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Last active December 21, 2015 01:49
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UK political donations info
name color entity
Conservative Party #0087DC party
Labour Party #DC241f party
Liberal Democrats #FDBB30 party
UKIP #70147A party
Unite #aabbcc donor
Joan Edwards* #aabbcc donor
GMB #aabbcc donor
UNISON #aabbcc donor
USDAW #aabbcc donor
Michael Farmer #aabbcc donor
James Lupton #aabbcc donor
Conservative Draws #aabbcc donor
CWU #aabbcc donor
IM Group #aabbcc donor
Offshore Group Newcastle #aabbcc donor
Mark Bamford #aabbcc donor
Ann Said #aabbcc donor
David Harding #aabbcc donor
William Ainscough #aabbcc donor
Graham Hunnable #aabbcc donor
Christopher Rokos #aabbcc donor
Martin Taylor #aabbcc donor
Albert Starmore #aabbcc donor
Joseph Rowntree Trust #aabbcc donor
David Ord #aabbcc donor
Ayman Asfari #aabbcc donor
Andrew Law #aabbcc donor
Ministry of Sound #aabbcc donor
Trenchant #aabbcc donor
Stanley Fink #aabbcc donor
Gwendoline Mary Jones #aabbcc donor
CCC Group #aabbcc donor
Ian Taylor #aabbcc donor
Anthony Reeves #aabbcc donor
Bloomberg #aabbcc donor
Flowidea #aabbcc donor
Henry Keswick #aabbcc donor
Henry W Davis #aabbcc donor
Jeremy Isaacs #aabbcc donor
John Frieda #aabbcc donor
Kevin Lomax #aabbcc donor
Marcus Cooper Property #aabbcc donor
Neil Ostrer #aabbcc donor
Wates Group #aabbcc donor
Guy Brook #aabbcc donor
Toni and Guy #aabbcc donor
Hans Rausing #aabbcc donor
Marit Rausing #aabbcc donor
UCATT #aabbcc donor
Patrick Evershed #aabbcc donor
Ken Follett #aabbcc donor
Movement For Change #aabbcc donor
Midcounties Co-op #aabbcc donor
Paul Ruddock #aabbcc donor
JCB Research - Bamford #aabbcc donor
East of England Co-op #aabbcc donor
Neville Baxter #aabbcc donor
Ann Boobyer #aabbcc donor
Michael Aiken #aabbcc donor
Community #aabbcc donor
PWC #aabbcc donor
Tom Lynch #aabbcc donor
Ramez Sousou #aabbcc donor
Neil Goulden #aabbcc donor
Barbara Follett MP #aabbcc donor
Abdul-Majid Jafar #aabbcc donor
Countywide Developments #aabbcc donor
Edmund Truell #aabbcc donor
FIL Holdings #aabbcc donor
J&H Sales #aabbcc donor
Tiziana Cantoni #aabbcc donor
Walter Hannay #aabbcc donor
Andrew Perloff #aabbcc donor
Tiziana Cantoni #aabbcc donor
Walter Hannay #aabbcc donor
Andrew Perloff #aabbcc donor
Pillbox38 #aabbcc donor
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<title>Where's the money coming from?</title>
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<h2>Political donations of £25,000 or more made to the major UK parties in April, June and July 2013.</h2>
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// Citations and Footnotes
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d3.csv("2013q2.csv", function(donors) {
d3.json("2013q2.json", function(matrix) {
// Generate data matrix array
// Outer ring group for each party and donor
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var x = event.pageX;
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// Fade the chords function
function dull(opacity) {
return function(group, i) {
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return d.source.index != i && != i;
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// Fade the chords back function
function buff(opacity) {
return function(group, i) {
.filter(function(d) {
return d.source.index != i && != i;
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// Function to add commas into long numbers by mredkj source:
function addCommas(nStr) {
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
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