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Created December 2, 2019 15:49
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import numpy as np
import random as rm
import sys
states = ['Ice Cream', "McDonald's", 'Salad', 'Boba', 'Sushi', 'Beer']
def activity_forecast(days,states,input,transmat=None):
# Choose the starting state
if input not in states:
sys.exit('input not valid')
# Probabilities matrix (transition matrix)
if transmat == None:
print("No transition matrix given. Generating random matrix...")
flag = False
while flag == False:
transmat = np.random.rand(len(states),len(states))
transmat = transmat/transmat.sum(axis=1,keepdims=1)
# even with this operation, due to float point operation,
# sometimes not all rows add to 1. So keep generating until a good one comes out
for i in range(len(states)):
if sum(transmat[i]) == 1:
flag = True
flag = False
elif np.shape(transmat) != (len(states),len(states)):
sys.exit("provided transition matrix shape not correct.")
for i in range(len(states)):
if sum(transmat[i]) != 1:
sys.exit(f"Probability doesn't sum to 1 on row {np.where(transmat== transmat[i])[0][0]+1} of provided transition matrix")
print("transition matrix:")
for i in transmat:
current = input
print("\n---------------------- Results ----------------------\n")
print("Start state: " + current)
# Shall store the sequence of states taken. So, this only has the starting state for now.
statelist = [current]
i = 0
# To calculate the probability of the statelist
prob = 1
while i != days:
workingindex = states.index(current)
change = np.random.choice(transmat[workingindex],replace=True,p=transmat[workingindex])
prob = prob*change
newindex = np.where(transmat[workingindex] == change)[0][0]
current = states[newindex]
i += 1
print("End state after "+ str(days) + " days: " + current)
print("Transition sequence: " + str(statelist))
print("Probability of the possible sequence of states: " + str(prob))
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