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Last active January 26, 2019 15:57
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CS112 Assignment 1 Code
#########Provided Code (some parts commented out because I didn't want it)#########
### Multilateral Development Institution Data
foo <- read.csv("") # read in the data
# column names
# dimensions of the data set
# quick look at the data structure
# one thing to be very careful with (in this data set) is the use of dates. 8 columns involve dates.
# take note of the columns representing calendar dates
#date.columns <- c(11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25)
# these columns need some tweaking--I want to address missing values, calling the blank (empty)
# elements "NA" instead of leaving them blank, and I wish to tell R these are "Date" objects.
#for(i in date.columns) # this "for loop" only loops through the "date.columns" -- no other columns.
# identify which values are missing in the "i"th column of the foo data set
# which_values_are_missing <- which(as.character(foo[, i]) == "")
# those values that are missing (blank) in the "i"th column are replaced by <NA>
# because R knows how to handle "NA" -- NA means something special in R--blanks are handled
# more unpredictably (which is bad).
# foo[which_values_are_missing, i] <- NA
# last step--replace each of these columns (which is structured as a column of "factor" values)
# as a column of dates--i.e., convert them to an object of "class" = Date. They are dates, after all.
# And if you convert them to the Date class, R will know they are dates and you can manipulate
# dates in a simple, straightforward way. Otherwise, you won't be able to easily manipulate them
# arithmetically. E.g., for simple Date operations, see lines 48-58 below...
# **By the way, if you don't understand what a "factor" is in R, you should Google it.**
# foo[, i] <- as.Date(as.character(foo[, i]))
# Now R knows that these columns are comprised of dates
# Also, one additional helpful hint... How to eliminate rows with NAs...
# The "" function--for more info, Google it or type ? at the R command prompt in the console.
#which.have.NAs <- which($Rating == TRUE)) # for which rows is the claim "" a TRUE claim?
# Then, if you wanted to, e.g., remove all those rows, retaining only the rows with ratings...
#new_foo <- foo[-which.have.NAs, ]
# Notice I called this tweaked data set "new_foo" instead of rewriting over the original data set...
# It's a bit safer to do this, in case I decide I want to quickly revert back to the original data set.
### ASSIGNMENT 1 -- You may want to read ALL the questions before you begin.
### non-missing "Circulation.Date" >= 2008-01-01.
### YOU MUST provide a link to your R code. ------ DON'T FORGET TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
### Take note of the column names: i.e., you can type: names(foo)
### fyi: the column called "Rating" is the success rating at completion. 0 = lowest, 3 = highest.
#####Sho's data cleaning#####
#clean all columns and replace empty values with NA
for(i in names(foo)) # loop through all columns.
# identify which values are missing in the "i"th column of the foo data set
which_values_are_missing <- which(as.character(foo[, i]) == "")
# those values that are missing (blank) in the "i"th column are replaced by <NA>
# because R knows how to handle "NA" -- NA means something special in R--blanks are handled
#more unpredictably (which is bad).
foo[which_values_are_missing, i] <- NA
#clean date columns
date.columns <- c(11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25)
for(i in date.columns) # this "for loop" only loops through the "date.columns" -- no other columns.
# replace each of these columns (which is structured as a column of "factor" values)
# as a column of dates--i.e., convert them to an object of "class" = Date. They are dates, after all.
# And if you convert them to the Date class, R will know they are dates and you can manipulate
# dates in a simple, straightforward way. Otherwise, you won't be able to easily manipulate them
# arithmetically. E.g., for simple Date operations, see lines 48-58 below...
# **By the way, if you don't understand what a "factor" is in R, you should Google it.**
foo[, i] <- as.Date(as.character(foo[, i]))
#only consider projects 2018-01-01 and after
badfoo <- which($CirculationDate == TRUE))
new_foo <- foo[-badfoo, ]
new_foo <- new_foo[new_foo$CirculationDate >= "2008-01-01", ]
