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Last active December 2, 2017 09:55
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Save necaris/5604018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple script to transfer data from CouchDB to Couchbase
#-*-coding: utf-8-*-
Simple script to dump documents out of a CouchDB database and straight into
a Couchbase instance.
import time
import sys
import argparse
from hashlib import sha256
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json
import requests
from couchbase import Couchbase
def _print_error(message):
Print a message to stderr, with a newline.
sys.stderr.write(str(message) + "\n")
def _encode_key_if_necessary(key):
If a key is >250 bytes long, encode it as a SHA256 hash.
This is necessary because Couchbase keys can't be > 250 bytes in length,
since all the keys and metadata is kept in RAM on the cluster. CouchDB has
no such restriction, and IDs may be very long.
if len(key) >= 250:
return urlsafe_b64encode(sha256(key).digest())
return key
def _all_docs_by_page(db_url, page_size=10):
Helper function to request documents from CouchDB in batches ("pages") for
efficiency, but present them as a stream.
# Tell CouchDB we only want a page worth of documents at a time, and that
# we want the document content as well as the metadata
view_arguments = {'limit': page_size, 'include_docs': "true"}
# Keep track of the last key we've seen
last_key = None
while True:
response = requests.get(db_url + "/_all_docs", params=view_arguments)
# If there's been an error, stop looping
if response.status_code != 200:
_print_error("Error from DB: " + str(response.content))
# Parse the results as JSON. If there's an error, stop looping
results = json.loads(response.content)
_print_error("Unable to parse JSON: " + str(response.content))
# If there's no more data to read, stop looping
if 'rows' not in results or not results['rows']:
# Otherwise, keep yielding results
for r in results['rows']:
last_key = r['key']
yield r
# Update the view arguments with the last key we've seen, so that we
# can step forward properly by page. (Of course, we actually need a key
# that is just _after_ the last one we've seen, so tack on a high
# Unicode character).
# Note that CouchDB requires keys to be encoded as JSON
last_key = last_key + u'\xff'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set up an ArgumentParser to read the command-line
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Dump documents out of CouchDB to the filesystem")
'db', type=str,
help="The CouchDB database URL from which to load data")
"--page-size", type=int, default=1000,
help="How many documents to request from CouchDB in each batch.")
"--couchbase-host", default="",
help="The host for the Couchbase server")
"--couchbase-bucket", default="default",
help="The destination Couchbase bucket")
"--couchbase-password", default="",
help="The password for the destination bucket")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Create the Couchbase connection, and bail if it doesn't work
cb = Couchbase.connect(host=args.couchbase_host,
# Now just loop through and create documents. I like counters, so there's
# one to tell me how much has been done. I also like timers, so there's one
# of them too.
counter = 0
start_time = time.time()
for doc in _all_docs_by_page(args.db, args.page_size):
# Assume we don't want design documents, since they're likely to be
# already stored elsewhere (e.g. in version control)
if doc['id'].startswith("_design"):
# Clean up the document a bit. Couchbase doesn't care about special
# fields like '_id' and '_rev', so remove them
if '_id' in doc['doc']:
del doc['doc']['_id']
if '_rev' in doc['doc']:
del doc['doc']['_rev']
# Couchbase has a maximum key length of 250 bytes, while CouchDB has no
# such restrictions. If the key is > 250 bytes, we have a potential
# problem.
# Hack around it for now by encoding the key to a hash if it's too long.
key = _encode_key_if_necessary(doc['id'])
cb.set(key, doc['doc'])
counter += 1
sys.stderr.write(str(counter) + '\r')
# A little final message
sys.stderr.write("Done! {0} documents in {1} seconds!\n".format(
counter, time.time() - start_time))
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