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Created September 9, 2013 23:35
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import akka.routing.{Broadcast, RoundRobinRouter}
import scala.Some
case class Connection(production: Boolean = false, id: Int) {
def doStuff(stuff: String) = println(s"stuff [${stuff}] is being done")
trait ConnectionProvider {
def getConnection: Connection
trait ProductionConnectionProvider extends ConnectionProvider {
override def getConnection: Connection = Connection(true, 1)
trait TestConnectionProvider extends ConnectionProvider {
override def getConnection: Connection = Connection(false, 2)
class ACStore extends Actor { this:ConnectionProvider =>
def receive = {
case "init" => println(s"hi! ${}")
case _ => println(s"${} store got a message"); getConnection doStuff "storing yo"
class ProductionACStore extends ACStore with ProductionConnectionProvider
class TestACStore extends ACStore with TestConnectionProvider
trait StoreProvider {
val numberOfRoutees = 1
def getACStoreProps: Props
trait ProductionStoreProvider extends StoreProvider {
override val numberOfRoutees = 3
override def getACStoreProps = Props[ProductionACStore]
trait TestStoreProvider extends StoreProvider {
override val numberOfRoutees = 1
override def getACStoreProps = Props[TestACStore]
class ACService extends Actor { this:StoreProvider =>
var router: Option[ActorRef] = None
override def preStart() {
var routees = List[ActorRef]()
for (i <- 0 until numberOfRoutees)
routees = routees :+ context.actorOf(getACStoreProps)
router = Some(context.actorOf(Props.empty.withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(routees = routees))))
def init = {
def receive = {
case "init" => init; router.get ! Broadcast("init")
case "go" => println("service got message, forwarding to router"); router.get ! "go"
class ProductionACService extends ACService with ProductionStoreProvider
class TestACService extends ACService with TestStoreProvider
object MyApp extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
val service = system.actorOf(Props[ProductionACService], "ACServiceActor")
service ! "init"
service ! "go"
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