - Raw Level API wrapper
function uueventdetach(node, // @param Node:
eventType, // @param String: event type
evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
capture) { // @param Boolean(= false):
eventType = uueventattach._FIX[eventType] || eventType;
if (node.removeEventListener) {
node.removeEventListener(eventType, evaluator, !!(capture || 0));
} else {
node.detachEvent("on" + eventType, evaluator);
// uu.ready - hook DOMContentLoaded event
function uuready(evaluator, // @param Function(= void): callback function
order) { // @param Number(= 0): 0=low, 1=mid, 2=high(system)
if (evaluator !== void 0 && !uuready.gone.blackout) {
uuready.gone.dom ? evaluator(uu) // fired -> callback
: uulazy("boot", evaluator, order || 0); // [1] stock
// --- node ---
// uu.node - createElement wrapper
function uunode(tagName, // @param String(= "div"):
attr) { // @param Hash(= void):
// @return Node: <node>
var rv = doc.createElement(tagName || "div");
return attr === void 0 ? rv : uumix(rv, attr);
// [1][add div node] uu.node.add() -> <body><div /></body>
// [2][from tagName] uu.node.add("p") -> <body><p /></body>
// [3][from node] uu.node.add(uu.div()) -> <body><div /></body>
// [4][from HTMLFragment] uu.node.add("<div><p>txt</p></div>") -> <body><div><p>txt</p></div></body>
// [5][from DocumentFragment] uu.node.add(DocumentFragment) -> <body>{{fragment}}</body>
// uu.node.add - create element, add node, add node to context
function uunodeadd(source, // @param Node/DocumentFragment/HTMLFragment/TagName(= "div"):
context, // @param Node(= <body>): add to context
position) { // @param Number(= 6): insert position
// 1: first sibling
// 2: prev sibling
// 3: next sibling
// 4: last sibling
// 5: first child
// 6: last child
// @return Node: node or first node
context = context || doc.body;
var node = !source ? doc.createElement("div") // [1] uu.node.add()
: source.nodeType ? source // [3][5] uu.node.add(Node or DocumentFragment)
: !source.indexOf("<") ? uunodebulk(source, context) // [4] uu.node.add(HTMLFragmentString)
: doc.createElement(source), // [2] uu.node.add("p")
parentNode = context.parentNode,
rv = (node.nodeType === 11) ? node.firstChild : node; // 11: DocumentFragment
// <div id="parent">
// <div id="first">(position = 1) first sibling</div>
// <div id="prev"> (position = 2) prev sibling</div>
// <div id="ctx">context node
// <div id="firstChild">(position = 5) first child</div>
// <div></div>
// <div id="lastChild"> (position = 6) last child</div>
// </div>
// <div id="next"> (position = 3) next sibling</div>
// <div id="last"> (position = 4) last sibling</div>
// </div>
switch (position || 6) {
case 1: parentNode.insertBefore(node, parentNode.firstChild); break; // first sibling
case 2: parentNode.insertBefore(node, context); break; // prev sibling
case 3: parentNode.insertBefore(node, context.nextSibling); break; // next sibling
case 4: parentNode.appendChild(node); break; // last sibling
case 5: context.insertBefore(node, context.firstChild); break; // first child
case 6: context.appendChild(node); // last child
return rv;
// uu.nodeid - get nodeid
function uunodeid(node) { // @param Node:
// @return Number: nodeid, from 1
if (!node.uuguid) {
uunodeid._db[node.uuguid = ++uunodeid._num] = node;
return node.uuguid;
uunodeid._num = 0; // node id counter
uunodeid._db = {}; // { nodeid: node, ... }
// uu.nodeid.toNode - get node by nodeid
function uunodeidtonode(nodeid) { // @param String: nodeid
// @return Node/void:
return uunodeid._db[nodeid];
// uu.nodeid.remove - remove from node db
function uunodeidremove(node) { // @param Node:
// @return Node: removed node
node.uuguid && (uunodeid._db[node.uuguid] = null, node.uuguid = null);
return node;
// uu.node.has - has child node
function uunodehas(node, // @param Node: child node
context) { // @param Node: context(parent) node
// @return Boolean:
for (var c = node; c && c !== context;) {
c = c.parentNode;
return node !== context && c === context;
// [1][clone] uu.node.bulk(Node) -> DocumentFragment
// [2][build] uu.node.bulk("<p>html</p>") -> DocumentFragment
// uu.node.bulk - convert HTMLString into DocumentFragment
function uunodebulk(source, // @param Node/HTMLFragment: source
context) { // @param Node/TagString(= "div"): context
// @return DocumentFragment:
context = context || "div";
var rv = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
placeholder = context.nodeType ? context : uunode(context);
placeholder.innerHTML = source.nodeType ? source.outerHTML // [1] node
: source; // [2] "<p>html</p>"
while (placeholder.firstChild) {
return rv;
// uu.node.swap - swap node
function uunodeswap(swapin, // @param Node: swapin
swapout) { // @param Node: swapout
// @return Node: swapout
return swapout.parentNode.replaceChild(swapin, swapout);
// [1][wrap] uu.node.wrap(<span>target</span>, <p>)
// <span>target</span> -> <p><span>target</span></p>
// uu.node.wrap - wrapper
function uunodewrap(innerNode, // @param Node: inner node
outerNode) { // @param Node: wrapper, outer node
// @return Node: innerNode