# (1) When projects are approved, they are approved for a certain period of time (until the time of
# "original completion date"). While projects are active, this "original" completion date is
# often pushed out (extended), and then there is a "revised" completion date.
# You have been told that project duration at approval is generally about
# 2 years (24 months). In other words, (purportedly) when projects are approved, the difference
# between the original project completion date and the the approval date is (supposedly)
# approximately 24 months.
# (a) Is this claim true? Explain. (Remember, for this ENTIRE assignment, only consider
# projects with Circulation.Date >= 2008-01-01. This will be your only reminder...)
original_na <- which($OriginalCompletionDate == TRUE))
#identify which values are NA in the OriginalCompletionDate column
new_foo_1a <- new_foo[-original_na, ]
#subset new_foo_1a as a dataframe that excludes rows which have been identified above
original_duration <- c(new_foo_1a$OriginalCompletionDate - new_foo_1a$ApprovalDate)
hist(as.numeric(original_duration),main="Histogram of project duration at approval",
xlab="Project duration at approval (in days)")
# Has project duration at approval changed over time (consider projects circulated earlier
# and circulated later). Be sure to discuss mean durations, median durations, and the
# interquartile range of durations (using the "quantile" function).
# Approximate suggested length: 3-5 sentences
for(i in "CirculationDate") # this "for loop" only loops through the CirculationDate -- no other columns.
#convert date to numeric
new_foo_1a[, i] <- as.numeric(new_foo_1a[, i])
quantile(c(new_foo_1a$CirculationDate)) #knowing where the earliest and latest 25% o projects are
late <- which(new_foo_1a$CirculationDate >= 16890.75) #specify rows that are late
early <- which(new_foo_1a$CirculationDate <= 14790.00) #specify rows that are early
new_foo_1a_late <- new_foo_1a[late, ] #new dataframe only with late rows
new_foo_1a_early <- new_foo_1a[early, ] #new dataframe only with early rows
original_duration_late <- c(new_foo_1a_late$OriginalCompletionDate - new_foo_1a_late$ApprovalDate)
#new duration only with late projects
original_duration_early <- c(new_foo_1a_early$OriginalCompletionDate - new_foo_1a_early$ApprovalDate)
#new duration only with early projects
hist(as.numeric(original_duration_early),main="Histogram of early circulated projects' duration at approval",
xlab="Project duration at approval (in days)")
hist(as.numeric(original_duration_late),main="Histogram of late circulated projects' duration at approval",
xlab="Project duration at approval (in days)")
# (b) How does original planned project duration differ from actual duration (if actual duration is
# measured as the duration between "ApprovalDate" and "RevisedCompletionDate"?) Once again, use
# means, medians, and interquartile ranges to explain your results.
# Approximate suggested length: 3-5 sentences
new_foo_1b <- new_foo_1a
#subset new_foo_1b as the same dataframe as new_foo_1a since all rows in RevisedCompletionDate are non NA
revised_duration <- c(new_foo_1b$RevisedCompletionDate - new_foo_1b$ApprovalDate)
hist(as.numeric(revised_duration),main="Histogram of actual project duration",
xlab="Actual project duration (in days)")
# (2) What % of projects that have ratings were rated 0?
# What % were rated 1? What % were rated 2? What % were rated 3? Answer these questions using a table
# or a figure. Provide a title AND an explanatory sentence or two that provides the numerical % results
# rounded to the nearest percentage-point.
rating_na <- which($Rating == TRUE))
#identify which values are NA in the Rating column
new_foo_2 <- new_foo[-rating_na, ]
#remove the rows identified above
frequency <- table(new_foo_2$Rating)
#make a table of rating
newrow <- c(length(which(new_foo_2$Rating == 0)),
length(which(new_foo_2$Rating == 1)),
length(which(new_foo_2$Rating == 2)),
length(which(new_foo_2$Rating == 3)))/length(new_foo_2$Rating)*100 #make a new row with proportions
frequency <- rbind(frequency, percentage=lapply(newrow, round, 0))
#add new row to the table
ratingplot = hist(new_foo_2$Rating, breaks=-0.5:3.5, plot=FALSE)
#make the histogram
ratingplot$density = ratingplot$counts/sum(ratingplot$counts)*100
#the y axis is in percentage instead of raw frequency
plot(ratingplot,freq=FALSE, main = "histogram of ratings (proportion)",
ylab = "density (in percent)", xlab="Ratings")
