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Created May 28, 2014 19:42
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Horizon View PCoIP Performance Data Collection
# Horizon View VM Data Collection Script
#Log file location (uses current directory by default)
[string] $logfilelocation=".\",
#CSV file location (uses current directory by default)
[string] $csvfilelocation=".\",
#PoolID (leave blank for all pools)
[string] $poolID
#Create Export filename
$filename = Join-Path -Path $csvfilelocation -ChildPath "ViewVMStats_$(Get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss).csv"
#Create log file
$logFile = Join-Path -Path $logfilelocation -ChildPath "VMStatisticsCollection_$(Get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss).log"
#Get all VMs in all Pools or Pools specificed by ID
$vms = get-pool -Pool_id $poolID | get-desktopVM
$vms = get-pool | get-desktopVM
Add-Content $logFile -value ("$(get-date -f s) VMs loaded from all pools") -PassThru | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
#create stats variable
$vmstats = @()
Add-Content $logFile -value ("$(get-date -f s) Beginning Statistics retrieval") -PassThru | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
$prog = 0
$base = $vms.length
#get the statistics for each vm
foreach($vm in $vms){
Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting..." -PercentComplete (($prog/$base)*100) -CurrentOperation "$prog of $base complete" -Status "Please wait."
$vmstats += Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2" -ComputerName $vm.Name -Class Win32_PerfRawData_TeradiciPerf_PCoIPSessionNetworkStatistics -ErrorAction Stop
Add-Content $logFile -value ("$(get-date -f s) $($vm.Name) Collection Failed with Error $_") -PassThru | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red
#finish progress bar
Write-Progress -Activity "Collecting..." -Completed -Status "VM Stats collection complete."
#export results
Add-Content $logFile -value ("$(get-date -f s) Exporting Data to $filename") -PassThru | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
$vmstats | Export-Csv -Path $filename -NoTypeInformation
Add-Content $logFile -value ("$(get-date -f s) Quick Content") -PassThru | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
#show some quick stats on worst offenders
$topRXLoss = $vmstats | Sort-Object -Property RXPacketLossPercent -Descending | select __Server,RXPacketLossPercent,RXPacketLossPercent_Base -First 10
$topTXLoss = $vmstats | Sort-Object -Property TXPacketLossPercent -Descending | select __Server,TXPacketLossPercent,TXPacketLossPercent_Base -First 10
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Top 10 RX Packet Loss"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nTop 10 TX Packet Loss"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nEnd of Script"
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