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Created December 2, 2017 09:11
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Example of a fizzbuzz specific AST that emits LLVM bytecode that can be run through clang
module AST =
type Name = string
type TypeName = string
type Literal = Int of int | Bool of bool | String of string | Void
type Expr =
| Literal of Literal
| Rem of Expr * Expr
| Add of Expr * Expr
| Equal of Expr * Expr
| Assign of Name * Expr
| Local of Name
| Call of Name * Expr list
| If of Expr * Expr * Expr
| Return of Expr
type Function =
Name : Name
Parameters : (Name * TypeName) list
ReturnType : TypeName
Body : Expr list
type Type =
Name : Name
Parameters : (Name * TypeName) list
type Body =
| Type of Type
| Function of Function
module ExternalFunctions =
open LLVMSharp
let printf mod' =
let printfTy = LLVM.FunctionType(LLVM.Int32Type(), [|LLVM.PointerType(LLVM.Int8Type(), 0u)|] , true)
let printf = LLVM.AddFunction(mod', "printf", printfTy)
LLVM.SetLinkage(printf, LLVMLinkage.LLVMExternalLinkage)
module LLVMBackend =
open LLVMSharp
open System
open AST
let private toType = function
| "Int" -> LLVM.Int32Type()
| "Bool" -> LLVM.Int1Type()
| _ -> failwith "Unknown Type"
let private buildFunctionHeader
{ Name = functionName
Parameters = parameters
ReturnType = returnType
Body = exprs} =
let parametersMap = parameters |> List.mapi (fun i (name, _) -> name,i)
let parameters = parameters |> snd |> toType
let functionSignature = LLVM.FunctionType(toType returnType, parameters |> List.toArray, false)
let function' = LLVM.AddFunction(mod', functionName, functionSignature)
functionName, function', parametersMap, returnType, exprs
let private buildFunctionBody builder function' (parameters:(Name * int) list) exprs functionLookup =
let entry = LLVM.AppendBasicBlock(function', "")
LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entry)
let parameters = parameters |> (name, index) -> name, function'.GetParam(uint32 <| index)) |> Map.ofList
let rec eval expr (locals:Map<Name, LLVMValueRef>) =
match expr with
| Literal (Int(value)) ->
let result = LLVM.ConstInt(LLVM.Int32Type(), uint64 value, LLVMBool 0)
Some result, locals
| Literal (Bool(value)) ->
let value = if value then uint64 1 else uint64 0
let result = LLVM.ConstInt(LLVM.Int1Type(), value, LLVMBool 0)
Some result, locals
| Literal (Void) ->
let result = LLVM.BuildRetVoid(builder)
Some result, locals
| Literal(String value) ->
let result = LLVM.BuildGlobalStringPtr(builder, value, "")
Some result, locals
| Equal(lhs, rhs) ->
let (lhs, locals) = eval lhs locals
let (rhs, locals) = eval rhs locals
let result =
match lhs, rhs with
| Some(lhs), Some(rhs) -> LLVM.BuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntPredicate.LLVMIntEQ, lhs, rhs, "") |> Some
| _ -> None
result, locals
| Rem(lhs, rhs) ->
let (lhs, locals) = eval lhs locals
let (rhs, locals) = eval rhs locals
let result =
match lhs, rhs with
| Some(lhs), Some(rhs) -> LLVM.BuildSRem(builder, lhs, rhs, "") |> Some
| _ -> None
result, locals
| Add(lhs, rhs) ->
let (lhs, _) = eval lhs locals
let (rhs, _) = eval rhs locals
let result =
match lhs, rhs with
| Some(lhs), Some(rhs) -> LLVM.BuildAdd(builder, lhs, rhs, "") |> Some
| _ -> None
result, locals
| Assign(name, expr) ->
let (rhs, locals) = eval expr locals
match rhs with
| Some rhs -> Some rhs, locals |> Map.add name rhs
| None -> None, locals
| Local(name) ->
locals |> Map.tryFind name, locals
