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Last active December 1, 2022 22:05
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Save neevek/d4167d3593c4222fb9098acee015ff82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for profiling Android app by using adb to collect and constantly print CPU/memory/temperature/netstat information to the console.
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use Term::ANSIColor;
my $pkgName = $ARGV[0];
my $watch = $ARGV[1];
my @args = splice(@ARGV, 1);
if (!defined $pkgName) {
print "Usage: profapp <pkg_name> [watch] [show_all_threads]\n";
my $deviceUptimeKey = "Device Uptime";
my $cpuUsageStatKey = "__CpuUsage";
my $netStatKey = "__NetStat";
my $temperatureStatKey = "__Temperature";
my $cmd = qq{
set `ps -ef | grep $pkgName | grep -v grep` &&
grep -E "Name|State|VmRSS|VmSwap|VmSize|VmPeak|Threads" "/proc/\$2/status" 2> /dev/null
cat /proc/cpuinfo | fgrep -c processor | xargs echo "CPU Cores:"
cat /proc/\$2/task/*/stat 2> /dev/null | sed -e "s/.*/$cpuUsageStatKey: &/"
cat /proc/uptime 2> /dev/null | sed -e "s/.*/$deviceUptimeKey: &/"
cat /proc/\$2/net/dev 2> /dev/null | sed -e "s/.*/$netStatKey: &/"
dumpsys meminfo "\$2" 2> /dev/null
dumpsys thermalservice 2> /dev/null | sed -e "s/.*/$temperatureStatKey &/"
echo "\$2" | xargs echo "Pid:"
my %infoDataMap;
my %accMemStatMap;
my %peakMemStatMap;
my $count = 0;
my $initialized = 0;
my $cpuHertz = 100;
my $startProcessUptime = 0;
my $curProcessUptime = 0;
my $maxTemperatureStatMap;
my %startCpuStatMap;
my %allTimeCpuTimeMap;
my %peakCpuTimeMap;
my $peakTotalCpuTime = 0;
my $allTimeTotalCpuTime = 0;
my $origNetStat = new NetStat(0, 0);
my $prevNetStat = new NetStat(0, 0);
my @infoKeyArr = ("CPU Cores", "Pid", $deviceUptimeKey);
$infoDataMap{"Package Name"} = $pkgName;
while (1) {
my $statData = `adb shell '$cmd' 2> /dev/null`;
my $output;
my %curMemStatMap;
my %curCpuStatMap;
my $curTotalCpuUsage = 0;
my $threadCount = 0;
if ($statData !~ /VmRSS/) {
print("Process [$pkgName] is not running.\n");
$count = 0;
$initialized = 0;
undef %accMemStatMap;
undef %peakMemStatMap;
undef $peakTotalCpuTime;
undef %allTimeCpuTimeMap;
undef %peakCpuTimeMap;
$allTimeTotalCpuTime = 0;
foreach my $key (@infoKeyArr) {
if ($statData =~ /$key:\s*(\d[^ \n]*)/) {
$infoDataMap{$key} = $1;
my $pid = $infoDataMap{"Pid"};
my $deviceUptime = $infoDataMap{$deviceUptimeKey};
if (!$initialized) {
$initialized = 1;
collectCpuStat($statData, $deviceUptime, sub {
my ($key, $cpuTime, $tid) = @_;
$startCpuStatMap{$key} = $cpuTime;
if ($tid == $pid) {
$startProcessUptime = $curProcessUptime = $cpuTime->{totalTime};
$origNetStat = collectNetStat($statData);
my $prevProcessUptime = $curProcessUptime;
my %periodCpuTimeMap;
my $periodTotalCpuTime = 0;
collectCpuStat($statData, $deviceUptime, sub {
my ($key, $cpuTime, $tid) = @_;
if ($tid == $pid) {
$curProcessUptime = $cpuTime->{totalTime};
if (exists $startCpuStatMap{$key}) {
my $periodCpuTime = $cpuTime->clone();
my $prevCpuTime = $allTimeCpuTimeMap{$key};
# this is for 'Average' cpu time for each thread
$allTimeCpuTimeMap{$key} = $cpuTime;
if ($prevCpuTime) {
# this is for 'Current' cpu time for each thread
$periodCpuTimeMap{$key} = $periodCpuTime;
my $prevPeakCpuTime = $peakCpuTimeMap{$key};
my $peakCpuTime;
if ($periodCpuTime->compareUsage($prevPeakCpuTime) > 0) {
$peakCpuTime = $periodCpuTime;
} else {
$peakCpuTime = $prevPeakCpuTime;
# this is for 'Peak' cpu time for each thread
$peakCpuTimeMap{$key} = $peakCpuTime;
my $samplingInterval = $curProcessUptime - $prevProcessUptime;
if ($samplingInterval <= 0) {
usleep(1000 * 5);
my $prevPeakTotalCpuTime = $peakTotalCpuTime;
$peakTotalCpuTime = 0;
map {
my $usedTime = $_->{usedTime} * 100;
