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Last active October 26, 2019 03:23
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  • Save ne1uno/a5d79c0b7a8f9dac65f4737834b900b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ne1uno/a5d79c0b7a8f9dac65f4737834b900b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
To move, you tell the computer how many numbers (counting from the left) to reverse.
For example, if the current list is 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 and you reverse 4,
the result will be 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9. Now if you reverse 5, you win.
• Comment from Pascal
Funny game, here is a REBOL version of this game. An interesting thing is its readability.
numbers: random ordered: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
count: 0
while [numbers <> ordered][
reverse/part probe numbers to-integer ask "Reverse how many? "
count: count + 1
print reform ["Done! That took you" count "steps."]
<> Or you can also use this: while [not-equal? numbers ordered]
I got the idea from reverse.exu jeremy euqt ~2010 or so and this
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8] move (0 to quit)? 10
[8 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0] move (0 to quit)? 2
[9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0] move (0 to quit)? 10
You've won in only 3 moves!
very difficult to imagine good search terms to find prior art
the game works slightly different than I remember
added tabs for swapper or reverser versions
Red [
title "reverse swap game demo example conversion to redlang"
auth: "ne1"
date: "2019/10"
icon: %red-3D.ico
Needs: 'View
version: ;
rights: "MIT or whatever you like"
productname: "reverse from jeremy euqt example and pascal"
red-strict-check?: no
random/seed now/precise
bfont: make font! [ ;game buttons
name: "Consolas" ;
size: 16
color: gray
style: 'bold
align: 'left
tfont: make font! [ ;status text
name: "Consolas" ;
size: 11
color: gray
;style: 'bold
align: 'left ;
ifont: make font! [ ;ui buttons
name: "arial" ; how to specify fallback 2nd typeface? need validate font exists
size: 12
color: black
align: 'left ;center
;; _: 0
;; steps: -1
gboard: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] ;this may be pointers to images or simply integers
board: random copy gboard ;shuffle
n: 9
nxy: 40x50 ;horribly hardwired
;room for panel and timer and debug area assumes tfont and swapper 1..9 buttons
wxy: as-pair (nxy/x + 14 * n) nxy/y * 6
txy: as-pair (nxy/x + 12 * n) nxy/y * 3 ;panel, room for game buttons, assumes bfont
;; swapper still too hardwired, status & timer code
status: [alert "message" ] ;temp workaround status not defined till gui runs
now': does [now/time/precise]
;never quite got eraser fade working
init-stats: function [ "add eraser or whatever to this face"
face "area/text to push message"
face/extra: make object! [
eraser: no
eraser: func [ "reduce message till it's gone"
;; either face/extra/eraser [
;; face/text: rejoin [face/text: copy/part face/text (3 - length? face/text)]
;; face/rate/time: seconds
;; ][
;; eraser: yes
;; ]
update-stats: function [ "add message to area"
face "area/text to push message"
/timeout sec "do I even know how? add reactor to erase message in sec seconds"
/line "single line insert"
;need to replace or insert refinement, newline not always good
either line [
face/text: rejoin [msg space copy/part face/text 500]
face/text: rejoin [msg newline copy/part face/text 3500]
if timeout [face/extra/erase sec] ;needs to be accessable for other processes to cancel it
half-life: 60
; from @hiiamboris as used in setsgame. copy from 'status: above to 'start below
; should rename Cards, decks, Score to more generic names and alias to fit usage better
rea': copy rea: make deep-reactor! [
elapsed: 0:0:0 score: 0 deckc: 0 pause: no t0: is [elapsed pause now'] ;deckc: length? deck
interval: is [(atan (to-float elapsed) / half-life) / (pi / -2) + 1.0]
hint-status: none
;scores: [] scores: is [head clear skip sort/skip/reverse scores 2 20]
; do start or restart as required, may want pause?
restart: does [start rea/score: 0]
start: does [set rea rea' rea/t0: now']
;example use, there are a few moving parts
;rea/hint-status/text: "" ;place anywhere update needs to happen
;update-stats status " find sets ", debug area for more output if open window more
; create timer in layout
;; group-box 500x38 font (cfg/dfont) color-bg "" [ ;adds extra line for some reason
;; pad 5x-8
;; text "Scores: 00 etcs Cards remain" font (cfg/cfont)
;; react [face/data: reduce/into [
;; "Found:" rejoin [rea/score ordinal-suffix rea/score] "Set"
;; rea/deckc "Cards remain"
;; ] clear []]
;; pad -8x0
;; text 125x22 "T" font (cfg/cfont)
;; react [face/data: reduce/into [
;; "Time:" round rea/elapsed
;; ] clear []]
;; rate 0:0:1 on-time [
;; unless rea/pause [
;; ;advance 0x1
;; rea/elapsed: rea/elapsed + modulo now' - rea/t0 24:0:0
;; face/rate: rea/interval * 0:0:1
;; ]
;; ]
;; ] ;g
;; pad 0x5
;; return
;; rea/deckc: length? deck ;
;; rea/hint-status/text: rejoin ["replaced " form g ordinal-suffix g]
;; status: area color-bg 450x130 font cfg/bfont "" ;white/ivory works cfg/color-bg fails?
