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Last active December 20, 2015 12:09
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Save nebuta/6128623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reification of AST using a RSW monad.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,GADTs,FlexibleInstances #-}
import Data.List (intercalate,foldl1)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Default (Default(..))
type Ident = Text
-- 2D matrix
data Mat2D r = Mat Ident | MatConst [[r]]
class Scalar a
instance Scalar Int
instance Scalar Integer
instance Scalar Double
type W a = RWST () Text CompilerState IO a
data CompilerState = CompilerState {
variableCount :: Int
instance Default CompilerState where
def = CompilerState 0
data Exp r where
Const :: (Reifiable r) => r -> Exp r
Add :: Exp r -> Exp r -> Exp r
Sub :: Exp r -> Exp r -> Exp r
Mul :: Exp r -> Exp r -> Exp r
Abs :: (Scalar r) => Exp r -> Exp r
Signum :: (Scalar r) => Exp r -> Exp r
Index2D :: (Num r) => Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp (Mat2D r) -> Exp r
instance (Scalar r) => Num (Exp (Mat2D r)) where
a + b = Add a b
a - b = Sub a b
a * b = Mul a b
-- Caution! abs, signum, fromInteger are not defined.
instance Num (Exp Int) where
a + b = Add a b
a - b = Sub a b
a * b = Mul a b
fromInteger a = Const (fromIntegral a)
-- Caution! abs and signum are not defined.
instance Num (Exp Double) where
a + b = Add a b
a - b = Sub a b
a * b = Mul a b
fromInteger a = Const (fromIntegral a)
-- Caution! abs and signum are not defined.
instance Num (Exp Integer) where
a + b = Add a b
a - b = Sub a b
a * b = Mul a b
fromInteger a = Const (fromIntegral a)
-- Caution! abs and signum are not defined.
class Reifiable a where
reify :: a -> W Text
instance Reifiable (Exp r) where
reify (Const exp) = reify exp
reify (Add e1 e2) = do
c1 <- reify e1
c2 <- reify e2
return $ T.concat [c1,"+",c2]
reify (Index2D i j mat) = do
ci <- reify i
cj <- reify j
m <- reify mat
return $ T.concat [m,"(",ci,",",cj,")"]
instance (Show r) => Reifiable (Mat2D r) where
reify (Mat ident) = return ident
reify (MatConst xss) = do
let code = T.pack $ "[" ++ intercalate ";" (map (intercalate " " . map show) xss) ++ "]"
var <- newName
tell $ T.concat [var," = ",code,";\n"]
return var
instance Reifiable Int where
reify n = return $ T.pack $ show n
instance Reifiable Integer where
reify n = return $ T.pack $ show n
instance Reifiable Double where
reify n = return $ T.pack $ show n
newName :: W Text
newName = do
CompilerState count <- get
put $ CompilerState (count + 1)
return $ T.pack $ "v" ++ show (count+1)
main = do
putStrLn "\nm1"
gen m1
putStrLn "\ntest2"
gen test2
putStrLn "\ntest3"
gen test3
putStrLn "\ntest4"
gen test4
putStrLn "\ntest5"
gen test5
gen :: Exp r -> IO ()
gen e = do
(txt,_,assigned) <- runRWST (reify e) () def
T.putStrLn $ T.append assigned txt
m1 :: Exp (Mat2D Int)
m1 = Const (MatConst [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
m2 :: Exp (Mat2D Int)
m2 = Const (MatConst [[10,5,3],[1,4,2]])
test4 :: Exp (Mat2D Int)
test4 = m1 + m1
test5 :: Exp (Mat2D Int)
test5 = foldl1 (+) (replicate 5 m1)
test2 :: Exp Int
test2 = Index2D 1 2 m1
test3 :: Exp Int
test3 = Index2D (Index2D 1 2 m1) 1 m2
{- Output of main
*Main> main
v1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v2 = [10 5 3;1 4 2];
v1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v2 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v1 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v2 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v3 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v4 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
v5 = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
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