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Entity Card - v3
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'li',
classNames: ['actions-menu__item'],
actions: {
bookmark() {
Ember.tryInvoke(this, 'onBookmark');
import Ember from 'ember';
export const actionTypes = {
bookmark: 'bookmark',
share: 'share',
markAsDone: 'markAsDone',
export const apiActionTypes = {
bookmark: 'BOOKMARK',
share: 'SHARE',
markAsDone: 'MARK_AS_DONE',
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['actions-menu'],
primaryActions: undefined,
secondaryActions: undefined,
allActions: Ember.computed.union('primary', 'secondary'),
allowedActions: Ember.computed.filter('allActions', function(actionType) {
return this.isAllowedAction(actionType);
withActions: Ember.computed('allowedActions.[]', function() {
return this.get('allowedActions').reduce((accum, actionType) => {
accum[actionType] = true;
return accum;
}, {});
init() {
this.withMore = this.getWithDefault('secondary', []).filter((actionType) => {
return this.isAllowedAction(actionType);
}).length > 0;
isAllowedAction(actionType) {
const apiAction = apiActionTypes[actionType];
return this.get('entity.actions').indexOf(apiAction) > -1;
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'li',
classNames: ['actions-menu__item'],
actions: {
markDone() {
Ember.tryInvoke(this, 'onMarkDone');
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'li',
classNames: ['actions-menu__item'],
showMore: false,
actions: {
toggle() {
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'li',
classNames: ['actions-menu__item'],
actions: {
share() {
Ember.tryInvoke(this, 'onShare');
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
entityLabels: {
course: 'COURSE',
video: 'VIDEO',
learningPath: 'LEARNING PATH'
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['detail-card'],
entity: undefined,
import Ember from 'ember';
import { actionTypes } from './cards/actions-menu';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
primaryActions: [actionTypes.bookmark, actionTypes.share],
secondaryActions: [actionTypes.markAsDone],
actions: {
didBookmark() {},
didShare() {},
didMarkAsDone() {},
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
entities: [
title: 'Decision-Making Strategies',
contentType: 'course',
actions: ['BOOKMARK', 'SHARE'],
authors: [{ name: 'Todd Rodgers' }],
duration: '45m',
title: 'HTML resources',
contentType: 'video',
actions: ['BOOKMARK', 'MARK_AS_DONE'],
authors: [{ name: 'Todd Rodgers' }],
parent: {
title: 'How to do the things you want'
duration: '4m 30s',
title: 'Bowling for Idiots',
contentType: 'learningPath',
actions: ['SHARE', 'MARK_AS_DONE'],
skills: 'Bowling, Dancing',
import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';
const Router = Ember.Router.extend({
location: 'none',
rootURL: config.rootURL
}); {
export default Router;
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
body {
margin: 12px 16px;
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
.detail-card {
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 16px;
max-width: 400px;
.detail-card__title {
margin: 0 0;
font-size: 1rem;
.detail-card__media {
flex: 0 0 auto;
width: 100px;
height: 64px;
background-color: #ccc;
margin-right: 16px;
.detail-card__body {
flex: 1 1 auto;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
.detail-card__body-footer {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.detail-card__meta {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.detail-card__actions {
flex: 0 0 auto;
.detail-card__meta {
font-size: .85rem;
.actions__more-menu {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
.actions-menu__item {
margin: 0;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
white-space: nowrap;
.actions-menu__more-menu {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
<h1>Entity Card</h1>
{{#each entities as |entity|}}
{{search-card entity=entity}}
<button {{action "bookmark"}}>Bookmark</button>
{{yield (hash
share=(if withActions.share
(component "cards/actions-menu/share-action" entity=entity))
bookmark=(if withActions.bookmark
(component "cards/actions-menu/bookmark-action" entity=entity))
markAsDone=(if withActions.markAsDone
(component "cards/actions-menu/mark-done-action" entity=entity))
more=(if withMore
(component "cards/actions-menu/more-menu"))
<button {{action "markAsDone"}}>Mark As Done</button>
<button {{action "toggle"}}>More</button>
{{#if showMore}}
<ul class="actions-menu__more-menu">
{{#if entity.parent}}
{{else if entity.authors.length}}
<div class="detail-card__media">{{yield (hash isMedia=true)}}</div>
<div class="detail-card__body">
<div class="detail-card__body-main">
<div class="detail-card__label">{{yield (hash isLabel=true)}}</div>
<h3 class="detail-card__title">{{yield (hash isTitle=true)}}</h3>
<div class="detail-card__content">{{yield (hash isBody=true)}}</div>
<div class="detail-card__body-footer">
<div class="detail-card__meta">{{yield (hash isMeta=true)}}</div>
<div class="detail-card__actions">{{yield (hash isActions=true)}}</div>
as |cardArgs|
{{#if cardArgs.isLabel}}
{{cards/content/entity-type entityType=entity.contentType}}
{{#if cardArgs.isTitle}}
{{link-to entity.title "entity"}}
{{#if cardArgs.isBody}}
{{cards/detail-card/entity-attribution entity=entity}}
{{#if cardArgs.isMeta}}
{{#if entity.duration}}
{{cards/content/entity-duration duration=entity.duration}}
{{cards/content/entity-skills skills=entity.skills}}
{{#if cardArgs.isActions}}
as |menuArgs|
{{menuArgs.bookmark onBookmark=(action "didBookmark")}}
{{menuArgs.share onShare=(action "didShare")}}
{{menuArgs.markAsDone onMarkDone=(action "didMarkAsDone")}}
"version": "0.12.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "2.12.0",
"ember-template-compiler": "2.12.0",
"ember-testing": "2.12.0"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "2.10.0"
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