return outerNode.appendChild(uunodeswap(outerNode, innerNode));
// - node builder
// [1][add node] uu.div(uu.div())
// [2][add text node] uu.div("hello")
// [3][add text node] uu.div(uu.text("hello"))
// [4][id callback] uu.div("@buildid") - window.xnode(uu, <div>, {{"buildid"}}, nodeid)
// [5][number callback] uu.div(1) - window.xnode(uu, <div>, {{1}}, nodeid)
// [6][set attr by string] uu.div("title,hello") - first String is uu.attr("title,hello")
// [7][set attr by hash] uu.div({ title: "hello" }) - first Hash is uu.attr({ title: "hello" })
// [8][set css by string] uu.div("", "color,red") - second String is uu.css("color,red")
// [9][set css by hash] uu.div("", { color: "red" }) - second Hash is uu.css({ color: "red" })
function uunodebuild(node, // @param Node/String:
args) { // @param Mix: arguments(nodes, attr/css)
// @return Node:
node.nodeType || (node = uu.node(node)); // "div" -> <div>
var arg, isString, w, i = 0, j = 0, iz = args.length,
xnode = uuisfunction(win.xnode) ? win.xnode : uu.nop;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
w = 1;
arg = args[i];
isString = typeof arg === "string";
if (arg) {
if (isString) { // [2][4][6][8]
if (arg.indexOf(",") < 0 && w--) { // [2]
} else if (arg.charAt(0) === "@" && w--) { // [4]
xnode(uu, node, arg.slice(1), uu.nodeid(node));
} else if (arg.nodeType && w--) {
node.appendChild(arg); // [1][3]
} else if (typeof arg === "number" && w--) { // [5]
xnode(uu, node, arg, uu.nodeid(node));
if (w) {
if (++j === 1) {
arg && uu.attr.set(node, isString ? uu.split.toHash(arg) : arg); // [6][7]
} else if (j === 2) {
arg && uu.css.set(node, isString ? uu.split.toHash(arg) : arg); // [8][9]
return node;
// [1][clear children] uu.node.clear(<body>)
// uu.node.clear - clear all children
function uunodeclear(context) { // @param Node: parent node
// @return Node: context
var rv = uutag("*", context), v, i = -1;
while ( (v = rv[++i]) ) {
rv = []; // gc
while (context.firstChild) {
return context;
// uu.node.remove - remove node
function uunoderemove(node) { // @param Node:
// @return Node: node
if (node && node.parentNode) {
return node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
return node;
// uu.html
function uuhtml(/* var_args */) { // @param Mix: var_args
// @return Node: <html> node
return uunodebuild(doc.html, arguments);
// uu.head
function uuhead(/* var_args */) { // @param Mix: var_args
// @return Node: <head> node
return uunodebuild(doc.head, arguments);
// uu.body
function uubody(/* var_args */) { // @param Mix: var_args
// @return Node: <body> node
return uunodebuild(doc.body, arguments);
// [1][get text] uu.text(node) -> text or [text, ...]
// [2][set text] uu.text(node, "text") -> node
// uu.text - node.text / node.innerText accessor
function uutext(node, // @param Node/String: node or text string
text) { // @param String(= void):
// @return Array/String/Node:
if (uuisstring(node)) {
return doc.createTextNode(node);
if (text === void 0) {
return node[uu.gecko ? "textContent" : "innerText"];
uunodeadd(doc.createTextNode(Array.isArray(text) ? text.join("") : text),
return node;
// --- query ---
// uu.query - querySelectorAll
function uuquery(expression, // @param String: expression, "css > expr"
context) { // @param NodeArray/Node(= document): query context
// @return NodeArray: [Node, ...]
if (context && doc.querySelectorAll && context.nodeType
&& !uuquery._NGWORD.test(expression)) { // [:scope] guard
try {
var rv = [],
nodeList = (context || doc).querySelectorAll(expression),
i = 0, iz = nodeList.length;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[i] = nodeList[i];
return rv;
} catch(err) {} // case: extend pseudo class / operators
return uuquery.selectorAll(expression, context || doc); // depend: uu.query
uuquery._NGWORD = /(:(a|b|co|dig|first-l|li|mom|ne|p|sc|t|v))|!=|\/=|<=|>=|&=|x7b/;
// - query id
function uuid(expression, // @param String: id
context) { // @param Node(= document): query context
// @return Node/null:
return (context || doc).getElementById(expression);
// uu.tag - query tagName
function uutag(expression, // @param String: "*" or "tag"
context) { // @param Node(= document): query context
// @return NodeArray: [Node, ...]
var nodeList = (context || doc).getElementsByTagName(expression),
rv = [], ri = -1, v, i = 0, iz = nodeList.length;
if ( && expression === "*") { // [IE] getElementsByTagName("*") has comment nodes
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
(v = nodeList[i]).nodeType === 1 && (rv[++ri] = v); // 1: ELEMENT_NODE
} else {
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[i] = nodeList[i];
return rv;
uutag.HTML4 = ("a,b,br,dd,div,dl,dt,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,i,img,iframe," +
"input,li,ol,option,p,pre,select,span,table,tbody,tr," +
"td,th,tfoot,textarea,u,ul").split(","); // exclude <html><head><body>
uutag.HTML5 = ("abbr,article,aside,audio,bb,canvas,datagrid,datalist," +
"details,dialog,eventsource,figure,footer,header,hgroup," +
// uu.klass - query className
function uuklass(expression, // @param String: "class", "class1, ..."
