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Created December 7, 2021 18:58
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Sitecore PowerShell - Get All Sitecore Users with Properties
[System.Web.Security.Membership]::GetAllUsers() |
Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'FullName'; Expression = {(Get-User -Identity $_.UserName).Profile.FullName}},
@{Name="User Name"; Expression={ $_.UserName} },
@{Name="Email"; Expression={ $_.Email} },
@{Name="Is Admin"; Expression={ (Get-User -Identity $_.UserName).IsAdministrator} },
@{Name="Is Online"; Expression={ $_.IsOnline} },
@{Name="Is Enabled"; Expression={ $_.IsApproved} },
@{Name="Is Locked"; Expression={ $_.IsLockedOut } },
@{Name="Domain"; Expression={ $_.ProviderName} },
@{Name="Created Date"; Expression={ $_.CreationDate} },
@{Name="Last Login Date"; Expression={ $_.LastLoginDate} },
@{Name="Last Activity Date"; Expression={ $_.LastActivityDate }} |
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