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Forked from energee/
Created July 4, 2019 16:00
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User xbox controller to command openpilot
#!/usr/bin/env python
from evdev import InputDevice
from select import select
import time
import numpy as np
import zmq
from cereal import car
import selfdrive.messaging as messaging
from import service_list
from common.realtime import Ratekeeper
from common.fingerprints import fingerprint
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ***** connect to joystick *****
# Xbox One Controller
dev = InputDevice("/dev/input/event7")
print dev
button_values = [0]*13
axis_values = [0]*7
# ***** connect to car *****
context = zmq.Context()
logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
CP = fingerprint(logcan)
exec('from'+CP.carName+'.interface import CarInterface')
CI = CarInterface(CP, logcan, sendcan)
rk = Ratekeeper(100)
while 1:
# **** handle joystick ****
r, w, x = select([dev], [], [], 0.0)
if dev in r:
for event in
print event
## Button events
if event.type == 1:
btn = event.code - 303
if btn >= 1 and btn < 13:
button_values[btn] = int(event.value)
# # Axis move events
if event.type == 3:
## Left Joystick
if event.code == 0:
axis_values[event.code] = np.clip(-event.value/32768.0, -1.0, 1.0)
elif event.code == 1:
axis_values[event.code] = np.clip(-event.value/32768.0, -1.0, 1.0)
## Left and Right Triggers
elif event.code in [2,5]:
if event.code == 2:
event.value = -event.value
axis_values[2] = np.clip(event.value/1023.0, -1.0, 1.0)
## Right Joystick
elif event.code == 3:
axis_values[event.code] = np.clip(-event.value/32768.0, -1.0, 1.0)
elif event.code == 4:
axis_values[event.code] = np.clip(-event.value/32768.0, -1.0, 1.0)
## D-Pad (left)
elif event.code == 16:
print event.value
axis_values[5] = -int(event.value)
elif event.code == 17:
axis_values[6] = -int(event.value)
print axis_values, button_values
# **** handle car ****
CS = CI.update()
print CS
CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
CC.enabled = True
CC.gas = float(np.clip(-axis_values[0], 0, 1.0))
CC.brake = float(np.clip(axis_values[0], 0, 1.0))
CC.steeringTorque = float(axis_values[2])
CC.hudControl.speedVisible = bool(button_values[1])
CC.hudControl.lanesVisible = bool(button_values[2])
CC.hudControl.leadVisible = bool(button_values[3])
CC.cruiseControl.override = bool(button_values[0])
CC.cruiseControl.cancel = bool(button_values[-1])
CC.hudControl.setSpeed = float(axis_values[2] * 100.0)
# TODO: test alerts
CC.hudControl.visualAlert = "none"
CC.hudControl.audibleAlert = "none"
print CC
if not CI.apply(CC):
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