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Last active August 22, 2016 22:55
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LDoc md template for GitHub (-x md)
> local function format_anchor_link(name)
> -- make an educated guess at what the id of the function header will be
> return name:lower():gsub("%p", ""):gsub("%s", "-")
> end
> local function format_see_link(see)
> if see.href then return see.href end
> return format_anchor_link(
> end
> local escape = ldoc.escape
> local show_return_and_params = not ldoc.no_return_or_parms
> local num_kinds = 0 for _ in module.kinds() do num_kinds = num_kinds + 1 end
> --# $(
# $(escape(module.summary))
> if module.usage then
### Usage:
> for usage in ldoc.modules.iter(module.usage) do
> end -- for
> end -- if usage
> if then
### Info:
> for tag, value in do
- **$(tag)**: $(escape(value)
> end
> end -- if
> -- for simple show a list of kinds, otherwise show tables of items for a kind
> -- we use html tables for colspan on the header (width is overrided by display:block on github :\)
> -- and a headerless table for the "simple" list
> if not ldoc.no_summary then
> for kind, items in module.kinds() do
<table width="100%">
<th colspan="2" align="left">$(kind)</th>
> for item in items() do
> local name = ldoc.display_name(item)
> local summary = ldoc.markup(item.summary, item, 'discount') -- inline html and md don't mix, so render out the html (to get stripped away later, probably)
<td><a href="#$(format_anchor_link(name))">$(name)</a></td>
> end -- for items
> end -- for kinds
> elseif num_kinds > 0 then
> for kind in module.kinds() do
<td><a href="#$(format_anchor_link(kind))">$(kind)</a></td>
> end
> end -- if show_summary
> for kind, items in module.kinds() do
# $(kind)
> for item in items() do
### $(ldoc.display_name(item))
> if show_return_and_params and item.params and #item.params > 0 then
> local subnames = module.kinds:type_of(item).subnames
> if subnames then
> end
> for parm in ldoc.modules.iter(item.params) do
> local param, sublist = item:subparam(parm)
> for p in ldoc.modules.iter(param) do
> local name, tp = item:display_name_of(p), item:type_of_param(p)
> if tp ~= '' then tp = ' ['']' end
- `$(name)`:$(tp) $(escape([p]))
> local def = item:default_of_param(p)
> if def == true then
> elseif def then
(*default*: $(def))
> end
> if item:readonly(p) then
> end
> end -- for p
> end -- for parm
> end -- if params
> if show_return_and_params and item.retgroups then
> for _, group in ldoc.ipairs(item.retgroups) do
> for r in group:iter() do
> local type, ctypes = item:return_type(r)
> local rt = ldoc.typename(type)
- $(rt) $(escape(r.text))
> end -- for r
> end -- for _
> end -- if returns
> if item.see then
**See also:**
> for see in ldoc.modules.iter(item.see) do
> -- can't get the full fucking function definition! so the link doesn't work with functions with args
- [$(see.label)](#$(format_see_link(see)))
> end -- for
> end -- if see
> if item.usage then
> for usage in ldoc.modules.iter(item.usage) do
> usage = usage:gsub("\n ", "\n") -- strip leading space (adjusting for "-- [code]")
> end
> end
> end -- for item
> end -- for kind
Last Updated $(ldoc.updatetime)
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