context) { // @param Node(= document): query context
// @return NodeArray: [Node, ...]
context = context || doc;
var rv = [], ri = -1, i = 0, iz, v,
nodeList, match, cn, nz, rex, name;
if (context.getElementsByClassName) {
// Advanced browser route
nodeList = context.getElementsByClassName(expression);
for (iz = nodeList.length; i < iz; ++i) {
rv[i] = nodeList[i];
} else {
// Legacy browser route
nodeList = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
name = uusplit(expression); // "class1 class2" -> ["class1", "class2"]
name.length > 1 && (name = uuunique(name, 1)); // [FIX] W3C TestSuite #170b
rex = _classNameMatcher(name);
for (nz = name.length, iz = nodeList.length; i < iz; ++i) {
v = nodeList[i];
cn = v.className;
if (cn) {
match = cn.match(rex); // [!] KEEP IT
(match && match.length >= nz) && (rv[++ri] = v);
return rv;
// --- string ---
// [1][css-prop to js-css-prop] uu.fix("background-color") -> "backgroundColor"
// [2][std-name to ie-name] uu.fix("float") -> "cssFloat" or "styleFloat"(IE)
// [3][html-attr to js-attr] uu.fix("for") -> "htmlFor"
// [4][through] uu.fix("-webkit-shadow") -> "-webkit-shadow"
// uu.fix - fix style property, attribute name
function uufix(source) { // @param String: source
// @return String:
return uufix._db[source] || source;
uufix._db = {}; // { "background-color": "backgroundColor", ... }
// uu.trim - trim both side whitespace
function uutrim(source) { // @param String: " has space "
// @return String: "has space"
return source.replace(uutrim._TRIM, "");
uutrim._TAG = /<\/?[^>]+>/g; // <div> or </div>
uutrim._TRIM = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
uutrim._QUOTE = /^\s*["']?|["']?\s*$/g; //'
uutrim._SPACES = /\s\s+/g;
uutrim._BRACKET = /^\s*[\(\[\{<]?|[>\}\]\)]?\s*$/g; // [br](ac){ke}<ts>
// uu.trim.tag - trim.inner + strip tags
function uutrimtag(source) { // @param String: " <h1>A</h1> B <p>C</p> "
// @return String: "A B C"
return source.replace(uutrim._TRIM, "").
replace(uutrim._TAG, "").
replace(uutrim._SPACES, " ");
// uu.trim.url - trim.inner + strip "url(" ... ")" + trim.quote
function uutrimurl(source) { // @param String: ' url("http://...") '
// @return String: "http://..."
return (!source.indexOf("url(") && source.indexOf(")") === source.length - 1) ?
source.slice(4, -1).replace(uutrim._QUOTE, "") : source;
// uu.trim.inner - trim + diet inside multi spaces
function uutriminner(source) { // @param String: " diet inner space "
// @return String: "diet inner space"
return source.replace(uutrim._TRIM, "").replace(uutrim._SPACES, " ");
// uu.trim.quote - trim + strip "double" 'single' quote
function uutrimquote(source) { // @param String: ' "quote string" '
// @return String: 'quote string'
return source.replace(uutrim._QUOTE, "");
// uu.trim.bracket - trim + strip brackets () [] {} <>
function uutrimbracket(source) { // @param String: " <bracket> (this) [and] {this} "
// @return String: "bracket this and this"
return source.replace(uutrim._BRACKET, "");
// uu.split - split space
function uusplit(source) { // @param String: " split space token "
// @return Array: ["split", "space", "token"]
return source.replace(uutrim._SPACES, " ").
replace(uutrim._TRIM, "").split(" ");
uusplit._MANY_COMMAS = /,,+/g; // many commas
uusplit._TRIM_SPACE_AND_COMMAS = /^[ ,]+|[ ,]+$/g; // trim space and comma
// uu.split.comma - split commas
function uusplitcomma(source) { // @param String: ",,, ,,A,,,B,C,, "
// @return Array: ["A", "B", "C"]
return source.replace(uusplit._MANY_COMMAS, ",").