;; gstatus: 'text 'font (cfg/cfont) 290x24 "-------- Hintinfo --------"
;; 'on-created [rea/hint-status: face init-stats face] ;push face to reactor for hint & info.
; init after gui drawn
;; ; >. 17=<<200x w/cfont
;; gstatus: 'text 'font (cfg/cfont) 290x24 "-------- Hintinfo --------"
;; 'on-created [rea/hint-status: face init-stats face] ;push face to reactor for hint & info.
;; status: area color-bg 450x130 font cfg/bfont "" ;
; in use examples
;rea/score: rea/score + 1
; do rich-text counter & timer
;; rich-text "Hello Red World!" draw [pen gold box 40x50 90x80]
;; with [data: [1x17 0.0.255 italic 7x3 255.0.0 bold 24 underline]]
;should clip save
;how is this or a generator or an itterator not in a lib and used before?
;reset needs to take name and n so can have default or named counters maintained
_counter: 0
next_counter: function ["generic generator, returns next higher number, incrementing _counter. /reset n returns n"
/reset n "set to n"
/extern _counter
][ ;
either reset [_counter: n][
_counter: 1 + _counter
_counter ;redundent?
;need something for init new game like reverser
b: copy board
next_b: function ["next button text from board" /extern b][ ;
;print [b "-"]
x: first b
b: next b
;; print [b " +" next_b]
;; print [b " +" next_b]
clicked: none
swap_b: function ["push text on first button clicked, 2nd clicked swap their text" face /extern clicked /local x][ ;
either clicked [
x: face/text
face/text: clicked/text
clicked/text: x
clicked: none
rea/hint-status/text: "" ;
rea/score: rea/score + 1
update-stats status rejoin [" swapped " form x " " form face/text]
clicked: face
rea/hint-status/text: rejoin [form clicked/text " pick another"] ;
buttons: clear [] ;only intended to be used for one set of buttons, reverser uses swapper doesn't
;sequential in created order here but could be map and store face, count, text and other incedentals
Init-Buttons-Reverse: function [{classic generic push face into button array to access later}
/extern buttons
print [" +" length? buttons]
;create b"n" tag?
append buttons face ;[face]
Update-Board: function [{reverser game update board & buttons on clicked}
count [integer!]
/extern board
;prin [count " " board]
; board = reverse(board, 1, count)
board: reverse/part board count
;; for i = 1 to count do
;; q:propset(buttons[i], "text", sprintf("%d", board[i]))
;; end for
forall buttons [
;prin [buttons/1/text "-"]
buttons/1/text: form board/1
board: next board
;; steps += 1
;; q:propset(moveCounter, "text", sprintf("Move #%d", steps))
rea/score: 1 + rea/score ;reactive
board: head board
;print [ " reversed " board]
if equal? gboard board [
print ["Won!"]
update-stats status rejoin [" won in " form rea/score " moves"]
;; --how to add custom test to button?
;; _ = q:information(win, "Winner",
;; sprintf("You've won in %d moves!\n\nNew Game?", steps),
;; or_all({QMessageBox_Yes, QMessageBox_No})
;; )
;; if _ then
;; ?1
;; abort(0)
;; else
;; --newgame eventually
;; ?0
;; abort(0)
;; end if
;text label
tlabel: 0 ;later may need to change when do image slices
s-title: " Swaps" ;this may need to change per tab eventually make cfg
gview: layout [ ;compose/deep
title "reverse button "
size wxy ;750x300
backdrop ivory
;for swapper from rcalc
style mb: base nxy bold font bfont extra context [c: wheat] ;none red, should't need to hardwire
[print [form face/text]] ;seems to be ignored if set at use?
on-create [
face/extra: make face/extra clear []
face/extra/c: face/color
face/text: form next_b
on-over [
face/color: either event/away? [face/extra/c][white] ;face/color / 2]
style bs: mb wheat [swap_b face] ;on-create [face/text: form next_b]
style bt: mb wheat []
style bh: text 43x15 ivory font-size 9 font tfont [] on-create [tlabel: (1 + tlabel) face/text: rejoin [" " form tlabel]]
;for reverser
style mb-r: base nxy bold font bfont extra context [c: wheat i: 0] ;none red, should't need to hardwire
;need to bg-color & cfg defaults
style bs-r: mb-r wheat
on-create [
face/extra: make face/extra clear [] ;why am I making extra blank after making a context c i there?
face/extra/c: face/color
;not sure why didn't work in layout on-create
face/extra/i: next_counter ;have to /reset 0 instead of 1 when next_counter used in style.
