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Created October 8, 2014 19:54
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# MAIN configuration file
# Cache and project configs folders
define('__CACHE_DIR__', __DIR__.'/sync-cache');
define('__SYNC_CONFIGS_DIR__', __DIR__.'/sync-configs');
# Log file
define('LOG_FILENAME', 'git-sync.log');
# Clone and Sync git commands
define('__CMD_CLONE__', 'git clone $repo_url $cache_dir');
define('__CMD_SYNC__', 'cd $cache_dir && git pull');
define('__CMD_CHECKOUT__', 'cd $cache_dir && git checkout $branch && git pull');
# Protocol-specific configurations
$proto_conf = array(
'rsync+ssh' => array(
'exec' => 'rsync -avlz --delete --stats --exclude-from $from\exclude.txt $from $user@$host:$path$repo_path/ 2>&1',
//'exec' => 'rsync -avlz --delete --stats --filter=". ' . $from . 'exclude.txt" $from $user@$host:$path$repo_path/ 2>&1',
'ftp' => array(
'exec' => 'ncftpput -F -D -R -u $user -p $password $host $srv_path/ $from/* 2>&1',
# Separated with comma. Empty string - all ips allowed.
# Look in admin panel for GitHub public IP's
# Example: ','
define('__ALLOWED_IPS__', '');
# Emails to send sync results
define('MAIL_TO', 'removed');
# Mail everything, including logs.
define('MAIL_LOGS', true);
# Mail only if error occured
define('MAIL_ERRORS', true);
# HOST configuration
# Config file for storing information about production servers
# in which web site must be synced (allowed configuration when
# one repository sync to multiple web nodes)
# [server short name]
# proto = ''
$hosts_conf = [
# Development server with SSH server and rsync
'magneto' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'www-data',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/wclan/'
# Shared Hosting with FTP access
'nightcrawler' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'www-data',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/wclan/'
'devadmin' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'www-data',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/wclan/'
'web-01' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/'
'web-02' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/'
'admin' => [
'proto' => 'rsync+ssh',
'host' => 'removed',
'user' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'path' => '/srv/www/'
# REPOSITORIES configuration
$repo_conf = [
'' => [
'branches' => [
'dev' => [
'hosts' => 'magneto,nightcrawler,devadmin',
'repo_path' => '',
'server_path' => 'web',
'config_folder' => 'webhook'
'staging' => [
'hosts' => 'web-01,web-02,admin',
'repo_path' => '',
'server_path' => 'www',
'config_folder' => 'webhook'
# include configuration file
# Copy dir contents
function copyContents($source, $dest) {
$sourceHandle = opendir($source);
if (!is_dir($dest)) mkdir($dest, 0777, true);
while($res = readdir($sourceHandle)) {
if ($res == '.' || $res == '..') continue;
if(is_dir($source . '/' . $res)) {
copyContents($source . '/' . $res, $dest . '/' . $res);
else copy($source . '/' . $res, $dest . '/' . $res);
* STEP 0: Preconfiguration
* - check IP which request this script,
* - create temporary dir for repo caching
$sync_task = array();
$error = '';
$log = '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''Y-m-d H:i:s').PHP_EOL.'Sync started'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
# Check requests by ip address
$log .= '------------------------------ IP check'.PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
if (strlen(__ALLOWED_IPS__) > 0) {
if (stripos(__ALLOWED_IPS__, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) !== false) $log .= 'IP "'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'": passed'.PHP_EOL;
else $error = 'This ip "'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'" is not allowed';
else $log .= '**WARNING** List of allowed ips is empty. All requests are allowed.'.PHP_EOL;
else $error = '$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\'] is not set. Operations from console are not allowed.';
* STEP 1: Get params from POST request and check if this repos
* is allowed for this instance of github-webhook
if (empty($error)) $log .= PHP_EOL.'------------------------------ Repo check'.PHP_EOL;
if (empty($error) && !empty($_REQUEST['payload'])) {
$log .= 'Payload encoded:'.PHP_EOL.print_r($_REQUEST['payload'],1).PHP_EOL;
$payload = json_decode($_REQUEST['payload'], true);
$log .= PHP_EOL.'Payload decoded:'.PHP_EOL.print_r($payload,1).PHP_EOL;
# check if specific variable is exists in loaded payload
if (!empty($payload)) {
# check if we have a config file for current repository
# from submited data
# need to be like $repo_conf [ repo_url ];
if (isset($repo_conf[@$payload['repository']['url']])) {
foreach($repo_conf[$payload['repository']['url']]['branches'] as $branch => $branch_data)
if (!isset($sync_conf) && strpos($payload['ref'], $branch) !== false) {
$sync_conf = &$repo_conf[$payload['repository']['url']]['branches'][$branch];
$branch_found = $branch;
if (!isset($sync_conf)) {
$error = 'Could not find any branches for "'.$payload['repository']['url'].'". Ignore';