replace(uusplit._TRIM_SPACE_AND_COMMAS, "").split(",");
// [1][hash from string] uu.split.toHash("key,1,key2,1", ",") -> { key: 0, key2: 1 }
// uu.split.toHash - split to hash
function uusplittohash(source, // @param String: "key,0,key2,1"
splitter, // @param String(= ","): splitter
toNumber) { // @param Boolean(= false): convert value to number
// @return Hash: { key: "0", key2: "1" }
var rv = {}, ary = source.split(splitter || ","), i = 0, iz = ary.length,
num = toNumber ? true : false;
for (; i < iz; i += 2) {
rv[ary[i]] = num ? +(ary[i + 1]) : ary[i + 1];
return rv;
// [1][placeholder] uu.format("? dogs and ?", 101, "cats") -> "101 dogs and cats"
// uu.format - placeholder( "?" ) replacement
function uuformat(format) { // @param String: formatted string with "?" placeholder
// @return String: "formatted string"
var i = 0, args = arguments;
return format.replace(uuformat._PLACEHOLDER, function() {
return args[++i];
uuformat._PLACEHOLDER = /\?/g;
// --- debug ---
// uu.puff - uu.puff(mix) -> alert( uu.json(mix) )
function uupuff(source) { // @param Mix: source object
// <div id="trace">msg<div>
// [1][with title] uu.trace(title, mix) -> <p>title{mix}</p>
// [2][without title] uu.trace(mix) -> <p>{mix}</p>
// uu.trace - add trace
function uutrace(titleOrSource, // @param String/Mix: title or source
source) { // @param Mix(= void): source (with title)
var output = uuid("trace"), json, title = "";
if (output) {
if (source !== void 0) {
title = titleOrSource;
json = _jsoninspect(source);
} else {
json = _jsoninspect(titleOrSource);
if (output.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
output.value += title + json;
} else {
output.innerHTML += "<p>" + title + json + "</p>";
// uu.trace.clear - clear
function uutraceclear() {
var output = uuid("trace");
if (output) {
if (output.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
output.value = "";
} else {
output.innerHTML = "";
// --- JSON ---
// uu.json - mix to JSONString
function uujson(source, // @param Mix:
useNativeJSON, // @param Boolean(= false): switch native impl or js impl
// true is use native JSON
// false is use js JSON
callback) { // @param Function(= void): error callback
// @return JSONString:
return useNativeJSON && win.JSON ? win.JSON.stringify(source) || ""
: _jsoninspect(source, callback);
// uu.json.decode - decode JSONString
function uujsondecode(jsonString, // @param JSONString:
useNativeJSON) { // @param Boolean(= false): switch native impl or js impl
// true is use native JSON
// false is use js JSON
// @return Mix/Boolean: false is error
var str = uutrim(jsonString);
if (useNativeJSON && win.JSON) {
return win.JSON.parse(str);
return uujsondecode._NGWORD.test(str.replace(uujsondecode._UNESCAPE, ""))
? false : uujs("return " + str + ";");
uujsondecode._NGWORD = /[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/;
uujsondecode._UNESCAPE = /"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g;
// inner - convert string to JSON formatted string
function _str2json(str, // @param String:
addQuote) { // @param Number(= 0): 1 is add quote(")
// @return String: '\u0000' or '"\u0000"'
function _swap(m) {
return _str2json._SWAP[m];
function _ucs2(str, c) {
c = str.charCodeAt(0);
// '\uffff'
return "\\u" + uuhash._num2hh[(c >> 8) & 255] +
uuhash._num2hh[ c & 255];
var rv = str.replace(_str2json._ESCAPE, _swap).
replace(_str2json._ENCODE, _ucs2);
return addQuote ? '"' + rv + '"' : rv;
_str2json._SWAP = uusplittohash('",\\",\b,\\b,\f,\\f,\n,\\n,\r,\\r,\t,\\t,\\,\\\\');
_str2json._ESCAPE = /(?:\"|\\[bfnrt\\])/g; // escape //"
_str2json._ENCODE = /[\x00-\x1F\u0080-\uFFEE]/g;
// inner - json inspect
function _jsoninspect(mix, fn) {
var ary, type = uutype(mix), w, ai = -1, i, iz;
if (mix === win) {
return '"window"'; // window -> String("window")
switch (type) {
case uutype.CSS:
case uutype.HASH: ary = []; break;
case uutype.NODE: return '"uuguid":' + uunodeid(mix);
case uutype.NULL: return "null";
case uutype.VOID: return "undefined";
case uutype.DATE: return uudate(mix).ISO();
case uutype.BOOLEAN:
case uutype.FUNCTION:
case uutype.NUMBER: return mix.toString();
case uutype.STRING: return _str2json(mix, 1);
case uutype.ARRAY:
case uutype.FAKEARRAY:
for (ary = [], i = 0, iz = mix.length; i < iz; ++i) {
ary[++ai] = _jsoninspect(mix[i], fn);
return "[" + ary + "]";
return fn ? (fn(mix) || "") : "";
if (type === uutype.CSS) {
w = uu.webkit;
for (i in mix) {
if (typeof mix[i] === "string" && (w || i != (+i + ""))) { // !isNaN(i)
w && (i = mix.item(i));
ary[++ai] = '"' + i + '":' + _str2json(mix[i], 1);
} else { // type === uutype.HASH
// if (mix.hasOwnProperty("toString")) {
// return _str2json(mix.toString(), 1);
// }
for (i in mix) {
ary[++ai] = _str2json(i, 1) + ":" + _jsoninspect(mix[i], fn);
return "{" + ary + "}";
// --- date ---
// [1][get now] -> DateHash
// [2][DateHash] -> cloned DateHash
// [2][date to hash] -> DateHash
// [3][time to hash] -> DateHash
// [4][DateString to hash]"2000-01-01T00:00:00[.000]Z") -> DateHash
// [5][ISO8601String to hash]"2000-01-01T00:00:00[.000]Z") -> DateHash
// [6][RFC1123String to hash]"Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:18:14 GMT") -> DateHash
// - date accessor
function uudate(source) { // @param DateHash/Date/Number/String(= void):
// @return DateHash:
return source === void 0 ? _date2hash(new Date()) // [1]
: uuisdate(source) ? _date2hash(source) // [3] Date())
: uuisnumber(source) ? _date2hash(new Date(source)) // [4]
: source.GMT ? uuclone(source) // [2]
: _date2hash(_str2date(source) || new Date(source)); // [5][6][7]
// inner - convert Date to DateHash
function _date2hash(date) { // @param Date:
// @return Hash: { Y: 2010, M: 12, D: 31,
// h: 23, m: 59, s: 59, ms: 999,
// time: xxxxxxx, ISO, RFC, GMT }
return {
Y: date.getUTCFullYear(), M: date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
D: date.getUTCDate(), h: date.getUTCHours(),
m: date.getUTCMinutes(), s: date.getUTCSeconds(),
ms: date.getUTCMilliseconds(), time: date.getTime(),
ISO: datehashiso,
RFC: datehashrfc,
GMT: datehashrfc
// "2000-01-01T00:00:00[.000]Z" -> Date
// "Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:18:14 GMT" -> Date
// inner - DateString to Date
function _str2date(str) { // @param ISO8601DateString/RFC1123DateString:
// @return Date:
function _toDate(_, dayOfWeek, day, month) {
return dayOfWeek + " " + month + " " + day;
var m = _str2date._PARSE.exec(str);
if (m) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+m[1], +m[2] - 1, +m[3], // yyyy-mm-dd
+m[4], +m[5], +m[6], +m[7])); //
if ( && str.indexOf("GMT") > 0) {
str = str.replace(/GMT/, "UTC");
return new Date(str.replace(",", "").
