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Last active August 22, 2022 02:58
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Sitecore PowerShell Move Items in Bulk
Move Bulk of Selected Items to Desitnation Folder
$dropDownSelector = Get-Item -Path "master:\sitecore"
$dialogParams = @{
Title = "Move Mutliple Items to Destination Folder"
Description = "This script will let you to move multiple items to a destination folder."
OkButtonName = "Move"
CancelButtonName = "Close"
Width = 900
Height = 500
ShowHints = $true
Parameters = @(
Name = "itemsToMove"
Title="Items to move"
Tooltip = "Select from content items to move"
Name = "destinationFolderItem"
Title = "Destination Folder"
Editor = "droptree"
Source = "/sitecore"
Tooltip = "Select from destination folder from only content or media folder"
$dialogResult = Read-Variable @dialogParams
#TODO: Optimize it further
if($dialogResult -ne "ok")
if ($itemsToMove -and $destinationFolderItem){
if ($itemsToMove.Count -gt 0 -and $destinationFolderItem.Count -eq 1 -and ($destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/content") -or $destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/media library") )){
ForEach ($mItem in $itemsToMove) {
if ($destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith($mItem.Paths.FullPath) ){
Show-Alert "You cannot move parent item to a child item. Choose different Destination folder."
if ($destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/content") -and $mItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/media library")){
Show-Alert "You cannot move media item to a content folder."
elseif ($destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/media library") -and $mItem.Paths.FullPath.StartsWith("/sitecore/content")){
Show-Alert "You cannot move content item to a media folder."
$response = Show-Confirm -Title "Do you wish to move items?"
if ($response -eq "yes")
$itemsToMove | ForEach-Object {
Move-Item -Path $_.ItemPath -Destination $destinationFolderItem.Paths.FullPath;
Write-Host "Item moved to: "$_.ItemPath;
Show-Alert "Selected items have been moved to Destination Folder."
else {
Show-Alert "Destination Folder (Only Content or Media folder) and the items to be moved should be populated."
else {
Show-Alert "Destination Folder (Only Content or Media folder) and the items to be moved should be populated."
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