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Created September 26, 2016 02:25
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This script is intended to tag the volumes of an existing instance and create a snapshot for those volumes.
The script takes an instance ID and optional region parameter. It will find the instance in the region submitted or the
current default region and find all volumes attached to the instance. Then it will tag those volumes, and create a snapshot.
The snapshot will include the volume tags, as well as a date and name tag of its own.
Required, string, the instanceID of the instance with volumes to have snapshots taken.
Optional, string, the region in which the instance is located. If no region is specified, the script will use the
default region from the user's AWS profile.
A list of snapshot IDs created by the script.
Version: 1.0
Author: Ned Bellavance
Creation Date: 9/25/2016
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
Create-EC2Snapshots -InstanceID "i-abd2f39a"
Tags volumes and creates a snapshot for the instance "i-abd2f39a" in the default region.
#region parameters#
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $instanceID,
[string] $region
#endregion parameters#
#region helper functions#
#Import Module
Import-Module AWSPowerShell
#Function takes a resource ID, Key and Value and adds the tag
#Why this isn't already a function I have no idea
Function Add-EC2Tag {
[string] $resourceID,
[string] $Name,
[string] $value
$tag = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag
$tag.Key = $Name
$tag.Value = $value
New-EC2Tag -Resource $resourceID -Tag $tag
#endregion helper functions#
#region main#
#Store current default region to change it back if necessary
$currentDefaultRegion = (Get-AWSRegion | where{$_.IsShellDefault}).Region
#If a region is specified, set it to the default region
Set-DefaultAWSRegion -Region $region
#Get the instance in question
$i = Get-EC2Instance -InstanceId $instanceID
Write-Error "Instance with ID $instanceID was not found. Error is: $Error[0]"
#For instance, get the attached volumes
$vols = $i.Instances[0].BlockDeviceMappings
#Create an array for the snaps to be returned as output
$snaps = @()
foreach($vol in $vols){
#For each volume add tags
#instance id, instance name, mount point, instance region
$instanceName =$i.Instances[0].Tag.Where({$_.Key -eq "Name"}).Value
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "InstanceName" -value $instanceName
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "InstanceID" -value $i.Instances[0].InstanceId
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "MountPoint" -value $vol.DeviceName
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "SourceRegion" -value $region
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "SourceRegion" -value $currentDefaultRegion
#if root volume, include subnet-id and VPC-id, and set IsRootVolume tag to true
If($i.Instances[0].RootDeviceName -eq $vol.DeviceName){
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "VpcId" -value $i.Instances[0].VpcId
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "SubnetId" -value $i.Instances[0].SubnetId
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "IsRootVolume" -value $true
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $vol.Ebs.VolumeId -Name "IsRootVolume" -value $false
#Create a snapshot with description and copy tags from volume
$snap = New-EC2Snapshot -Description "Snap of $($vol.Ebs.VolumeId)" -VolumeId $vol.Ebs.VolumeId
$tags = Get-EC2Tag -Filter @{Name="resource-id";Values=$vol.Ebs.VolumeId}
foreach($tag in $tags){
if($tag.Key -eq "Name"){
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $snap.SnapshotId -Name "VolumeName" -value $tag.Value
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $snap.SnapshotId -Name $tag.Key -value $tag.Value
#Add tag for date and name
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $snap.SnapshotId -Name "Date" -value $snap.StartTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")
Add-EC2Tag -resourceID $snap.SnapshotId -Name "Name" -value "Snap-$($vol.Ebs.VolumeId)"
#Add snap to array
$snaps += $snap
#Output the snapshot IDs
Write-Output ($snaps | select SnapshotID)
Set-DefaultAWSRegion -Region $currentDefaultRegion
#endregion main#
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