replace(_str2date._DATE, _toDate));
_str2date._PARSE = /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d*))?Z$/;
_str2date._DATE = /^([\w]+) (\w+) (\w+)/;
// DateHash.ISO - encode DateHash To ISO8601String
function datehashiso() { // @return ISO8601DateString: "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
var padZero = ( < 10) ? "00" : ( < 100) ? "0" : "",
dd = uuhash._num2dd;
return uuformat("?-?-?T?:?:?.?Z", this.Y, dd[this.M], dd[this.D],
dd[this.h], dd[this.m], dd[this.s],
padZero +;
// DateHash.RFC - encode DateHash To RFC1123String
function datehashrfc() { // @return RFC1123DateString: "Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:18:14 GMT"
var rv = (new Date(this.time)).toUTCString();
if ( && rv.indexOf("UTC") > 0) {
rv = rv.replace(/UTC/, "GMT");
(rv.length < 29) && (rv = rv.replace(/, /, ", 0")); // [IE] fix format
return rv;
// --- other ---
// uu.js("JavaScript Expression") -> eval result
// uu.js - eval js
function uujs(javascriptExpression) { // @param String:
// @return Mix: new Function(expression) result
return (new Function(javascriptExpression))();
function uuwinsize() { // @return Hash: { innerWidth, innerHeight,
// pageXOffset, pageYOffset }
// innerWidth - Number:
// innerHeight - Number:
// pageXOffset - Number:
// pageYOffset - Number:
if ( {
var iebody = uu.quirks ? doc.body : uu.node.root;
return { innerWidth: iebody.clientWidth,
innerHeight: iebody.clientHeight,
pageXOffset: iebody.scrollLeft,
pageYOffset: iebody.scrollTop };
return { innerWidth: win.innerWidth,
innerHeight: win.innerHeight,
pageXOffset: win.pageXOffset, // [WebKit][Alias] document.body.scrollLeft
pageYOffset: win.pageYOffset }; // [WebKit][Alias] document.body.scrollTop
// uu.guid - get unique number
function uuguid() { // @return Number: unique number, from 1
return ++uuguid._num;
uuguid._num = 0; // guid counter
// uu.lazy - lazy evaluate
function uulazy(id, // @param String: id
evaluator, // @param Function: callback function
order) { // @param Number(= 0): 0=low, 1=mid, 2=high(system)
uulazy._db[id] || (uulazy._db[id] = [[], [], []]);
uulazy._db[id][order || 0].push(evaluator);
uulazy._db = {}; // { id: [[low], [mid], [high]], ... } job db
function uulazyfire(id) { // @param String: lazy id
if (uulazy._db[id]) {
var fn, i = -1, db = uulazy._db[id],
ary = db[2].concat(db[1], db[0]); // join
// pre clear
uulazy._db[id] = null;
// callback
while ( (fn = ary[++i]) ) {
// --- ECMAScript-262 5th ---
// Array.prototype.indexOf
function arrayindexof(search, // @param Mix: search element
fromIndex) { // @param Number(= 0): from index
// @return Number: found index or -1
var iz = this.length, i = fromIndex || 0;
i = (i < 0) ? i + iz : i;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
if (i in this && this[i] === search) {
return i;
return -1;
// Array.prototype.lastIndexOf
function arraylastindexof(search, // @param Mix: search element
fromIndex) { // @param Number(= this.length): from index
// @return Number: found index or -1
var iz = this.length, i = fromIndex;
i = (i < 0) ? i + iz + 1 : iz;
while (--i >= 0) {
if (i in this && this[i] === search) {
return i;
return -1;
// Array.prototype.every
function arrayevery(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
that) { // @param this(= void): evaluator this
// @return Boolean:
for (var i = 0, iz = this.length; i < iz; ++i) {
if (i in this && !, this[i], i, this)) {
return false;
return true;
// Array.prototype.some
function arraysome(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
that) { // @param this(= void): evaluator this
// @return Boolean:
for (var i = 0, iz = this.length; i < iz; ++i) {
if (i in this &&, this[i], i, this)) {
return true;
return false;
// Array.prototype.forEach
function arrayforeach(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
that) { // @param this(= void): evaluator this
var i = 0, iz = this.length;
if (that) {
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
i in this &&, this[i], i, this);
} else {
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
i in this && evaluator(this[i], i, this);
function arraymap(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
that) { // @param this(= void): evaluator this
// @return Array: [element, ... ]
for (var iz = this.length, rv = Array(iz), i = 0; i < iz; ++i) {
i in this && (rv[i] =, this[i], i, this));
return rv;
// Array.prototype.filter
function arrayfilter(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
that) { // @param this(= void): evaluator this
// @return Array: [element, ... ]
for (var rv = [], ri = -1, v, i = 0, iz = this.length; i < iz; ++i) {
i in this &&, v = this[i], i, this)
&& (rv[++ri] = v);
return rv;
// Array.prototype.reduce
function arrayreduce(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
initialValue) { // @param Mix(= void): initial value
// @return Mix:
var z, f = 0, rv = initialValue === z ? z : (++f, initialValue),
i = 0, iz = this.length;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
i in this && (rv = f ? evaluator(rv, this[i], i, this) : (++f, this[i]));