$allTimeTotalCpuTime += $usedTime;
$periodTotalCpuTime += $usedTime;
$peakTotalCpuTime += $usedTime;
} values %periodCpuTimeMap;
$periodTotalCpuTime /= $samplingInterval;
$peakTotalCpuTime /= $samplingInterval;
$peakTotalCpuTime = $prevPeakTotalCpuTime if $peakTotalCpuTime < $prevPeakTotalCpuTime;
my $avgAllTimeTotalCpuTime = $allTimeTotalCpuTime / ($curProcessUptime - $startProcessUptime);
# delete stat data of threads that were destroyed
map { delete $peakCpuTimeMap{$_} if not exists $periodCpuTimeMap{$_} } keys %peakCpuTimeMap;
# collecting mem stat
my @memStatKeyArr = (
"VmPeak", "VmSize", "VmRSS", "Native Heap",
"Java Heap", "Graphics", "Code", "Stack", "System");
foreach my $key (@memStatKeyArr) {
$peakMemStatMap{$key} = 0 if !defined $peakMemStatMap{$key};
if ($statData =~ /$key:\s*(\d+)/) {
$accMemStatMap{$key} += $1;
$curMemStatMap{$key} = $1;
$peakMemStatMap{$key} = $1 if $peakMemStatMap{$key} < $1;
if ($statData =~ /TOTAL:\s*(\d+)/) {
$accMemStatMap{"PSS"} += $1;
$curMemStatMap{"PSS"} = $1;
$peakMemStatMap{"PSS"} = $1 if !$peakMemStatMap{"PSS"} || $peakMemStatMap{"PSS"} < $1;
# collecting net stat
my $netStat = collectNetStat($statData);
my $netSpeedStat = $netStat->clone();
$prevNetStat = $netStat->clone();
my $txSpeedStr = 0;
my $rxSpeedStr = 0;
if ($samplingInterval > 0) {
$txSpeedStr = sprintf("%.1fKb/s", $netSpeedStat->{txBytes} / $samplingInterval / 1024);
$rxSpeedStr = sprintf("%.1fKb/s", $netSpeedStat->{rxBytes} / $samplingInterval / 1024);
my $curTemperatureStatMap = collectTemperatureStat($statData);
foreach my $key (keys %$curTemperatureStatMap) {
$maxTemperatureStatMap->{$key} = max($curTemperatureStatMap->{$key}, $maxTemperatureStatMap->{$key});
if (grep(/^watch$/, @args)) {
# see
# clear the screen
$output .= sprintf("┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐\n");
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52s│\n", "Times", $count);
foreach my $key (sort keys %infoDataMap) {
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52s│\n", $key, $infoDataMap{$key});
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52d│\n", "Threads", $threadCount);
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52.2f│\n", "Process Uptime", $curProcessUptime);
if (%$curTemperatureStatMap) {
$output .= sprintf("├─ TEMPERATURES ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n");
$output .= concatTemperatureStr($curTemperatureStatMap, $maxTemperatureStatMap);
$output .= sprintf("├─ NET ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤\n");
my $rxStr = sprintf("%sKb", int($netStat->{rxBytes} / 1024));
my $txStr = sprintf("%sKb", int($netStat->{txBytes} / 1024));
$output .= sprintf("│ %s: %-12s %s: %-12s %s: %-12s %s: %-12s│\n",
"Tx", $txStr, "Rx", $rxStr, "TxSpeed", $txSpeedStr, "RxSpeed", $rxSpeedStr);
#$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52s│\n", "Transmitted", $txStr);
$output .= sprintf("├─ MEM ─────────────────── Current ────── Average ────── Peak ─────────────────┤\n");
foreach my $key (sort keys %curMemStatMap) {
my $value = sprintf("%-14s %-14s %s",
$curMemStatMap{$key} . " Kb",
int($accMemStatMap{$key} / $count) . " Kb",
$peakMemStatMap{$key} . " Kb");
if ($key =~ /PSS|Native Heap|VmRSS/) {
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %s%-52s%s│\n", $key, color("red"), $value, color("reset"));
} else {
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-52s│\n", $key, $value);
$output .= sprintf("├─ CPU ─────────────────── Current ────── Average ────── Peak ─────────────────┤\n");
my $cpuCores = $infoDataMap{"CPU Cores"};
my $curCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $periodTotalCpuTime / $cpuCores);
