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Created November 4, 2019 20:43
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Gist for "Upcoming ESNext features - Part 1"
const add = function (a, b) { return a + b }
const addOne = add(1, ?) // will return a function, that needs one argument
addOne(2) // 3
addOne(6) // 7
[ 1,2,3 ].map(addOne) // [ 2,3,4 ]
// composing functions into a pipeline
// using the Pipeline Operator
// one of the piped functions is async
const userId = 1234
const greeting = userId
|> await getName
|> capitalize
|> greet
// Hello John!
const userId = 1234
// this would be the solution of the F# Pipeline proposal
const greeting = userId
|> getName // the awaited function precedes the await keyword
|> await
|> capitalize
|> greet
// Hello John!
// this would be the solution of the Smart Pipeline proposal
const greeting = userId
|> await getName(#) // we use a placeholder
|> capitalize
|> greet
// is it
await getName(userId)
// or
(await getName())(userId)
// Decorator used to pass this whole class to "window.customElements.define"
// with the tagName "num-counter"
class Counter extends HTMLElement {
// Decorator used to observe the field x,
// and call the "render" method every time its value updates
x = 0;
// Decorator used to create a method that is already bound to this instance
// so we can use just "this.clicked" as a callback everywhere
// without the need of ".bind()"
clicked() {
constructor() {
this.onclick = this.clicked; // we can do this since we've used the @bound decorator
connectedCallback() { this.render(); }
@bound // the @observed decorator relies on a bound "this.render"
render() {
this.textContent = this.x.toString();
const greet = function (greeting, to, name) {
return `${greeting} to ${to}, ${name}`
const welcomeTo = greet('welcome', ?, ?);
const welcomeToMyBlog = welcomeTo('my blog', ?);
welcomeTo('Disneyworld', 'Goofy') // welcome to Disneyworld, Goofy
welcomeToMyBlog('Szabolcs') // welcome to my blog, Szabolcs
const getName = function (data) {
return data.firstName
const capitalize = function (str) {
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substring(1)
const greet = function (name) {
return `Hello ${name}!`
// composing functions into a pipeline
// using async.compose
const greetUser = async.compose(
greetUser({ fistName: 'john' }, (greeting) => console.log(greeting))
// Hello John!
const add = function (a, b) { return a + b }
const addOne = _.partial(add, 1)
const addTen = _.partial(add, 10)
addOne(2) // 3
addOne(6) // 7
addTen(2) // 12
addTen(6) // 16
// or use it as an iterator
[ 1,2,3 ].map(addOne) // [ 2,3,4 ]
[ 1,2,3 ].map(addTen) // [ 11,12,13 ]
const x = 42
fn(x, ?) // partial application from left
fn(x, ...) // partial application from left with rest
fn(?, x) // partial application from right
fn(..., x) // partial application from right with rest
fn(?, x, ?) // partial application for any argument
fn(..., x, ...) // partial application for any argument with rest
const returnValue = initialData
|> pipedFn1 // takes initiaData as input
|> pipedFn2 // takes whatever putput came from pipedFn1
|> pipedFn3 // takes whatever putput came from pipedFn2
// returnValue is the value that returned from pipedFn3
// composing functions into a pipeline
// using the Pipeline Operator
const greeting = { fistName: 'john' }
|> getName
|> capitalize
|> greet
// Hello John!
const largestThanTen = Math.max(10, ...)
largestThanTen(2, 7, 11) // 11
largestThanTen(6, 5, 4) // 10
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