if (!f) {
throw new Error(arrayreduce._MSG);
return rv;
arrayreduce._MSG = "reduce of empty array with no initial value";
// Array.prototype.reduceRight
function arrayreduceright(evaluator, // @param Function: evaluator
initialValue) { // @param Mix(= void): initial value
// @return Mix:
var z, f = 0, rv = initialValue === z ? z : (++f, initialValue),
i = this.length;
while (--i >= 0) {
i in this && (rv = f ? evaluator(rv, this[i], i, this) : (++f, this[i]));
if (!f) {
throw new Error(arrayreduce._MSG);
return rv;
// Date.prototype.toISOString - to ISO8601 string
function datetoisostring() { // @return String:
return uudate(this).ISO();
// Number.prototype.toJSON, Boolean.prototype.toJSON
function numbertojson() { // @return String: "123", "true", "false"
return this.toString();
// String.prototype.trim
function stringtrim() { // @return String: "has space"
return this.replace(uutrim._TRIM, "");
// String.prototype.toJSON
function stringtojson() { // @return String: "string"
return _str2json(this);
// --- HTMLElement.prototype ---
// HTMLElement.prototype.innerText getter
function innertextgetter() {
return this.textContent;
// HTMLElement.prototype.innerText setter
function innertextsetter(text) {
while (this.hasChildNodes()) {
// HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML getter
function outerhtmlgetter() {
var rv, that = this, p = that.parentNode,
r = doc.createRange(), div = doc.createElement("div");
p || doc.body.appendChild(that); // orphan
rv = div.innerHTML;
p || that.parentNode.removeChild(that);
return rv;
// HTMLElement.prototype.outerHTML setter
function outerhtmlsetter(html) {
var r = doc.createRange();
this.parentNode.replaceChild(r.createContextualFragment(html), this);
// --- initialize ---
// inner - build DOM Lv2 event handler -, ...
uuevent._LIST.forEach(function(eventType) {
uu[eventType] = function bindEvent(node, fn) { //, fn) -> node
return uuevent(node, eventType, fn); // attach
uu["un" + eventType] = function unbindEvent(node) { // uu.unclick(node) -> node
return uuevent(node, eventType, 0, true); // detach
// inner - setup node builder - uu.div(), uu.a(), ...
uutag.HTML4.forEach(function(v) {
// skip "img", "canvas", "audio"
if (v === "img" || v === "canvas") {
uu[v] = function html4NodeBuilder() { // @param Mix: var_args
return uunodebuild(v, arguments);
uutag.HTML5.forEach(function(v) { && doc.createElement(v); // [IE]
uu[v] = function html5NodeBuilder() { // @param Mix: var_args
return uunodebuild(v, arguments);
// Internet Explorer 6 flicker fix
try {
uu.ver.ie6 && doc.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch(err) {} // ignore error(IETester / stand alone IE too)
// --- window.onload handler ---
function _WindowwOnLoad() { = 1;
win.xwin && win.xwin(uu); // window.xwin(uu) callback
uueventattach(win, "load", _WindowwOnLoad);
// --- DOMContentLoaded handler ---
function _DOMContentLoaded() {
if (!uuready.gone.blackout && !uuready.gone.dom++) {
win.xboot && win.xboot(uu); // window.xboot(uu) callback
// inner - hook DOMContentLoaded for IE6 IE7 IE8
function _IEDOMContentLoaded() {
try {
// trick ->
new Image.doScroll();
} catch(err) {
setTimeout(_IEDOMContentLoaded, 64);
uu.ver.ie678 ? _IEDOMContentLoaded()
: uueventattach(doc, "DOMContentLoaded", _DOMContentLoaded);
// --- finalize ---
// inner - [IE] fix mem leak
function _WindowOnUnload() {
var nodeid, node, ary, i, v;
for (nodeid in uunodeid._db) {
try {
node = uunodeid._db[nodeid];
ary = node.attributes, i = -1;
while ( (v = ary[++i]) ) {
!"uu") && (node[] = null);
} catch (err) {}
doc.html = null;
doc.head = null;
win.detachEvent("onload", _WindowwOnLoad);
win.detachEvent("onunload", _WindowOnUnload);
} && win.attachEvent("onunload", _WindowOnUnload);
// inner -
// 1. prebuild camelized hash -
// 2. prebuild nodeid
uuready(function() {
var nodeList = doc.html.getElementsByTagName("*"), v, i = -1,
styles = uusplittohash(( ? "float,styleFloat,cssFloat,styleFloat"
: "float,cssFloat,styleFloat,cssFloat") +
",pos,position,w,width,h,height,x,left,y,top,o,opacity," +
"bg,background,bgcolor,backgroundColor,bgimg,backgroundImage," +
uumix(_camelhash(uufix._db, uu.webkit ? uustyle(doc.html)
styles, uuattr._HASH);
while ( (v = nodeList[++i]) ) {
v.nodeType === 1 && uunodeid(v); // 1: ELEMENT_NODE
}, 2); // 2: high(system) order
// inner - make camelized hash( { "text-align": "TextAlign", ...}) from getComputedStyle
function _camelhash(rv, props) {
function _camelize(m, c) {
return c.toUpperCase();
function _decamelize(m, c, C) {
return c + "-" + C.toLowerCase();
var k, v, CAMELIZE = /-([a-z])/g, DECAMELIZE = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g;
for (k in props) {
if (typeof props[k] === "string") {
if (uu.webkit) {
v = k = props.item(k); // k = "-webkit-...", "z-index"
k.indexOf("-") >= 0 && (v = k.replace(CAMELIZE, _camelize));
(k !== v) && (rv[k] = v);
} else {
v = ((uu.gecko && !k.indexOf("Moz")) ? "-moz" + k.slice(3) :
( && !k.indexOf("ms")) ? "-ms" + k.slice(2) :
(uu.opera && !k.indexOf("O")) ? "-o" + k.slice(1) : k).
