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Created May 27, 2012 15:56
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Rough Haversine Formula
#import "CLLocation+NHIAdditions.h"
@implementation CLLocation (NHIAdditions)
- (CGFloat)distanceToPoint:(CLLocation*)pointB
//uses the haversine formula.
NSInteger nRadius = 6371; // Earth's radius in Kilometers
// Get the difference between our two points then convert the difference into radians
CGFloat differenceInLatitudes = (pointB.coordinate.latitude - self.coordinate.latitude) * (M_PI/180);
CGFloat differenceInLongitudes = (pointB.coordinate.longitude - self.coordinate.longitude) * (M_PI/180);
CGFloat pointALatitudeInRadians = degreesToRadian(self.coordinate.latitude);
CGFloat pointBLatitudeInRadians = degreesToRadian(pointB.coordinate.latitude);
CGFloat nA = pow ( sin(differenceInLatitudes/2), 2 ) + cos(pointALatitudeInRadians) * cos(pointBLatitudeInRadians) * pow ( sin(differenceInLongitudes/2), 2 );
CGFloat nC = 2 * atan2( sqrt(nA), sqrt( 1 - nA ));
CGFloat distance = nRadius * nC;
return distance; // Return our calculated distance
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