my $avgCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $avgAllTimeTotalCpuTime / $cpuCores);
my $peakCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $peakTotalCpuTime / $cpuCores);
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %s%-15s%-15s%-22s%s│\n", "[Overall]",
color("cyan"), $curCpuPercent, $avgCpuPercent, $peakCpuPercent, color("reset"));
foreach my $key (sort {
$allTimeCpuTimeMap{$b}->asPercentage() <=> $allTimeCpuTimeMap{$a}->asPercentage()
} keys %allTimeCpuTimeMap) {
if (!$periodCpuTimeMap{$key} ||
($periodCpuTimeMap{$key}->{usedTime} <= 0 && !grep(/^show_all_threads$/, @args))) {
my $curCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $periodCpuTimeMap{$key}->asPercentage() / $cpuCores);
my $avgCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $allTimeCpuTimeMap{$key}->asPercentage() / $cpuCores);
my $peakCpuPercent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $peakCpuTimeMap{$key}->asPercentage() / $cpuCores);
$output .= sprintf("│%24s: %-15s%-15s%-22s│\n", $key, $curCpuPercent, $avgCpuPercent, $peakCpuPercent);
$output .= sprintf("└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘\n");
=begin comment
funIter = sub { my ($key, $cpuTime) }
sub collectCpuStat {
my ($statData, $deviceUptime, $funIter) = @_;
while ($statData =~ /^$cpuUsageStatKey: *(.+)$/mg) {
my $line = $1 =~ s/(\([^)]*\))/$1 =~ s| |_|gr/re;
my @fields = split(" ", $line);
my $tid = $fields[0];
my $tname = $fields[1];
my $totalTimeSec = $deviceUptime - ($fields[21] / $cpuHertz);
my $usedTimeSec = ($fields[13] + $fields[14]) / $cpuHertz;
$funIter->("$tname\@$tid", new CpuTime($totalTimeSec, $usedTimeSec), $tid);
sub collectNetStat {
my $statData = shift;
my $totalRxBytes = 0;
my $totalTxBytes = 0;
while ($statData =~ /^$netStatKey: *(.+)$/mg) {
my @fields = split(" ", $1);
my $rxBytes = $fields[1];
my $txBytes = $fields[9];
if ((!$rxBytes || grep(/[a-z]/, $rxBytes)) &&
(!$txBytes || grep(/[a-z]/, $txBytes))) {
$totalRxBytes += $rxBytes;
$totalTxBytes += $txBytes;
return new NetStat($totalRxBytes, $totalTxBytes);
sub collectTemperatureStat {
my $statData = shift;
my $result = {};
my $isCurrent = 0;
while ($statData =~ /^$temperatureStatKey *(.+)$/mg) {
my $line = $1;
if (!$isCurrent) {
if ($line =~ /Current temperatures from HAL/mg) {
$isCurrent = 1;
if ($line =~ /mValue=([^,]*).*mName=([^,]*)/mg) {
$result->{$2} = $1;
return $result;
sub concatTemperatureStr {
my ($curMap, $maxMap) = @_;
my $output;
my $index = 0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$curMap) {
if ($index % 4 == 0) {
$output .= sprintf("│%8s: %-4.1f/%-4.1f", $key, $curMap->{$key}, $maxMap->{$key});
} elsif ($index % 4 == 3) {
$output .= sprintf("%8s: %-4.1f/%-4.1f │\n", $key, $curMap->{$key}, $maxMap->{$key});
} else {
$output .= sprintf("%8s: %-4.1f/%-4.1f", $key, $curMap->{$key}, $maxMap->{$key});
if ($index > 0 && $index % 4 > 0) {
my $c = 4 - ($index % 4);
$c = $c * 18 + ($c - 1) + 2;
$output .= sprintf("%-${c}s │\n", "");
return $output;
sub max {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
if (!$a) {
return $b;
if (!$b) {
return $a;
return $a > $b ? $a : $b;
package BaseObject;
sub new {
my ($class, $args) = @_;
return bless $args, $class;
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my $copy = bless { %$self }, ref $self;
return $copy;
package NetStat;
use parent -norequire, qw(BaseObject);
sub new {
my ($class, $rxBytes, $txBytes) = @_;
return $class->SUPER::new({
rxBytes => $rxBytes,
txBytes => $txBytes
sub subtract {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %$self) {
$self->{$k} -= $other->{$k};
package CpuTime;
use parent -norequire, qw(BaseObject);
sub new {
my ($class, $totalTime, $usedTime) = @_;
return $class->SUPER::new({
