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Meat consumption (kg meat consumed per capita) per country
ARG 40.41400058 8.24187459 36.4689953 1.174247185 86.29911766
AUS 22.8010372 20.25072536 42.00750521 7.423454044 92.48272181
BGD 0.885267859 5.14E-04 1.223173534 1.163676301 3.272631248
BRA 24.15640871 11.20721696 39.36312514 0.393513724 75.12026453
BRICS 4.289081407 15.79587836 10.29847417 1.654767905 32.03820184
CAN 17.37132968 15.74658647 34.15846671 0.81704465 68.09342751
CHL 14.96778476 17.51448686 30.93243359 0.411750266 63.82645548
CHN 3.817396071 31.56769795 11.61724318 2.965417779 49.96775498
COL 12.10121226 5.084564383 26.43592901 0.202352547 43.8240582
DZA 3.840880874 0.003757779 6.43618904 7.062094846 17.34292254
EGY 10.09560255 0.004517634 9.379818244 1.282186273 20.7621247
ETH 2.524713912 0.01467541 0.551814011 1.31725418 4.408457513
EU28 10.76058478 32.99819234 22.70929065 1.84500852 68.31307629
GHA 0.733892008 0.73709297 5.576579934 1.502651773 8.550216685
HTI 3.471032119 3.218806013 5.627173512 0.556792916 12.87380456
IDN 1.94230206 2.272695992 6.619633255 0.402629212 11.23726052
IND 0.511552155 0.21227083 1.702915593 0.476908739 2.903647317
IRN 2.880777125 1.57E-04 23.09321032 3.245185105 29.21932932
ISR 20.24668866 1.6457879 57.7157791 1.849704104 81.45795976
JPN 6.694225598 14.96233495 13.63261477 0.152986266 35.44216158
KAZ 16.93819049 4.95087045 16.48836872 8.055451929 46.43288159
KOR 9.638517851 28.39244691 14.2160067 0.157545799 52.40451726
MEX 8.750645863 11.52120758 26.31462466 0.512450466 47.09892857
MOZ 0.828107284 3.869132375 1.473030777 0.791120187 6.961390623
MYS 5.70105997 6.193914533 41.44447299 0.846634516 54.18608201
NGA 1.661978986 1.105807698 0.917987169 2.353458492 6.039232345
NZL 14.46533909 18.12811492 37.78189872 4.363093068 74.7384458
OECD 13.96905228 23.22223218 28.57644931 1.342006363 67.10974013
PAK 6.324054165 3.72E-06 4.412094952 2.104948883 12.84110172
PER 4.664306465 3.29429619 36.82035537 1.220943083 45.99990111
PHL 3.03050371 14.23606007 11.03174415 0.498291832 28.79659976
PRY 25.59998891 21.00522422 5.964261533 0.528467617 53.09794228
RUS 12.1242612 18.28793119 26.38561795 1.137216777 57.93502712
SAU 3.908280353 0.243938791 41.2010962 5.546813371 50.90012872
SDN 6.254855977 0.003896619 1.119520407 10.45428308 17.83255608
SSA 3.170281043 1.142516461 2.271343425 2.060276573 8.644417502
THA 1.75078908 10.92511945 9.684506052 0.041566019 22.4019806
TUR 8.279400646 0.044153084 16.51232379 4.102514154 28.93839167
TZA 4.090994495 0.238126409 1.50938472 1.070591319 6.909096943
UKR 6.642351904 13.7475552 22.82909595 0.376098725 43.59510178
URY 46.37945187 14.26280093 13.63640298 5.677154194 79.95580997
USA 24.74826953 22.65159096 47.62422294 0.40619371 95.43027714
VNM 8.69169882 29.14475132 13.98236827 0.108946697 51.92776511
WLD 6.426913776 12.48227313 13.4801806 1.707725937 34.09709344
ZAF 10.67934541 3.396274064 30.58998501 3.069866974 47.73547146
ZMB 9.121718478 1.52874861 2.687750981 0.545583853 13.88380192
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