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Created April 20, 2023 22:11
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function parse-m365-auditlogsearch-results {
# Collect the input and output files
Param (
[string] $auditlogsearchresultfile = "",
[string] $outputcsvfilepath = ""
# Import the Audit Log Search Result CSV file exported from Microsoft Purview
$importedCSV = Import-Csv $auditlogsearchresultfile
# Convert the nested JSON in the AuditData column from the CSV to JSON
$csvToJSON = $importedCSV.AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json
# Extract all of the possible field names from the JSON and export to the new CSV file
$csvFields = $csvToJSON | Get-Member | ?{ $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } | select -ExpandProperty Name | Sort -Unique
$csvFields -join "," | add-content -path $outputcsvfilepath
# Iterate through the JSON and build the new CSV file, populating fields/values that are present
$csvToJSON | %{
$currentEntry = $_
[string[]]$row = @()
$csvFields | %{
$row += $([string]$currentEntry.$_).replace(',','|')
$row -join "," | add-content -path $outputcsvfilepath
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