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Last active October 11, 2021 06:30
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  • Save neerajks77/ef9eee8b4dff6adb5f445f65dade961f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Configuration WebServer
[string] $NodeNames = "localhost",
[string] $AcctKey = "4PJREBT6kPMh9ejQwIhoU+vmOWdd7WYCVIhDEbttPPZVln8HerqOCQR+PTXlSMd0AZd4tVdRPIy/TEfos4aU9Q=="
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PsDesiredStateConfiguration
[String] $StorageAccountName = "linkedinautomation"
$secureacctKey = $AcctKey | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$myStorageCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($StorageAccountName, $secureacctKey)
Node $NodeNames
# Make sure that IIS is installed
WindowsFeature IIS
Name = 'web-server'
Ensure = 'Present'
IncludeAllSubFeature = $true
# All the IISManagement Tools are also intalled
WindowsFeature IISMgmt
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Web-Mgmt-Tools"
WindowsFeature ASPNet45
Name = "Web-ASP-Net45"
Ensure = "Present"
File ASPNetWebsite
Ensure = "Present"
Credential = $myStorageCredentials
SourcePath = "\\\configurevms"
DestinationPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"
Recurse = $true
Type = "Directory"
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