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Created January 2, 2016 05:15
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#lang racket
(provide parse-lisp)
(define (parse-lisp str)
(parenthesize (tokenize str)))
(define (tokenize str)
(let* ([noqm (string-replace str "'(" "(quote ")]
[spaced-open (string-replace noqm "(" " ( ")])
(string-replace spaced-open ")" " ) ")))))
(define (string-first s)
(string-ref s 0))
(define (string-last s)
(string-ref s (sub1 (string-length s))))
(define (pstring? s)
(let ([s0 (string-first s)]
[s1 (string-last s)])
(and (eqv? #\" s0) (eqv? s0 s1))))
(define (classify tok)
(let ([num (string->number tok)])
[(or num (pstring? tok)) (cons 'literal tok)]
[else (cons 'identifier tok)])))
;; everything below here is for parenthisizing
(define (ensure-list l)
(if (list? l)
(list l)))
(define (wrap-subterm sterm level)
[(< level 1) sterm]
[(null? sterm) sterm]
(for/fold ([out sterm])
([l level])
(list out))]))
(define (parenthesize toks)
(define (p-help toks out level)
[(null? toks) out]
(let* ([tok (car toks)]
[rest (cdr toks)]
[lout (ensure-list out)])
(match tok
["(" (append lout (p-help rest '() (add1 level)))]
[")" (append (wrap-subterm lout level)
(p-help rest '() (sub1 level)))]
[_ (p-help rest (append lout (list (classify tok))) level)]))]))
(p-help toks '() -1))
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