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Last active September 15, 2015 09:12
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React Web Style-API

ReactWebStyle API

  1. Styles are plain objects passed to the style prop.
  2. WebComponent hijacks style.
  3. WebComponent converts every unique declaration to single-purpose class (i.e., .abcd { position: relative; }) that is added to the component's className.
  4. Either a library like free-style injects a <style> element with all classes needed to render the existing document, or CSS is statically extracted.
  5. Dynamic styles are explicitly labelled (escape hatch) and written as inline styles on the DOM node.


Author style as plain objects and pass them to the style attribute.


  • element: Function|String="div"
  • style: Object


import Theme from './theme';

<WebComponent element="nav" style={{
  alignItems: 'center',
  justifyContent: 'space-between',
  marginTop: Theme.VERTICAL_SPACE_UNIT * 2
}} />

Produces this CSS (example hashes):

.a1lkd9i { align-items: center; }
.9b5klpp { justify-content: space-between; }
.apknvbu { margin-top: 2rem; }

And this rendered HTML:

<nav class="a1lkd9i 9b5klpp apknvbu">...</nav>


Wraps dynamic styles and writes them to the DOM node rather than the stylesheet.


<MyComponent style={{
  opacity: ReactWebStyle.dynamic(this.state.opacity)
}} />


<div style="opacity:0.78">...</div>

filterStyleProps(propTypes, props)

Filters out all style properties that are not defined in the Constuctor's propTypes. Helps define explicit style APIs, like react-native, allowing easier SDK / UI library development.


class Example extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    // only accept 'color' and 'width' styles
    style: PropTypes.shape({
      color: PropTypes.string,
      width: PropTypes.oneOf(['number', 'string'])
  static defaultPropTypes = {
    style: {}
  render() {
    return (
      <WebComponent {...this.props} style={
        ReactWebStyle.filterStyleProps(this.constructor.PropTypes, this.props)
      } />

React.render(<Example style={{ color: 'red', padding: '10px' }} />, document.body);


<div className="aHashForColorRed">...</div>

See View.jsx for an example of how a react-web-sdk could provide a partial web implementation of react-native's View.

See CustomView.jsx for an example of how an application-specific view could define a small style-API and build upon the SDK's View and Text primitives.

import ReactWebStyle, {WebComponent} from 'react-web-style';
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import {Text, View} from 'react-web-sdk';
const styles = {
root: {
borderColor: 'red',
padding: '10px',
position: 'absolute',
'@media (min-width: 500px)': {
borderColor: 'blue'
text: {
fontSize: '1rem',
fontWeight: 'bold'
class CustomView extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
style: PropTypes.shape({
top: PropTypes.number
static defaultPropTypes = {
style: {
top: '0'
render() {
return (
style={[style.root, {
// marks as inline-style rather than class
top: ReactWebStyle.dynamic(
<Text style={style.text}>
Positioned {} from top
export default CustomView;
import ReactWebStyle, {WebComponent} from 'react-web-style';
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import BackgroundPropTypes from './BackgroundPropTypes';
import BorderThemePropTypes from './BorderThemePropTypes';
import BoxShadowPropTypes from './BoxShadowPropTypes';
import LayoutPropTypes from './LayoutPropTypes';
import OpacityPropTypes from './OpacityPropTypes';
import OverflowPropTypes from './OverflowPropTypes';
import TransformPropTypes from './TransformPropTypes';
const styles = {
'default': {
alignItems: 'stretch',
border: 0,
boxSizing: 'border-box',
display: 'flex',
flexBasis: 'auto',
flexDirection: 'column',
flexShrink: 0,
listStyle: 'none',
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
position: 'relative'
pointerEvents: {
'auto': {
pointerEvents: 'auto'
'none': {
pointerEvents: 'none'
'box-none': {
pointerEvents: 'none',
'*': {
pointerEvents: 'auto'
'box-only': {
pointerEvents: 'auto',
'*': {
pointerEvents: 'none'
class View extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
element: PropTypes.oneOfType([
style: PropTypes.shape({
pointerEvents: PropTypes.oneOf([
static defaultPropTypes = {
element: 'div',
style: {},
pointerEvents: 'auto'
render() {
return (
<WebComponent {...this.props} style={[
// default View styles
// filter out any styles not defined in View's style-API
ReactWebStyle.filterStyleProps(this.constructor.PropTypes, this.props),
// merge custom pointerEvents implementation
]} />
export default View;
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