replace(DECAMELIZE, _decamelize);
(k !== v) && (rv[v] = k);
return rv;
// inner - make className matcher from array
function _classNameMatcher(ary) {
return RegExp("(?:^| )(" + ary.join("|") + ")(?:$|(?= ))", "g");
// inner - make String <-> Number mapping table
function _makeMapping(seed, // @param String: "0123456789" or "0123456789abcdef"
s2n, // @param Hash: String to Number
n2s) { // @param Hash: Number to String
var i = 0, j, k = -1, v, ary = seed.split(""), iz = ary.length;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < iz; ++j) {
v = ary[i] + ary[j];
s2n[v] = ++k; // { "00": 0, "01": 1, ... "ff": 255 }
n2s[k] = v; // { 0: 0, 1: 1, ... 255: "ff" }
// inner - detect versions and meta informations
function _version(libraryVersion) { // @param Number: Library version
// @return VersionHash:
function detectRenderingEngineVersion(userAgent) {
var ver = ((/(?:rv\:|ari\/|sto\/)(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)/.exec(userAgent)
|| [,0])[1]).toString()
return parseFloat(ver.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, "").
function detectUserAgentVersion(userAgent) {
var opera = window.opera || false;
return opera ? +(opera.version().replace(/\d$/, ""))
: parseFloat((/(?:IE |fox\/|ome\/|ion\/)(\d+\.\d)/.
exec(userAgent) || [,0])[1]);
// detect Flash version (version 7 ~ later)
function detectFlashVersion(ie) {
var rv = 0, obj, ver, m;
try {
obj = ie ? new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
: navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
ver = ie ? obj.GetVariable("$version").replace(/,/g, ".")
: obj.description;
m = /\d+\.\d+/.exec(ver);
rv = m ? parseFloat(m[0]) : 0;
} catch(err) {}
return rv < 7 ? 0 : rv;
// detect Silverlight version (version 3 ~ later)
function detectSilverlightVersion(ie) {
var rv = 0, obj, check = 3;
try {
if (ie) {
obj = new ActiveXObject("AgControl.AgControl");
while (obj.IsVersionSupported(check + ".0")) { // "3.0" -> "4.0" -> ...
rv = check++;
} else {
obj = navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"];
rv = parseInt(/\d+\.\d+/.exec(obj.description)[0]);
} catch(err) {}
return rv < 3 ? 0 : rv;
var rv = { library: libraryVersion },
ie = !!doc.uniqueID, userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
rv.render = detectRenderingEngineVersion(userAgent);
rv.browser = detectUserAgentVersion(userAgent);
rv.flash = detectFlashVersion(ie);
rv.silverlight = detectSilverlightVersion(ie); = ie;
rv.ie6 = ie && rv.browser === 6;
rv.ie7 = ie && rv.browser === 7;
rv.ie8 = ie && (doc.documentMode || 0) === 8;
rv.ie9 = ie && (doc.documentMode || 0) === 9;
rv.ie67 = rv.ie6 || rv.ie7;
rv.ie678 = rv.ie6 || rv.ie7 || rv.ie8;
rv.ie89 = rv.ie8 || rv.ie9;
rv.opera = !!(window.opera || false);
rv.gecko = userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/") > 0;
rv.webkit = userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") > 0; = userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > 0;
rv.safari = ! && userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > 0;
rv.iphone = rv.webkit && /iPad|iPod|iPhone/.test(userAgent);
rv.quirks = (doc.compatMode || "") !== "CSS1Compat";
rv.xml = uunode("div").tagName === uunode("DIV").tagName; = userAgent.indexOf("Win") > 0;
rv.mac = userAgent.indexOf("Mac") > 0;
rv.unix = /X11|Linux/.test(userAgent);
rv.as3 = rv.flash >= 9; // ActionScript 3, FlashPlayer 9+
rv.advanced = (ie && rv.browser >= 9) || // IE 9+
(rv.gecko && rv.render > 1.9) || // Firefox 3.5+(1.91)
(rv.webkit && rv.render >= 528) || // Safari 4+, Google Chrome 2+
(rv.opera && rv.browser >= 10.5); // Opera10.50+
rv.major = (ie && rv.browser >= 6) || // IE 6+
(rv.opera && rv.browser >= 9.5) || // Opera 9.5+
(rv.gecko && rv.render >= 1.9) || // Firefox 3+
(rv.webkit && rv.render > 524); // Safari 3.1+, Google Chrome 1+
