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Forked from wavded/async-to-q.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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var fs = require('fs')
var Q = require('q')
var fs_stat = Q.denodeify(fs.stat)
var fs_readdir = Q.denodeify(fs.readdir)
var files = [
var dirs = [
// each, eachSeries, and eachLimit are very similar to their map counterparts, only the results are ignored
// order is always preserved, regardless if done in parallel or series
function map (arr, func) {
return Q().then(function () {
return (el) { return func(el) })
function mapSeries (arr, func) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return func(el)
return Q.all(promises)
function mapLimit (arr, limit, func) {
var batches = arr.reduce(function (last, next, index) {
if (index % limit == 0) last.push([next])
else last[last.length-1].push(next)
return last
}, [])
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (batch) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
var batchPromises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(batchPromises)
return Q.all(promises)
.then(function (results) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results) // flatten array
// map(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
// function word (file) { throw 'oh no dawg'; return 'word to this file: ' + file }
// map(files, word).then(console.log, function (er) { console.error('oh no', er) })
// mapSeries(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
// mapLimit(files, 2, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
function filter (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return results[i] })
function filterSeries (arr, func) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return func(el)
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return results[i] })
// filter(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
// filterSeries(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
function reject (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return !results[i] })
function rejectSeries (arr, func) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return func(el)
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return !results[i] })
// reject(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
// rejectSeries(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
function reduce (arr, initialVal, func) {
var currentPromise = Q(initialVal) (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function (memo) {
return func(memo, el)
return currentPromise
function reduceRight (arr, initialVal, func) {
var currentPromise = Q(initialVal)
arr.reverse().map(function (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function (memo) {
return func(memo, el)
return currentPromise
// reduce([1,2,3], 0, function (memo, item) { return Q.delay(100).thenResolve(memo + item) }).then(console.log, console.error)
// reduceRight([1,2,3], 0, function (memo, item) { return Q.delay(100).thenResolve(memo + item) }).then(console.log, console.error)
function detect (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return results[i] }).shift()
function detectSeries (arr, func) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return func(el)
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.filter(function (el,i) { return results[i] }).shift() // could be optimized to return first
// detect(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
// detectSeries(files, fs_stat).then(console.log, console.error)
function sortBy (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return arr.sort(function (a, b) {
return results[arr.indexOf(a)] < results[arr.indexOf(b)] ? -1 : 1
// sortBy([2,1,3], function (item) { return Q.delay(100).thenResolve(item) }).then(console.log, console.error)
function some (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return results.some(function (el) { return el })
// some([2,1,3], function (item) { return Q.delay(100).thenResolve(item == 1) }).then(console.log, console.error)
function every (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return results.every(function (el) { return el })
// every([1,1,1], function (item) { return Q.delay(100).thenResolve(item == 1) }).then(console.log, console.error)
function concat (arr, func) {
var promises = (el) { return func(el) })
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results) // flatten results
function concatSeries (arr, func) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (el) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return func(el)
return Q.all(promises).then(function (results) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results) // flatten results
// concat(dirs, fs_readdir).then(console.log, console.error)
// concatSeries(dirs, fs_readdir).then(console.log, console.error)
function parallel (funcs) {
var promises = (func) { return func() })
return Q.all(promises)
function series (funcs) {
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (func) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(func)
return Q.all(promises)
function parallelLimit (funcs) {
var batches = funcs.reduce(function (last, next, index) {
if (index % limit == 0) last.push([next])
else last[last.length-1].push(next)
return last
}, [])
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (batch) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return Q.all(batch)
return Q.all(promises)
.then(function (results) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], results) // flatten array
function wilst (test, func) {
if (!test()) return Q('wilst')
return func().then(function () {
return wilst(test, func)
function doWilst (func, test) {
return func().then(function () {
if (!test()) return Q('dowilst')
return doWilst(func, test)
// var count = 0
// wilst(function () { return count < 5 }, function () { count++; return Q.delay(100) }).then(console.log, console.error)
// var doCount = 0
// doWilst(function () { doCount++; return Q.delay(100) }, function () { return doCount < 5 }).then(console.log, console.error)
function until (test, func) {
if (test()) return Q('until')
return func().then(function () {
return wilst(test, func)
function doUntil (func, test) {
return func().then(function () {
if (test()) return Q('dountil')
return doUntil(func, test)
// var acount = 0
// until(function () { return count > 5 }, function () { acount++; return Q.delay(100) }).then(console.log, console.error)
// var adoCount = 0
// doUntil(function () { adoCount++; return Q.delay(100) }, function () { return adoCount < 5 }).then(console.log, console.error)
function forever (func) {
return func().then(function () { return forever(func) })
// var trigger = 0
// forever(function () {
// if (trigger > 10000) throw "oh no"
// return Q.delay(1)
// }).then(console.log, console.error)
function waterfall (funcs) {
return funcs.reduce(Q.when, Q())
// waterfall([ function () { return fs_stat('./fixtures/file1') }, function (stat) { console.log(stat) } ]).then(console.log, console.error)
function compose () {
var funcs =
return function () {
return funcs.reduce(Q.when, Q.apply(null, arguments))
// function add1 (n) { return Q.delay(1000).thenResolve(n+1) }
// function mul3 (n) { return Q.delay(1000).thenResolve(n*3) }
// var add1mul3 = compose(add1, mul3)
// add1mul3(20).then(console.log, console.error)
function applyEach (funcs) {
var args =, 1)
var promises = (func) { return Q.apply(Q, args).then(func) })
return Q.all(promises)
function applyEachSeries (funcs) {
var args =, 1)
var currentPromise = Q()
var promises = (func) {
return currentPromise = currentPromise.then(function () {
return Q.apply(Q, args).then(func)
return Q.all(promises)
// function add2 (n) { return Q.delay(1000).thenResolve(n+2) }
// function mul4 (n) { return Q.delay(1000).thenResolve(n*4) }
// applyEach([ add2, mul4 ], 34).then(console.log, console.error)
// applyEachSeries([ add2, mul4 ], 34).then(console.log, console.error)
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