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Created April 14, 2020 17:48
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Get leaked clusters
#You need to be logged in to your google sdk account and have gcloud set to cilium-ci project
import re
import subprocess
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
jenkinsUrl = ''
url = f'{jenkinsUrl}/computer/api/xml?tree=computer[executors[currentExecutable[url]],oneOffExecutors[currentExecutable[url]]]&xpath=//url&wrapper=builds'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'xml')
urls = set([x.text for x in soup.find_all("url") if "GKE" in x.text])
def get_cluster_name(url):
rootUrl = url + "wfapi/describe"
root = requests.get(rootUrl).json()
selectRootNodeUrl = [a for a in root['stages'] if "Select" in a["name"]][0]['_links']['self']['href']
selectRootNode = requests.get(f'{jenkinsUrl}{selectRootNodeUrl}').json()
shNodeUrl = [x for x in selectRootNode['stageFlowNodes'] if x['parameterDescription'] == './'][0]['_links']['log']['href']
shNodeLog = requests.get(f'{jenkinsUrl}{shNodeUrl}').json()['text']
lock_search ="lock acquired on cluster cilium-ci-[0-9]+", shNodeLog)
if lock_search is not None:
return"cilium-ci-[0-9]+", lock_search[0])[0]
used_clusters = {x for x in [get_cluster_name(url) for url in urls] if x is not None}
clusters = json.loads(
"gcloud container clusters list --format json".split(),
scaled_clusters = {c["name"] for c in clusters if "initialNodeCount" in c["nodePools"][0]}
print("scaled but not used clusters, possible leaks:")
for c in scaled_clusters.difference(used_clusters):
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