rv.jit = rv.advanced;
return rv;
})(window, document);
// === font ===
//{{{!depend uu
uu.font || (function(win, doc, uu) {
var _BASE_STYLE = "position:absolute;border:0 none;margin:0;padding:0;";
uu.font = {
parse: fontparse, // uu.font.parse(font, embase) -> Hash
detect: fontdetect, // uu.font.detect(node) -> String("Alial")
metric: fontmetric, // uu.font.text(font, text) -> { w, h }
ready: fontready, // uu.font.ready(fonts) -> Array
ARIAL: 1.55, "ARIAL BLACK": 1.07, "COMIC SANS MS": 1.15,
// uu.font.parse - parse CSS::font style
//ja CSS スタイルのフォント文字列をパースする
function fontparse(font, // @param String: font string, "12pt Arial"
embase) { // @param Node: The em base node
// @return Hash:
// inner - measure em unit
function _em(node) {
var rv, div = node.appendChild(uu.node()); = _BASE_STYLE + "width:12em";
rv = div.clientWidth / 12;
return rv;
var rv = {}, fontSize, style,
cache = embase.uucanvascache ||
(embase.uucanvascache = { font: {}, em: _em(embase) });
if (!cache.font[font]) {
// --- parse font string ---
style = uu.node().style; // dummy element
try {
style.font = font; // parse
} catch (err) {
throw err;
fontSize = style.fontSize; // get font-size
rv.size = fontparse._sizes[fontSize];
if (rv.size) { // "small", "large" ...
rv.size *= 16;
} else if (fontSize.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) { // "12px"
rv.size = parseFloat(fontSize);
} else if (fontSize.lastIndexOf("pt") > 0) { // "12.3pt"
rv.size = parseFloat(fontSize) * 1.33;
} else if (fontSize.lastIndexOf("em") > 0) { // "10.5em"
rv.size = parseFloat(fontSize) * cache.em;
} else {
throw new Error("unknown font unit");
} = style.fontStyle; // normal, italic, oblique
rv.weight = style.fontWeight; // normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100~900
rv.variant = style.fontVariant; // normal, small-caps
rv.rawfamily = style.fontFamily.replace(/[\"\']/g, ""); //" = "'" + rv.rawfamily.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, "','") + "'";
rv.formal = [,
rv.size.toFixed(2) + "px",].join(" ");
cache.font[font] = rv; // add cache
return cache.font[font];
fontparse._sizes = {
"xx-small": 0.512,
"x-small": 0.64,
smaller: 0.8,
small: 0.8,
medium: 1,
large: 1.2,
larger: 1.2,
"x-large": 1.44,
"xx-large": 1.728
// uu.font.detect - detect the rendering font
//ja レンダリングに使用されているフォントを特定する
function fontdetect(node) { // @param Node:
// @return String: detected font, eg: "serif"
var fam =,
ary = uu.split.token(fam, ","), v, i = -1,
a, b = fontmetric("72pt " + fam);
while ( (v = ary[++i]) ) {
a = fontmetric("72pt " + v);
if (a.w === b.w && a.h === b.h) {
return v; // match
return "";
// uu.font.metric - measure text rect(width, height)
//ja レンダリング時の幅と高さを返す
function fontmetric(font, // @param CSSFronString: "12pt Arial"
text) { // @param String(= "aABCDEFGHIJKLMm"):
// @return Hash: { w, h }
var node = fontmetric._node;
if (!node) {
fontmetric._node = node = uu.node(); = _BASE_STYLE +
} = font;
node[uu.gecko ? "textContent"
: "innerText"] = text || "aABCDEFGHIJKLMm";
return { w: node.offsetWidth,
h: node.offsetHeight };
fontmetric._node = 0; // [lazy] measure node
// uu.font.ready - enum usable font
//ja レンダリングに利用可能なフォントを列挙する
function fontready(fonts) { // @param FontNameArray: ["Arial", "Times New Roman", "UnknownFontName"]
// @return Array: ["Arial", "Times New Roman"]
var rv = [], i = 0, iz = fonts.length, a, b;
for (; i < iz; ++i) {
a = fontmetric("72pt dummy");
b = fontmetric("72pt " + fonts[i]);
if (a.w !== b.w || a.h !== b.h) {
return rv;
})(window, document, uu);
Copy link
String = convApp.str_simpl2ortho(String) //舊字の選択肢が一つのみの字を、舊字へ

俗字⇒正字変換機 - c4se記:さっちゃんですよ☆

俗字⇒正字変換機 0.2 - c4se記:さっちゃんですよ☆

俗字←→正字、相互変換出来る様にしたよ! #c4se - c4se記:さっちゃんですよ☆

convApp 0.4 フォントを知ってる正字⇔俗字変換機 #javascript - c4se記:さっちゃんですよ☆

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