# (3) Repeat problem 2, but this time exclude all PPTA projects. PPTA projects are more prone to
# negative ratings, because after a certain point in time only the low-rated PPTA projects required
# ratings. PPTA stands for "Project Preparatory Technical Assistance" and it is basically a project
# intended to set up a loan (often a very large multi-million-dollar loan). Only PPTAs that fail to
# "eventuate" to a loan are rated, which is why they are usually rated negatively.
ppta <- which(new_foo_2$Type == "PPTA")
#identify which values are "PPTA" in the Type column
new_foo_3 <- new_foo_2[-ppta, ]
#remove the rows identified above
re_frequency <- table(new_foo_3$Rating)
#make a table of rating
re_newrow <- c(length(which(new_foo_3$Rating == 0)),
length(which(new_foo_3$Rating == 1)),
length(which(new_foo_3$Rating == 2)),
length(which(new_foo_3$Rating == 3)))/length(new_foo_3$Rating)*100
#make a new row with the percentages
re_frequency <- rbind(re_frequency, percentage=lapply(re_newrow, round, 0))
#add new row to the table
re_ratingplot = hist(new_foo_3$Rating, breaks=-0.5:3.5, plot=FALSE)
#make the histogram
re_ratingplot$density = re_ratingplot$counts/sum(re_ratingplot$counts)*100
#the y axis is in percentage instead of raw frequency
plot(re_ratingplot,freq=FALSE, main = "histogram of ratings excluding PPTA projects (proportion)",
ylab = "density (in percent)", xlab="Ratings")
# (4) Identify the top 25% of projects by "Revised.Amount" and the bottom 25% of projects by
# "RevisedAmount". ("RevisedAmount" shows the final project budget.)
# Compare the ratings of these projects. Can you draw a causal conclusion about the effect of
# budget size on ratings? Why or why not?
# Hint: Compare the characteristics of the two project groupings,
# e.g., "Dept", "Division", "Cluster", "Country"
# Approximate suggested length: 3-5 sentences.
top25 <- which(new_foo$RevisedAmount >= 1.000)
bottom25 <- which(new_foo$RevisedAmount <= 0.400)
budgettop <- new_foo[top25, ]
budgetbottom <- new_foo[bottom25, ]
budgetbottom <- budgetbottom[-which($Rating == TRUE)), ]
topfrequency <- table(budgettop$Rating)
bottomfrequency <- table(budgetbottom$Rating)
topbudgetplot = hist(budgettop$Rating, breaks=-0.5:3.5, plot=FALSE)
#make the histogram
topbudgetplot$density = topbudgetplot$counts/sum(topbudgetplot$counts)*100
#the y axis is in percentage instead of raw frequency
plot(topbudgetplot,freq=FALSE, main = "histogram of ratings with top 25% budget amount (proportion)",
ylab = "density (in percent)", xlab="Ratings")
bottombudgetplot = hist(budgetbottom$Rating,
breaks=(min(budgetbottom$Rating)-1):(max(budgetbottom$Rating)+0.5), plot=FALSE)
#make the histogram
bottombudgetplot$density = bottombudgetplot$counts/sum(bottombudgetplot$counts)*100
#the y axis is in percentage instead of raw frequency
plot(bottombudgetplot,freq=FALSE, main = "histogram of ratings with bottom 25% budget amount (proportion)",
ylab = "density (in percent)", xlab="Ratings")
# (5) Imagine your manager asks you to apply Jeremy Howard's drivetrain model to the
# problem of optimal budget-setting to maximize project success (i.e., "Rating").
# In such a situation, what would be the:
# (a) decision problem or objective?
# (b) lever or levers?
# (c) ideal RCT design?
# (d) dependent variable(s) and independent variable(s) in the modeler
# (e) And---Why would running RCTs and modeling/optimizing over RCT results be preferable
# to using (observational, non-RCT) "foo" data?
# Approximate suggested length: 1-3 sentences for each sub-question.
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