Init-Buttons-Reverse face
;need set key shortcut 1..9
on-over [
face/color: either event/away? [face/extra/c][white] ;face/color / 2]
style bt-r: mb-r wheat
on-create [
face/extra: make face/extra clear []
face/extra/c: face/color
on-over [
face/color: either event/away? [face/extra/c][white] ;face/color / 2]
style bh-r: text 43x15 ivory font-size 9 font tfont ;[]
on-create [
tlabel: 1 + tlabel
face/text: rejoin [" " form tlabel]
tp: tab-panel txy [
"Reverser Game" [
;row of hints above
text 1x1 on-create [tlabel: 0] ;backdoor init, careful if rearrange tabs
bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r bh-r
text 1x1 on-create [tlabel: 0 next_counter/reset 0] ;backdoor init, careful if rearrange tabs
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
update-board face/extra/i
;last one needs additional init and next_counter from style is ignored for some reason
update-board face/extra/i
;print [form face/text mold face/extra board]
text 1x1 on-create [
print ["last reverser button created"]
update-board n
update-stats status rejoin [board " " form rea/score]
] ;backdoor done w/creating buttons
bt-r 178x25 "new game" font ifont silver [ ;need a new_game/reverser to enable init from multiple places
board: random copy gboard print ["randomized" board]
Update-Board n
update-stats status rejoin [board " " form rea/score]
] "Swapper Game" [
;; ;row of hints above
;; text 1x1 on-create [ tlabel: 0] ;backdoor init
;; bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh bh
;; return
;; bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs bs
;; return
;; check "P/L" font ifont silver [print ["pl"]] ;H/V and other posibilities
;; bt 178x25 "new game" font ifont silver [ ;possibly lighup when buttons aligned. need flexible validator
;; ;add details what was swapped should be in any init, not after done first time
;; board: random copy gboard print ["random" board]
;; update-stats status rejoin [board " " form rea/score]
;; ;; need init or update buttons like reverse
;; restart
;; ]
]];e tp
;count & timer
group-box 500x38 font tfont white "" [ ;adds extra line for some reason
pad 5x-8
;needs to be no wrap
tcount: text "Swaps: 00 " font tfont ;Swaps remaining 00 when do solver
react [face/data: reduce/into [
"" rejoin [rea/score s-title] ;ordinal-suffix rea/score
; rea/deckc "Swaps remain"
] clear []]
pad -8x0
text 125x22 "T" font tfont
react [face/data: reduce/into [
"" round rea/elapsed
] clear []]
rate 0:0:1 on-time [
unless rea/pause [
;advance 0x1
rea/elapsed: rea/elapsed + modulo now' - rea/t0 24:0:0
face/rate: rea/interval * 0:0:1
] ;g
pad 0x5
;status & debug info
gstatus: text font tfont 250x24 "" ;-------- Hintinfo --------
on-created [rea/hint-status: face init-stats face] ;push face to reactor for hint & info updates.
status: area white 250x80 font tfont "" ;
insert-event-func [
if all [event/window = gview event/type = 'resize] [
;print ["size-pos " event/window/size status/offset tp/offset]
tp/size/x: event/window/size/x - 5 - tp/offset/x
;; ;
;; status/size/x: event/window/size/x - 18 - status/offset/x
;; tcount/size/x: event/window/size/x - 14 - tcount/offset/x ;reactor protected?
;remove no-wait when -r/-c compiled, fails -e encaped and console
;; either system/state/interpreted? [
;; view/no-wait/flags/options gview ['resize][offset: 80x20]
;; ][
;; ;when compiled, can't no-wait
;; view/flags/options gview ['resize][offset: 80x20]
;; ]
;works interpreted or compiled
view/flags/options gview ['resize][offset: 80x20]
comment {
t11927p01:49 last edited euphoria version
f2019A18a12 cvert to red
looked up the rerverse web pages, seems I forgot how the game was intended to work.
left unfinished swap button version, may do other spinoffs, image slices, order of images game
comment out either interpreted?, fails console and -e otherwise.
no simple workaround? add console and -e to not exit?
consolidate init and context for board for each tab using basically the same setup
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