| Call(funcName, parameters) ->
let function' = functionLookup |> Map.find funcName
let (parameters, locals) =
|> List.fold(
fun (acc, locals) n ->
let (next, locals) = eval n locals
acc @ [next], locals
) ([], locals)
let parametersx = parameters |> List.choose id |> List.toArray
let result = LLVM.BuildCall(builder, function', parametersx, "")
Some(result), locals
| If(expr, trueExpr, falseExpr) ->
let (expr, locals) = eval expr locals
let result =
match expr with
| Some(expr) ->
let func = LLVM.GetBasicBlockParent(LLVM.GetInsertBlock(builder))
let thenBlock = LLVM.AppendBasicBlock(func, "")
let elseBlock = LLVM.AppendBasicBlock(func, "")
let continue' = LLVM.AppendBasicBlock(func, "")
let result = LLVM.BuildCondBr(builder, expr, thenBlock, elseBlock)
LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, thenBlock)
let (Some(thenV), _) = eval trueExpr locals
LLVM.BuildBr(builder, continue') |> ignore
let thenBlock = LLVM.GetInsertBlock(builder)
LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, elseBlock);
let (Some(elseV), _) = eval falseExpr locals
let buildBr = LLVM.BuildBr(builder, continue')
let elseBlock = LLVM.GetInsertBlock(builder)
LLVM.PositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, continue')
let phi = LLVM.BuildPhi(builder, LLVM.TypeOf(thenV), "")
LLVM.AddIncoming(phi, [|thenV|], [|thenBlock|], 1u)
LLVM.AddIncoming(phi, [|elseV|], [|elseBlock|], 1u)
elseV |> Some
| _ -> None
result, locals
| Return(expr) ->
let (ret, locals) = eval expr locals
let result =
match ret with
| Some(ret) -> LLVM.BuildRet(builder, ret) |> Some
| None -> None
result, locals
exprs |> List.fold(fun locals expr -> eval expr (snd locals)) (None, parameters)
let build moduleName ast =
let mod' = LLVM.ModuleCreateWithName moduleName
let builder = LLVM.CreateBuilder()
let printf = ExternalFunctions.printf mod'
let functionsList = ast |> List.choose (function Function f -> Some f | _ -> None)|> (fun f -> buildFunctionHeader mod' f)
let functionsMap = functionsList |> (name, function', _, _,_) -> name, function') |> Map.ofList
let functionsMap = functionsMap |> Map.add "printf" printf
|> List.iter
(fun (_, function', parameters, _, exprs) ->
buildFunctionBody builder function' parameters exprs functionsMap |> ignore
let mutable error = String.Empty
LLVM.VerifyModule(mod', LLVMVerifierFailureAction.LLVMPrintMessageAction, &error) |> ignore
printfn "Error : %s" error
LLVM.WriteBitcodeToFile(mod', moduleName + ".bc") |> ignore
LLVM.DumpModule mod'
LLVM.DisposeBuilder builder
open AST
let ast =
[ Body.Function(
{ Name = "FizzBuzz"
Parameters = ["Current", "Int"; "Maximum", "Int" ]
ReturnType = "Int"
Body =
Rem(Local "Current", Literal(Int 15)),
Literal (Int 0)),
Call("printf", [Literal(String "FIZZBUZZ\n")]),
Rem(Local "Current", Literal(Int 5)),
Literal(Int 0)),
Call("printf", [Literal(String "BUZZ\n")]),
Rem(Local "Current", Literal(Int 3)),
Literal(Int 0)),
Call("printf", [Literal(String "FIZZ\n")]),
Call("printf", [Literal(String "%d\n"); Local "Current"]))))
Assign("IncCurrent", Add(Local "Current", Literal(Int 1)))
If(Equal(Local "IncCurrent", Local "Maximum"),
Literal(Int 1),
Call("FizzBuzz", [Local "IncCurrent"; Local "Maximum"]))
Return (Literal(Int 0))
{ Name = "main"
Parameters = []
ReturnType = "Int"
Body =
Call("FizzBuzz", [Literal(Int 1); Literal(Int 100)])
Return(Literal(Int(0))) ]
do "Module" ast
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
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