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Created December 17, 2014 13:25
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param($DomainController = [String]::Empty)
function Main
#Script Logic flow
#1. Pull User Info from cloud.csv file in the current directory
#2. Lookup AD Info (DN, mail, proxyAddresses, and legacyExchangeDN) using the SMTP address from the CSV file
#3. Save existing proxyAddresses
#4. Add existing legacyExchangeDN's to proxyAddresses
#5. Delete Mailbox
#6. Mail-Enable the user using the cloud email address as the targetAddress
#7. Disable RUS processing
#8. Add proxyAddresses and mail attribute back to the object
#9. Add msExchMailboxGUID from cloud.csv to the user object (for offboarding support)
if($DomainController -eq [String]::Empty)
Write-Host "You must supply a value for the -DomainController switch" -ForegroundColor Red
$CSVInfo = Import-Csv ".\cloud.csv"
foreach($User in $CSVInfo)
Write-Host "Processing user" $User.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Calling LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
$UserInfo = LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress($User)
#Check existing proxies for On-Premise and Cloud Legacy DN's as x500 proxies. If not present add them.
if($UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -notcontains ("X500:"+$UserInfo.CloudLegacyDN))
$X500Proxy = "x500:" + $UserInfo.CloudLegacyDN
Write-Host "Adding $X500Proxy to EmailAddresses" -ForegroundColor Green
if($UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -notcontains ("X500:"+$UserInfo.LegacyDN))
$X500Proxy = "x500:" + $UserInfo.LegacyDN
Write-Host "Adding $X500Proxy to EmailAddresses" -ForegroundColor Green
#Disable Mailbox
Write-Host "Disabling Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green
Disable-Mailbox -Identity $UserInfo.OnPremiseEmailAddress -DomainController $DomainController -Confirm:$false
#Mail Enable
Write-Host "Enabling Mailbox" -ForegroundColor Green
Enable-MailUser -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -ExternalEmailAddress $UserInfo.CloudEmailAddress -DomainController $DomainController
#Disable RUS
Write-Host "Disabling RUS" -ForegroundColor Green
Set-MailUser -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $false -DomainController $DomainController
#Add Proxies and Mail
Write-Host "Adding EmailAddresses and WindowsEmailAddress" -ForegroundColor Green
Set-MailUser -Identity $UserInfo.Identity -EmailAddresses $UserInfo.ProxyAddresses -WindowsEmailAddress $UserInfo.Mail -DomainController $DomainController
#Set Mailbox GUID. Need to do this via S.DS as Set-MailUser doesn't expose this property.
$ADPath = "LDAP://" + $DomainController + "/" + $UserInfo.DistinguishedName
$ADUser = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList $ADPath
$MailboxGUID = New-Object -TypeName System.Guid -ArgumentList $UserInfo.MailboxGUID
Write-Host "Setting Mailbox GUID" $UserInfo.MailboxGUID -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Migration Complete for" $UserInfo.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
function LookupADInformationFromSMTPAddress($CSV)
$Mailbox = Get-Mailbox $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($Mailbox -eq $null)
Write-Host "Get-Mailbox failed for" $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress -ForegroundColor Red
$UserInfo = New-Object System.Object
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OnPremiseEmailAddress -Value $CSV.OnPremiseEmailAddress
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudEmailAddress -Value $CSV.CloudEmailAddress
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CloudLegacyDN -Value $CSV.LegacyExchangeDN
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LegacyDN -Value $Mailbox.LegacyExchangeDN
$ProxyAddresses = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ProxyAddressCollection
$ProxyAddresses = $Mailbox.EmailAddresses
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ProxyAddresses -Value $ProxyAddresses
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Mail -Value $Mailbox.WindowsEmailAddress
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MailboxGUID -Value $CSV.MailboxGUID
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Identity -Value $Mailbox.Identity
$UserInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DistinguishedName -Value (Get-User $Mailbox.Identity).DistinguishedName
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