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See This snippet uses the ykpersonalize (YubiKey Personalization Tool) command to generate a new static password on the Yubikey.
# Create an alias for ykpersonalize pointing the the location it is downloaded to
set-alias ykpersonalize "$env:localappdata\Programs\Yubico\bin\ykpersonalize.exe"
# Generate a random hex (AES key) to serve as entropy (randomness source) for ykpersonalize
$RandomHex = (((32)|%{((1..$_)|%{('{0:X}' -f (random(16)))})}) -Join "").ToLower()
# Run ykpersonalize to generate a random static password in Yubikey's config slot 2
ykpersonalize -2 -a"$RandomHex" -ostatic-ticket -oshort-ticket -ostrong-pw1 -ostrong-pw2 -y
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