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Created February 24, 2019 00:44
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Venobox Ajax Reload on Callback for Final Tiles Gallery
$(function() {
// Detects the end of an ajax request being made for Final Tiles GAllery
$(window).load(function() {
onLoading: function () {
//console.log("Gallery is loading new images");
//code to show some loading animation
onUpdate: function () {
//console.log("Gallery has loaded new images");
//code to hide some loading animation
if(venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_all_images) {
if(venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_all_videos) {
function imagesVeno() {
// Images
var boxlinks = $('a[href]').filter(function(){
// regex checks for a literal period, followed by one of the extensions, and then
// the end of the line
return /[.](png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/.test(this.href.toLowerCase());
$(boxlinks).each(function() {
if (this.href.indexOf('?') < 0) {
/* auto-open #firstlink on page load */
// $("#firstlink").venobox().trigger('click');
// Dont replace the data-gall if already set
if( !$(this).attr('data-gall') ) {
$(this).attr('data-gall', 'gallery' );
// Set Title from one of three options
if(venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_title_select == 1) {
$(this).attr("title", $(this).find("img").attr("alt"));
else if (venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_title_select == 2){
$(this).attr("title", $(this).find("img").attr("title"));
else if (venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_title_select == 3){
$(this).attr("title", $(this).closest('.wp-caption, .gallery-item').find(".wp-caption-text").text());
else {
function galleryVeno() {
// Galleries
// Set galleries to have unique data-gall sets
$('div[id^="gallery"], .gallery-row').each(function(index) {
$(this).find('a').attr('data-gall', 'venoset-'+index);
// Jetpacks caption as title
$('.tiled-gallery-item a').each( function() {
if (venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_title_select == 3) {
$(this).attr("title", $(this).parent('.tiled-gallery-item').find(".tiled-gallery-caption").text());
function videoVeno() {
// Videos
var vidlinks = $('a[href]').filter('[href*="//"], [href*="//youtu"]');
$(vidlinks).each(function() {
vidlinks.addClass('venobox').attr( 'data-vbtype', 'video');
// Dont replace the data-gall if already set
if(!$(this).attr('data-gall')) {
$(this).attr('data-gall', 'gallery' );
function defaultVeno() {
// Default settings
// border: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_border_width, doing this in CSS
// framewidth: '1600px', // default: ''
// frameheight: '1000px', // default: ''
// bgcolor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_border_color, doing this in CSS
numeratio: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_numeratio, // default: false
numerationPosition: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_numeratio_position,
//gallItems: false,
infinigall: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_infinigall, // default: false
autoplay: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_autoplay, // default: false
overlayColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_overlay,
closeBackground: 'transparent',
numerationBackground: 'transparent',
titleBackground: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_overlay,
spinner: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_preloader,
titlePosition: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_title_position,
arrowsColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_nav_elements,
closeColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_nav_elements,
numerationColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_nav_elements,
titleColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_nav_elements,
spinColor: venoboxVars.ng_venobox.ng_nav_elements,
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