totalTime => $totalTime,
usedTime => $usedTime
sub subtract {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %$self) {
$self->{$k} -= $other->{$k};
sub compareUsage {
my ($self, $cpuTime) = @_;
if (!$cpuTime) {
return 1;
my $totalTime = $self->{totalTime};
my $otherTotalTime = $cpuTime->{totalTime};
if ($totalTime <= 0) {
$totalTime = 1;
if ($otherTotalTime <= 0) {
$otherTotalTime = 1;
my $usage = $self->{usedTime} / $totalTime;
my $otherUsage = $cpuTime->{usedTime} / $otherTotalTime;
if ($usage < $otherUsage) {
return -1;
if ($usage == $otherUsage) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub asPercentage() {
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->{totalTime}) {
return 0;
return 100 * $self->{usedTime} / $self->{totalTime};
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
printf("DEBUG: totalTime:%f, usedTime:%f\n", $self->{totalTime}, $self->{usedTime});
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neevek commented Oct 25, 2021

output of the script:

│                   Times: 3                                                   │
│               CPU Cores: 8                                                   │
│           Device Uptime: 2062635.07                                          │
│            Package Name: com.example.demo                                    │
│                     Pid: 14821                                               │
│                 Threads: 44                                                  │
│          Process Uptime: 6514.35                                             │
├─ NET ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Tx: 0Kb          Rx: 0Kb          TxSpeed: 0.0Kb/s      RxSpeed: 0.0Kb/s     │
├─ MEM ─────────────────── Current ────── Average ────── Peak ─────────────────┤
│                    Code: 37912 Kb       37912 Kb       37912 Kb              │
│                Graphics: 222308 Kb      222308 Kb      222308 Kb             │
│               Java Heap: 10396 Kb       10388 Kb       10396 Kb              │
│             Native Heap: 22800 Kb       23418 Kb       23968 Kb              │
│                   Stack: 1008 Kb        1008 Kb        1008 Kb               │
│                  System: 8818 Kb        8818 Kb        8818 Kb               │
│                  VmPeak: 2248424 Kb     2248424 Kb     2248424 Kb            │
│                   VmRSS: 116540 Kb      117142 Kb      117868 Kb             │
│                  VmSize: 2192176 Kb     2192176 Kb     2192176 Kb            │
├─ CPU ─────────────────── Current ────── Average ────── Peak ─────────────────┤
│               [Overall]: 5.25%          5.34%          7.29%                 │
│     (RenderThread)@8734: 1.00%          0.87%          1.00%                 │
│   (Binder:14821_2)@8718: 0.45%          0.78%          1.87%                 │
│        (Thread-16)@9604: 0.78%          0.69%          0.78%                 │
│        (Thread-15)@9602: 0.67%          0.56%          0.67%                 │
│  (JNISurfaceTextu)@9593: 0.56%          0.52%          0.62%                 │
│ (com.example.demo)@4821: 0.45%          0.43%          0.45%                 │
│  (MediaCodec_loop)@9592: 0.33%          0.35%          0.42%                 │
│  (unknown________)@9601: 0.33%          0.35%          0.42%                 │
│       (AudioTrack)@9526: 0.22%          0.22%          0.22%                 │
│  (unknown________)@9600: 0.22%          0.22%          0.42%                 │
│  (HwBinder:14821_)@9519: 0.11%          0.17%          0.22%                 │
│         (Thread-5)@8741: 0.11%          0.09%          0.21%                 │

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