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Created April 28, 2015 17:19
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powershell_script "new website for #{site_name}" do
code <<-EOH
Import-Module WebAdministration
if (-not(test-path IIS:\\Sites\\#{site_name})){
$NewWebsiteParams = @{Name= '#{site_name}';Port= #{site_data["port"]};PhysicalPath= '#{site_dir}';ApplicationPool= '#{site_name}'}
New-Website @NewWebsiteParams
elseif ((Get-WebBinding -Name #{site_name}).bindingInformation -ne '*:#{site_data["port"]}:') {
$CurrentBinding = (Get-WebBinding -Name #{site_name}).bindingInformation
$BindingParameters = @{Name= '#{site_name}';Binding= $CurrentBinding;PropertyName= 'Port';Value = #{site_data["port"]} }
Set-WebBinding @BindingParameters
Get-Website -Name #{site_name} | Where {$_.state -like 'Stopped'} | Start-Website
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