else $error = 'Post-commit webhook not configured for sync "'.$payload['repository']['url'].'" repository';
else $error = 'Can\'t decode payload variable';
else if (empty($error)) $error = 'Payload variable does not exist or empty';
* STEP 2: Check configuration of repository sync,
* commit list of task for syncing
if (empty($error)) $log .= PHP_EOL.'------------------------------ Config check'.PHP_EOL;
if (empty($error) && !empty($sync_conf)) {
# update cache dir for this repository
$cache_dir = __CACHE_DIR__.(substr(__CACHE_DIR__,-1) != '/' ? '/' : '').urlencode($payload['repository']['url']);
$log .= 'Cache dir: '.$cache_dir.PHP_EOL;
$log .= 'Hosts to sync: '.$sync_conf['hosts'].PHP_EOL.'=========='.PHP_EOL;
# build task list for each of this servers
$hosts = explode(',', $sync_conf['hosts']);
foreach ($hosts as &$host) {
$host = trim($host);
$log .= '----- '.$host.PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($host) && !empty($hosts_conf[$host])) {
$c_host = &$hosts_conf[$host];
# check if sync proto for this server is allowed for script
if (!empty($proto_conf[$c_host['proto']]['exec'])) {
$replace = array(
'$from' => $cache_dir.(!empty($sync_conf['repo_path']) ? (substr($sync_conf['repo_path'], 1) != '/' && substr($cache_dir,-1) != '/' ? '/' : '').$sync_conf['repo_path'] : '').'/',
'$user' => $c_host['user'],
'$host' => $c_host['host'],
'$password' => $c_host['password'],
'$path' => $c_host['path'],
'$repo_path' => $sync_conf['server_path'],
$tmp_task = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $proto_conf[$c_host['proto']]['exec']);
$log .= 'Task:'.PHP_EOL.$tmp_task.PHP_EOL;
$sync_task[] = $tmp_task;
else $log .= '**WARNING** Protocol "'.$c_host['proto'].'" not described in post-commit configuration. Ignore sync to host "'.$host.'"'.PHP_EOL;
else $log .= '**WARNING** Host "'.$host.'" not found in post-commit configuration. Ignore sync'.PHP_EOL;
$log .= '=========='.PHP_EOL;
* STEP 3:
* checkout (cache) commited version of master branch
if (empty($error)) $log .= PHP_EOL.'------------------------------ Checkout & sync'.PHP_EOL;
if (empty($error) && !empty($sync_task)) {
# prepare for clone repo or update it
$updated = false;
$git = array (
'$repo_url' => str_replace('https://', 'git@', str_replace('', '', $payload['repository']['url'])).'.git',
'$cache_dir' => $cache_dir,
'$branch' => $branch_found,
# check if cache dir is exists. if not - create it
if (!is_dir(__CACHE_DIR__)) {
@mkdir(__CACHE_DIR__, 0777, true);
# cache project (clone if not exists or sync)
# if dir is already created, try to sync it
if (is_dir($git['$cache_dir'])) {
$log .= '---------- SYNC'.PHP_EOL;
$command = str_replace(array_keys($git), array_values($git), __CMD_SYNC__);
echo '<hr/>EXECUTE COMMAND: '.$command.'<br/>';
$log .= 'Executing: '.$command.PHP_EOL;
exec($command, $result).'<hr/>';
echo '* '.implode('<br/>* ', $result);
$log .= 'Result: '.PHP_EOL.'* '.implode(PHP_EOL.'* ', $result).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
$updated = true;
# if repository not updated
if (!$updated) {
$log .= '---------- CLONE'.PHP_EOL;
$command = str_replace(array_keys($git), array_values($git), __CMD_CLONE__);
echo '<hr/>EXECUTE COMMAND: '.$command.'<br/>';
$log .= 'Executing: '.$command.PHP_EOL;
exec($command, $result);
echo '* '.implode('<br/>* ', $result);
$log .= 'Result: '.PHP_EOL.'* '.implode(PHP_EOL.'* ', $result).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
$log .= '---------- CHECKOUT'.PHP_EOL;
$command = str_replace(array_keys($git), array_values($git), __CMD_CHECKOUT__);
echo '<hr/>EXECUTE COMMAND: '.$command.'<br/>';
$log .= 'Executing: '.$command.PHP_EOL;
exec($command, $result);
echo '* '.implode('<br/>* ', $result);
$log .= 'Result: '.PHP_EOL.'* '.implode(PHP_EOL.'* ', $result).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($sync_conf['config_folder'])) {
$files = @scandir(__SYNC_CONFIGS_DIR__ . '/' . $sync_conf['config_folder']);
# Copy configs
if (count($files) > 2) {
$log .= 'Found config folder: "'.$sync_conf['config_folder'].'"'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
copyContents(__SYNC_CONFIGS_DIR__ . '/' . $sync_conf['config_folder'], $git['$cache_dir']);
# check if dir is not empty. If not - do sync command
$files = @scandir($git['$cache_dir']);
if (count($files) > 2) {
foreach ($sync_task as $task) {
$log .= '---------- UPLOAD'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<hr/>'.$task.'<br/>';
$log .= 'Executing: '.$task.PHP_EOL;
exec($task, $result);
echo '* '.implode('<br/>* ', $result);
$log .= 'Result: '.PHP_EOL.'* '.implode(PHP_EOL.'* ', $result).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
# Log and report
if (!empty($error)) $log .= '**ERROR** '.$error.PHP_EOL;
else $log .= '** SYNC FINISHED **'.PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents(LOG_FILENAME, $log.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
if (MAIL_LOGS || !empty($error) && MAIL_ERRORS) {
mail(MAIL_TO, 'git-webhook '.(!empty($error) ? 'error' : 'successfully synced').' at '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $log);
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