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Last active June 7, 2020 11:06
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Ask me anything #1

This Gist file is dedicated for the Ask me anything session. The next session will be on the June 7th - 12:00 AM Tunis localtime.

Just ask your question here 😁

See you soon ! 🙋

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mzouink commented Jun 1, 2020

How to get someone to review my code? 😢

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mzouink commented Jun 1, 2020

I always feel that my code is not clean and the design pattern is bad. How to validate my technical choices? 🥺

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SlimenTN commented Jun 1, 2020

  1. DevOps field does it include to know all the DevOps tools or is it relative to the job, like if I'm a developer should I know ansible, k8s, etc... (that are related to system administration) or should I focus only on micro-services architecture, Docker, Automation (Jenkins, Travis CI, etc...), tools that are directly connected to development environment ?

  2. for microservices architecture is it better to use shared database or database per service ?
    and if it's the second choice aren't we going to face data redundancy ? like if we have Invoicing service and CRM service both of them will need informations about client which means client table will be duplicated in both of them since each one has its own database !

  3. in microservices architecture how are we gonna manage users and accessibility (like identifying user and allow him to use services)

many questions so I'm very sorry 😁

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comment on choisit les meilleurs références pour apprendre quelques chose , j'ai toujours mal de trouver les cours adéquats pour commencer à apprendre de nouveaux concepts!

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what u have to learn to become a good software developer ?
advices to students who stills in their first year at university
a good learning stategy ?
a good learning method ?

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devkaH commented Jun 1, 2020

How to choose the best technologies for a project ?

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How to work at Microsoft as a Java developer? what soft/technical skills do I need to improve or build? what Microsoft is asking for in its employees?

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  • Which is better web development or mobile develepment ?
  • How can I work with Microsoft ?

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How to be a self taught web developer in 2020 and what's the best ressources

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How can I improve my programming skills ?

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quels sont les clés de la réussite pour devenir data scientist et intégrer le monde de l'IT en général pour une reconversion professionnelle (thèse en physique).

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Vos conseils pour un élève ingénieur pour son pfe , comment attirer l'attention du recruteur .., experience en tunisie vs experience à l’étranger comme étant un ingénieur informatique

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DorraY commented Jun 3, 2020

How to distinguish myself as a software engineer among others ?

What's the secret to endurance and consistency in work and self-learning ?

What are the key concepts, fundamentals any successful software engineer must know ?

Thank you very much for your initiative and your time.

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Chaher-Boulares commented Jun 4, 2020

1- What are the skills every DevOps engineer must have for success ?
2- To your mind , we can say that azureDevOps tool has replaced jenkins and ansible tools in runnig CI/CD piplines with facilitating a lot of things ?
3- What's the master key to improve yourself in well-known IT companies ?
4- what's the first criteria for recruting fresh engineers in some big IT companies like MICROSOFT ?
5- What's the meaning of " good CV " ?

Thanks a lot for this opportunity :)

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i'd like to thank you about your efforts and the time you are going to dedicate to us, i really appreciate it.

actually i got my bachelor's degree in math, but i realized after that, that i'm passionate about programming languages, i learned java, spring boot, mvc, rest, webflux, cloud, and i learned so many others, like PHP/Laravel, Angular6+ & NgRx, Reactjs & Redux, react native, and can create a small web/mobile app, but i'm still not capable of thinking like someone how's experienced in that domain, and when i send out my CV to the employers no one ever responded to me, cuz of my diploma, and i'd like it if you give me some advice about how can i land my first job without having to study a year or 2 to get a paid diploma in IT, because i cant afford that at all.

Thank you.

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How do I know if I have acquired the essential Technologies ?
How To Know If I'm Ready To Apply For A Job ?

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nebrass commented Jun 7, 2020

Questions from facebook friends:

  1. Hela Majdouli: Hey hope you're doing well in this harsh time ! I wanted to ask where can I get free or cheap certifications with a big value that I can put them in my CV and use them ! Also, how can I get great opportunities for internship ?
    Thank you so much !
    It'll be a pleasure to attend this meeting

  2. Walid Houidi:
    السلام عليكم
    أولا شكرا على هذا المجهود
    سؤالي :أنا أرغب بتعلم البرمجة ولكن لا أعلم باي لغة أبدأ.هناك من يقول الأفضل البداية بلغة قديمة كالجافا او C أو C++ .
    من فضلكم بماذا تنصحون؟
    ثانيا ماهي اللغات الاكثر طلبا بالعالم وخاصة لو أمكن ألمانيا وماهي فرص العمل المتاحة؟
    و شكرا

  3. Hatem Tayeb: I'm working on azure, specially AKS, i saw last time AWS has burnd down hh, somehow i feel scared hhh, i want to implement a disaster recovery on Azure for my cluster and data, is there any recommendation or best practices.
    thank youuuuu :)

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